History, Biography

324 Life of Lincoln. Bowers.
312 Life and Works of Laurence Sterne. Gunn.
328 Addison and His Times. Finger.
323 The Life of Joan of Arc.
339 Thoreau—The Man Who Escaped from the Herd. Finger.
126 History of Rome. A. F. Giles.
128 Julius Caesar: Who He Was.
185 History of Printing.
149 Historic Crimes and Criminals. Finger.
175 Science of History. Froude.
104 Battle of Waterloo. Victor Hugo.
52 Voltaire. Victor Hugo.
125 War Speeches of Woodrow Wilson.
22 Tolstoy: His Life and Works.
142 Bismarck and the German Empire.
286 When the Puritans Were in Power.
343 Life of Columbus.
66 Crimes of the Borgias. Dumas.
287 Whistler: The Man and His Work.
51 Bruno: His Life and Martyrdom.
147 Cromwell and His Times.
236 State and Heart Affairs of Henry VIII.
50 Paine's Common Sense.
88 Vindication of Paine. Ingersoll.
33 Brann: Smasher of Shams.
163 Sex Life in Greece and Rome.
214 Speeches of Lincoln.
276 Speeches and Letters of Geo. Washington.
144 Was Poe Immoral? Whitman.
223 Essay on Swinburne.
227 Keats, The Man and His Work.
150 Lost Civilizations. Finger.
170 Constantine and the Beginnings of Christianity.
201 Satan and the Saints.
67 Church History. H. M. Tichenor.
169 Voices from the Past.
266 Life of Shakespeare and Analysis of His Plays.
123 Life of Madame Du Barry.
139 Life of Dante.
69 Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. Dumas.
5 Life of Samuel Johnson. Macaulay.
174 Trial of William Penn.



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