17-h-20.htm.html#Page298" class="pginternal">298; work enlarged when Bureau of Hospitals closed, 134; work in years following disaster, 315- 318; work for unemployed provided by, 304, 305; work of Employment Bureau of, 302, 303 Audit: of all relief in cash possible, 369. See also Accounting Auditing Committee of Finance Committee: membership of, 276 Auditors of Accounts of Corporation: judgment of, 99 Australia: cash contributions for relief of San Francisco made in, 34; natives of, among refugees, 74, 76; natives of, in San Francisco in 1900, 74 Austria: cash contributions for relief of San Francisco made in, 34; natives of, among refugees, 74, 75, 76, 77; natives of, in San Francisco in 1900, 74 Auxiliary Societies: relations of Rehabilitation Committee with, 137-141. Bakeries: arrangements with and supplies furnished by, 36, 37, 38 Barracks: built by sub-committee on housing the homeless, 69; defects of, 70; described, 70, 71; estimates of persons living in, 77; supervision of, in recommendations of Dr. Devine, 17. See also Camps Baths: in houses of applicants aided under bonus plan, 248; in houses of applicants aided under cottage plan, 231; in houses of applicants aided under grant and loan plan, 267 Belgium: cash contributions for relief of San Francisco made in, 34 Benicia Barracks: at head of bay, 7 Berkeley: location of, 3; witness who lived in, reported lack of panic, 6 Bicknell, Ernest P.: made national director of American National Red Cross, 29; organizations represented by, 9, 101; plan submitted by, as secretary of Executive Commission, 20; quotation from article in Charities and the Commons by, 6-7; secretary and member of Rehabilitation Committee of Finance Committee, 21; share in forming Board of Trustees of Relief and Red Cross Funds 29; Special Relief Bureau organized on plan of, 111, 146; succeeded Dr. Devine as representative of Red Cross, 27 Bills and Demands, Department of: chairman and duties of, 399; created, 26; disposal of claims by, 97; payment on claims, 98; work of, completed, 28 Blocks: number of, burned after earthquake, 4 Board of Architects and Builders:230, 231; cost of shelter given by, 86, 87; effort to concentrate refugees needing continued help in, 44; ejectments from, 79, 80; increase in population of, due to return of refugees, 77; in different civil sections, 12; official and “permanent,” 78-84; official list of, 404; of early barrack type, described, 70, 71; plans for, formulated by committee on housing the homeless, 70; population of, by months and by composition, 81; recommendations regarding, by Dr. Devine, 17; records of distribution furnished by, 42; rehabilitation policy regarding families in, 109, 110; removal from, 29, 85; three essentials for tenants laid down by General Greely, 79; under army control, 78; unofficial, 79; work of building cottages in, 221, 222; work of Bureau of Special Relief for residents of, 149 Camps and Warehouses, Department of: care of camps passed to, from army, 82; chairman, duties of, 399; civil sections used by, 12; clothing supplied to residents of camps by, 57; cost of maintenance of camps by, 87; creation of, 26, 129; not responsible for typhoid fever, 91; Special Relief Bureau called on for aid by, 149; status of work one year and two years after earthquake, 28, 29; work of, defined, 110; work of Executive Commission taken over by, 110 Canada: cash contributions for relief of San Francisco made in, 34; eastern, destinations in, included with “East,” 66; natives of, among refugees, 74, 76; natives of, in San Francisco, in 1900, 74 Cape Colony: cash contributions for relief of San Francisco made in, by Americans, 34 Capital: available for applicants receiving aid for business rehabilitation, 193-195; possessed by applicants receiving grants for rehabilitation in personal and domestic service, 201-205; possessed by applicants receiving grants for rehabilitation in trade, 207, 208; relation to success in cases where manufacturing and mechanical lines were undertaken with rehabilitation funds, 199; relation to success in cases where professional work was taken up with rehabilitation funds, 198 Cards: for use of applicants at food station, 37 Cards, Registration. See Registration Cards Carloads of Stores: number delivered at San Francisco, 30 Cases: family, at Ingleside Camp, 93; use of civil sections by, 12; weakness of, 26; member of special committee, 15 Grant and Loan Plan: additional aid to families aided under, 273; ages of applicants aided under, 261; applications and expenditures