Calochorti and Cyclobothras — Camassias — Colchicums — Convallarias — Forcing Lily of the Valley — Corydalises — Crinums — Crocosmias and Montbretias — Crocuses Calochorti and Cyclobothras The Calochortus, with which is now included the Cyclobothra, is one of our most beautiful bulbous plants, its appearance well justifying the names of Butterfly Tulip or Star Tulip applied to it. With a little protection in the way of rough litter, it will thrive outside in mild districts, but those who have any fear for the safety of their bulbs can grow these flowers in frames. They like a raised bed of light, dry soil in which they may be planted in September or October three inches deep, and protected with dry straw or spruce branches. When danger from severe frost is over, this may be removed and plenty of water given. If grown in frames, the lights may be removed at that time. There are now many species and varieties in cultivation, but the following form a good selection for those who wish to begin their cultivation:—albus, pulchellus, cÆruleus major (these like a soil largely of leaf-mould, in half-shade), Purdyi, luteus, splendens, and any of the venustus varieties, especially those of the "Eldorado" strain. After the leaves die down, the bulbs should either be lifted and dried, or covered with a frame. Camassias The Camassias, or Quamashes, are handsome plants with long leaves and tall spikes of flowers of much beauty, although rather fugacious. The blooms are generally blue, but there is a white variety of the pretty C. esculenta and a creamy-white one called Leichtlinii. Fraseri is very pretty, and Cusickii and Engelmanni are also worth growing. They like a rather moist, peaty soil and a little shade when they bloom in May or June. Colchicums Colchicums or Meadow Saffrons are of much value in the garden in autumn, and in large clumps or masses produce a splendid effect. The few spring species are of less merit and are only desirable for those who like collections of uncommon flowers. They like a rather rich soil, and a sunny position. As the leaves appear in spring, the Colchicums should be grown through grass or other herbage where the flowers can have some support. The best time for planting is immediately after the leaves become yellow. The tops of the corms or bulbs should be about three inches below the surface. Colchicums are very poisonous and must not be planted where there can be any danger of their being eaten for edible tubers. The finest in cultivation are Bornmulleri, Sibthorpii, and speciosum, in several forms, including maximum, rubrum, and the new white album. Byzantinum is a good species, and some of the double forms, ascribed to autumnale, are possibly varieties of this. These double varieties are very useful, the best being album fl. pl., roseum fl. pl., and striatum fl. pl. The ordinary autumnale, of which there are several colours from white to purple, is rather weak in the flower-tubes and is much injured by bad weather. Other good Meadow Saffrons are cilicicum, Bertoloni, Decaisnei, alpinum, variegatum, BivoniÆ, and montanum. The spring-blooming crociflorum, with white flowers lined with violet, is small and much affected by slugs. The new hydrophyllum, which likes a damp spot, is a neat little spring species; luteum, also blooming in spring, does not appear to be so hardy as any of the others. Convallarias The cultivation of the Lily of the Valley out of doors calls for no special remarks beyond saying that it likes shade and some moisture. It is also desirable to mention that there are varieties with pink flowers; with double white flowers; and with gold-striped leaves. The first of these shows its colouring much better outside than when grown under glass. Fortin's variety and prolificans are specially good forms. Forcing Lily of the Valley Lily of the Valley is easily forced, and this can be done either by lifting large clumps or purchasing crowns, and growing them in a hot-bed or by planting them in pans or pots. The crowns should be kept above the soil, and they ought to be kept moist and dark until they have made some growth, when light should be given. For early bloom at Christmas, the crowns ought to be potted in the beginning or middle of November. A temperature of from 65 to 70 degrees is suitable for forcing this favourite flower. Retarded crowns are coming into favour, and give good results with careful treatment. It is inadvisable to put these in heat at first. Corydalises The tuberous-rooted Corydalises are pretty plants resembling in bloom those of the genus which have a herbaceous habit. The best known are bulbosa, known also as solida and tuberosa, also called cava, of both of which there are purple or lilac and white forms. Halleri is a pretty variety of bulbosa. C. nobilis, with yellow flowers, is a