
326 Hints on Writing Short Stories. Finger.
192 Book of Synonyms.
25 Rhyming Dictionary.
78 How to Be an Orator.
82 Common Faults in Writing English.
127 What Expectant Mothers Should Know.
81 Care of the Baby.
136 Child Training.
137 Home Nursing.
14 What Every Girl Should Know. Mrs. Sanger.
91 Manhood: Facts of Life Presented to Men.
83 Marriage: Past, Present and Future. Besant.
74 On Threshold of Sex.
98 How to Love.
172 Evolution of Love. Ellen Key.
203 Rights of Women. Havelock Ellis.
209 Aspects of Birth Control. Medical, Moral, Sociological.
93 How to Live 100 Years.
167 Plutarch's Rules of Health.
320 The Prince. Machiavelli.


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HALDEMAN-JULIUS WEEKLY, edited by E. Haldeman-Julius, aims to bring before its readers concise reports of the world's achievements in science, literature, art, drama, politics and every other field of human endeavor. The HALDEMAN-JULIUS WEEKLY brings to its readers the best works of the world's greatest minds. Fifty-two issues—one year—only $1 in U. S.; $1.50 in Canada and Foreign. HALDEMAN-JULIUS WEEKLY, GIRARD, KANSAS.


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