under, 257-258; cases of grantees under, 273-276; comments on results of, 276, 278; conclusions regarding houses built under, 371; conjugal condition of families aided under, 260; contracts and regulations covering, 253, 254; nationality of applicants receiving aid under, 259; nature of opportunity offered by, 237; number of buildings erected under, 219; number of rooms occupied by families aided under, 267; occupations and incomes of applicants aided under, 262, 263; payments on houses erected under, 220; rentals paid before fire by families aided under, 270; status of loans to families aided under, 271, 272; typical cases of families aided under, 273-276; value of houses owned by applicants aided under, 269, 270; value of lots purchased by applicants aided under, 266 Grants: amount and nature of, 165-167; and applications, time elapsing between, 163-165, 370; and pensions, for aged and infirm, 364-365; and pensions, given by Associated Charities, 306-309; by Associated Charities for emergency and temporary relief, 300; by Chicago Fire Commission, limitation of, 109; by members of Rehabilitation Committee, 174; by Rehabilitation Committee to applicants who later applied to Associated Charities, 298, 299; by Sub-committee on Occupations for Women and Confidential Cases, 158; cases reopened by nature of principal, 161; classification of, used by Red Cross special bureau, 108; duplication of, 116; for different kinds of rehabilitation, 153, 159; given and refused to inmates of Ingleside Camp, 337-352; lessons regarding, learned from study of rehabilitation work, 370, 371; limitation of, 108, 370; made directly to charitable institutions by Finance Committee of Relief and Red Cross Funds, 142; notice regarding, 131; number of, to a case, 160; of different amounts, rules regarding, 128, 129; on applications of United Irish Societies, 140; “principal” and “subsidiary” defined, 47; hope that registration would be of service to, 46 Labor, Un
pginternal">158 Oregon: persons sent from San Francisco to, 66 Pacific Division of Army: appropriation of Congress to be distributed under direction of officers of, 30; headquarters at San Francisco, 7. See also Army Pacific States: persons sent from San Francisco to, 67, 68; states included under heading, 66 Panic: absence of, following earthquake, 6 Paris, American Chamber of Commerce: cash contributions made by, 34 Park Commissioners: agreement to ignore occupation of parks by cottages for one year, 84; co-operation of, with Relief Corporation, 84; request to Relief Corporation to clear squares, 85 Parks and Squares: wisdom of using, for camps, 84 Pastors: certificates of, found unreliable in Chicago and San Francisco, 137. See also Clergy; Ministers Patients: recommendations regarding, by Dr. Devine, 15, 16 Pavilion, Cottage: proposed for housing aged and infirm, 23, 24. See also Aged and Infirm; Relief Home Payments: upon claims, 98 Pensions: for aged and infirm, 364-365; given by Associated Charities, 306-309; lessons regarding, learned from study of relief work, 372 Per capita Cost: for shelter, 86, 87. See also Cost; Expenditure Personal and Domestic Service: applicants to Associated Charities who were engaged in, 294, 295, 296; business status of applicants receiving aid for rehabilitation in, 196, 197, 200-206; men and women in families aided under bonus plan who were engaged in, 244; men and women in families aided under cottage plan who had been engaged in, 226, 227; men and women in families aided under grant and loan plan who were engaged in, 262, 263 Phelan, James D.: as head of Finance Committee of Citizens’ Committee, 9; at conference April 24, 11; directed to make financial statement to Committee on Reconstruction, 10; mayor’s suggestions to, 18; new Rehabilitation Committee appointed by, 21; president of Relief Corporation, 26 Philanthropic Agencies: results of co-operation between, under Relief Corporation, 317 Physicians and Nurses: from outside San Francisco not needed, 92 Physicians’ Fund: applications referred to, 153 Plague. See Bubonic plague Plan of Work: by army officers, submitted by General Greely to Finan