handsome May-blooming plant. Semenowii and Sewerzowii are both good yellow species and Scouleri has pale purple flowers and graceful leaves. They like peaty soil and a little shade. Crinums The Crinums are remarkably effective flowers, and some are perfectly hardy if given a warm position, preferably one in front of a greenhouse or a wall. The best known is longifolium, also called capense, which has fine fragrant pale rose flowers. The white variety alba is also pretty. Moorei is hardy if planted as recommended, and Powelli and Powelli album are equally as hardy as longifolium. Yemense is a fine white Crinum. Some patience is often necessary until the plants are strong enough to flower. They need copious supplies of water, and should have little litter about them in the first few winters. Their fine leaves are handsome but require a place sheltered from the wind. Crocosmias and Montbretias These two flowers go naturally together, not only because Crocosmia aurea is understood to be one of the parents of the hybrid Montbretias, but also because of the resemblance of their long spikes of bright flowers. The only species of Crocosmia, that named above, is a pretty and showy plant, though it is scarcely so hardy as some of the Montbretias and requires protection with dry litter or ashes in some districts when grown in the open. Plant about six inches deep in spring. The form C. a. imperialis is very fine and C. a. maculata is also worth growing. They all make good pot plants for a cool house. WHITE CROCUSES IN GRASS The hybrid Montbretias are now so well known as to need no commendation, and the constant production of new varieties renders it inexpedient to give a list of varieties. While they are perfectly hardy in some gardens, in others they must be protected in a similar manner to the Crocosmias. It is also desirable to lift them and replant a few inches apart when they show signs of flowering unsatisfactorily. Otherwise they may be treated like the Crocosmias. They like a sunny, but not too dry, place in the garden. Crocuses Crocuses are such brilliant and beautiful flowers that one need not occupy space with their praises. Their use in beds, borders, pots, or in grass is necessary if we are to enjoy our gardens to the full. While the popular Dutch varieties, whose names will be found in any bulb catalogue, will retain their place in the garden, they will be largely supplemented by the different species by whose aid the interest in these flowers will be much increased. By their help we can not only extend the Crocus season, so as to have flowers in autumn and winter as well as in spring, but they will also give us new colours and markings of much beauty. The autumn Crocuses are of much value. The earliest is C. vallicola, with creamy flowers, but it is not very hardy and wants a frame. Speciosus and its larger form Aitchisoni are of great service with their blue-purple blooms. Zonatus, pulchellus, iridiflorus, and iridiflorus major are all good, as also are lÆvigatus, cancellatus, with its variety asturicus, hadriaticus, medius, nudiflorus, ochroleucus, Salzmanni, and Tournefortii. Sativus, the old Saffron Crocus, is showy, but is a shy bloomer in most gardens. Its forms, cartwrightianus, elwesianus, and Pallasii are better flowerers. Scharojani should have a frame. White varieties of some of these Croci are highly prized. The winter-flowering Croci are also very beautiful, and with the protection of a little glass over them in bad weather will give much pleasure, especially in December or January, when other out-door flowers are scarce. Chrysanthus, which varies much in colour; Imperati, a valuable species; the charming Sieberi, dalmaticus, etruscus, Gaillardotti, the yellow Korolkowii, nevadensis, the orange suterianus, and the pretty suaveolens, might be included and protected by glass covers from the storms. Following these come the spring Croci: aureus, said to be the parent of the Dutch yellow, giving us shades of some variety; while biflorus yields some very beautiful forms, such as argenteus, estriatus, Pestalozzoe, pusillus, and Weldeni. Then, apart from the Dutch varieties, vernus gives a number of forms, George Maw, Leedsi, leucorhynchus, leucostigma, and Petro Polowsky being among the most distinct of these. Alatavicus, ancyrensis, banaticus, BalansÆ, corsicus, Fleischeri, gargaricus, Malyi, Olivieri, reticulatus, stellaris, susianus, the varied versicolor, and the charming tommasinianus will give many exquisite pictures. These will give little trouble if planted, in early autumn, about three inches deep in rather light, peaty soil. Growing Crocuses from seed is very interesting work, and may be productive of excellent results. Crocuses in pots should be planted close together, and the pots plunged outside until growth begins. |