

I think your selections very carefully made and well adapted to children who have books at home and mothers who read them.... With many congratulations on the excellence of your book, both in form and substance, believe me yours sincerely,

Caroline M. Hewins.
Hartford Public Library.

You do not owe me any thanks for my little assistance, for you have given me quite as much as I have given you. It is more stimulating than you can believe to discuss the subject with one whose point of view is not that of the librarian. You must not call yourself an amateur, however, for you are an expert on children's books. I have gained a great many ideas from you, and have enjoyed comparing notes with you immensely.
Sincerely yours,

Clara W. Hunt.
Brooklyn Public Library.

I am sending back your book with my notes and suggestions. It is an uncommonly good list, however, and there is little that I have wished to add or to take away.... Your list is so good that I know you must have spent a great deal of time and very definite thought over it. You have certainly covered the ground thoroughly.... I have enjoyed seeing your list and shall be greatly interested in seeing it in final form.
Sincerely yours,

Alice M. Jordan.
Boston Public Library.


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