m.html#Page310" class="pginternal">310-314; to Chinese and Japanese, value of, 94, 95. See also topics which follow; and Applications; Rehabilitation Relief and Rehabilitation Bureau. See Red Cross Special Relief and Rehabilitation Bureau Relief and Rehabilitation, Department of: chairman and duties of, 400; chairman’s action in regard to grants to institutions, 141-145; creation of, 26; date when Bureau of Hospitals closed, 93; erection of grant and loan houses by, 220; expenditure through, for assistance in constructing permanent homes, 220; funds required to carry on work of, 121; relation to Department of Camps and Warehouses defined, 110; responsibility for relief outside camps, 111; sewing work under, 88; status of work one year and two years after fire, 28, 29; use of civil sections by, 12 Relief, Bureau of Special. See Special Relief, Bureau of Relief Committees: independent, confusion caused by, 37 Relief Corporation: all responsibility in a disaster should rest upon a single, 100, 101. See San Francisco Relief and Red Cross Funds, a Corporation Relief Funds. See Funds Relief, General: applications for, granted and refused, 153, 154; applications for, passed on by sub-committees and by members of Rehabilitation Committee, 160; cases of single and widowed inmates of Ingleside Camp who applied for, 352; grants for, classified by amounts, 165, 167; grants for, size of, 158, 159; principal and subsidiary grants for, number and amount, 157, 158; reasons for refusal of applications for, 166; re-opening of cases where principal grant was for, 161, 162; use of term, instead of Special Relief, to cover miscellaneous grants, 108 Relief Home: building of, determined on by Corporation, 321; characteristics of population of, 358-362; completion of, 28; conditions influencing population of, 357; population, admissions and movement to and from, 356; sick and convalescent inmates at, 365, 366 Relief in Deferred and Neglected Cases, Committee on (Sub-committee VIII): chairman of, 125 Relief of Aged and Infirm, Unsupported Children and Friendless Girls, Committee on (Sub-committee II): chairman of, 125 Relief of the Hungry, Sub-committee on: difficulties contended with by, 39; relief stations reported by, 42; status of work at final report to Finance Committee, 37; sub-committee on housing the homeless worked independently of, 70 Relief of Unsupported or Partially Sup
" class="pginternal">93; resignation of Associated Charities as investigating agent of, 281; result of union of official and private efforts, 27; single and widowed inmates of Ingleside Camp applying to, 344; suggestion of, 24; suits against, 98; temporary barracks for aged and infirm equipped by, 321, 322; unanimous in dissatisfaction with work of auxiliary societies, 138; work of, indorsed by investigator of Massachusetts committee, 100 Sanitary Arrangements: in houses built under bonus plan, 248; in houses occupied by applicants aided under cottage plan, 231, 232 Sanitary Conditions: in cottage settlements, 235, 236 Sanitation: measures of, applied after disaster, 89-91; of camps and city, cost of, 87 San JosÉ: location of, 3 Santa Clara Valley: arrangements for baking bread in, 37 Sausalito: location of, 3 Savings: of applicants aided under grant and loan plan, 265; of families aided under cottage plan, 229; possessed by applicants aided by bonus, 247 Scandinavians: among refugees, 75. See also Denmark; Norway; Sweden Schmitz, Eugene E. See Mayor Schmitz “Scholarship” Grants: instance of, 307, 308 Scotch: among refugees, 75. See also Scotland Scotland: cash contributions for relief of San Francisco made in, 34; natives of, among refugees, 74, 76, 77; natives of, in San Francisco in 1900, 74 Sections, Civil. See Civil Sections Section VII. See Mission Seizure of Goods: claims for, 97 Settlements: destruction of, 88; residents of, and their activities, 88 Settlements, Cottage: conditions in two, described, 234-237 Sewing Circles and Classes: in camps, etc., 88, 89 Sewing Department: organized at Ingleside Camp, 326 Sex and Conjugal Condition: of inmates at Ingleside Camp, 328, 354 Shacks: and barracks, estimates of persons living in, 77; and tents, registered families living in, May, 1906, 72, 73; improvised during first days, 69 Shelter: among relief demands, relative importance of, 12, 13; emergency, expenditure for, ORGANIZATION OF THE RELIEF WORKorganigram Larger illustration (125 kB) FIRST REGISTRATION CARD (Face) form FIRST REGISTRATION CARD (Reverse) form FOOD CARD (Face) form SECOND REGISTRATION CARD (Face) form SECOND REGISTRATION CARD (Reverse) form TENT RECORD SHEET form CAMP COMMANDER’S REPORT form REPORT FORM form PASTER form APPLICATION BLANK form RECOMMENDATION FORM form REPORT FORM form MEDICAL SERVICE FORM form ORDER FORM—A form ORDER FORM—B form HOSPITAL REPORT SHEET form APPLICATION FORMS FOR BUSINESS REHABILITATION form form form form APPLICATION FOR BONUS form APPLICATION FOR HOUSING GRANT form |