Our Lord the Prophet (peace to him!) doth write— SÚrah the Seventeenth, intituled "Night"— "Pray at the noon; pray at the sinking sun; In night-time pray; but most when night is done; For daybreak's prayer is surely borne on high By angels, changing guard within the sky;" And in another place:—"Dawn's prayer is more Than the wide world, with all its treasured store." Therefore the Faithful, when the growing light Gives to discern a black hair from a white, Haste to the mosque, and, bending Mecca-way, Recite Al-FÂtihah while 'tis scarce yet day: "Praise be to Allah—Lord of all that live: Merciful King and Judge! To Thee we give Worship and honour! Succour us, and guide Where those have walked who rest Thy throne beside: The way of Peace; the way of truthful speech; The way of Righteousness. So we beseech." He that saith this, before the East is red, A hundred prayers of Azan hath he said. Hear now a story of it—told, I ween, For your souls' comfort by Jelal-ud-din, In the great pages of the MesnevÎ; For therein, plain and certain, shall ye see How precious is the prayer at break of day In Allah's ears, and in his sight alway How sweet are reverence and gentleness Shown to his creatures. Àli (whom I bless!) The son of Abu Talib—he surnamed "Lion of God," in many battles famed, The cousin of our Lord the Prophet (grace Be his!)—uprose betimes one morn, to pace— As he was wont—unto the mosque, wherein Our Lord (bliss live with him!) watched to begin Al-FÂtihah. Darkling was the sky, and strait The lane between the city and mosque-gate, And there through toilfully, with steps of pain, Leaning upon his staff an old Jew went To synagogue, on pious errand bent: For those be "People of the Book,"—and some Are chosen of Allah's will, who have not come Unto full light of wisdom. Therefore he Àli—the Caliph of proud days to be— Knowing this good old man, and why he stirred Thus early, e'er the morning mills were heard, Out of his nobleness and grace of soul Would not thrust past, though the Jew blocked the whole Breadth of the lane, slow-hobbling. So they went, That ancient first; and in soft discontent, After him Àli—noting how the sun Flared nigh, and fearing prayer might be begun; Yet no command upraising, no harsh cry To stand aside;—because the dignity Of silver hairs is much, and morning praise Was precious to the Jew, too. Thus their ways Wended the pair; Great Àli, sad and slow, Following the greybeard, while the East, a-glow, And the Muezzin's call came "Illahu! Allah-il-Allah!" In the mosque, our Lord (On whom be peace!) stood by the Mehrab-board In act to bow, and FÂtihah forth to say. But as his lips moved, some strong hand did lay Over his mouth a palm invisible, So that no voice on the Assembly fell. "Ya! Rabbi 'lalamÎna" thrice he tried To read, and thrice the sound of reading died, Stayed by this unseen touch. Thereat amazed Our Lord Muhammed turned, arose, and gazed; And saw—alone of those within the shrine— A splendid Presence, with large eyes divine Beaming, and golden pinions folded down, Their speed still tokened by the fluttered gown. GABRIEL he knew, the spirit who doth stand Chief of the Sons of Heav'n, at God's right hand: "Gabriel! why stayest thou me?" the Prophet said, "Since at this hour the FÂtihah should be read." But the bright Presence, smiling, pointed where Àli towards the outer gate drew near, Upon the threshold shaking off his shoes And giving "alms of entry," as men use. "Yea!" spake th' Archangel, "sacred is the sound Of morning-praise, and worth the world's wide round, Though earth were pearl and silver; therefore I Stayed thee, Muhammed, in the act to cry, Lest Àli, tarrying in the lane, should miss, For his good deed, its blessing and its bliss." Thereat th' Archangel vanished:—and our Lord Read FÂtihah forth beneath the Mehrab-board. |