
321 A History of Evolution. Fenton.
327 The Ice Age. Finger.
217 The Puzzle of Personality; a Study in Psycho-Analysis. Fielding.
190 Psycho-Analysis—The Key to Human Behavior. Fielding.
140 Biology and Spiritual Philosophy.
275 The Building of the Earth. C. L. Fenton.
49 Three Lectures on Evolution. Haeckel.
42 Origin of the Human Race.
238 Reflections on Modern Science. Huxley.
202 Survival of the Fittest. H. M. Tichenor.
191 Evolution vs. Religion. Balmforth.
333 Electricity Made Plain.
92 Hypnotism Made Plain.
93 Insects and Men: Instinct and Reason.
189 Eugenics. Havelock Ellis.


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