
References are to paragraph numbers unless otherwise indicated.

advanced trauma management, 3-1e, 3-9
Allied medical publications, viii, D-1, D-3d, D-11b, D-19e
consumption, for, 5-8, J-3a(5), J-3b(5), J-5c(9)
contamination of, J-3
decontamination of, 5-8, J-3d, J-4d, J-5d(9)
government-owned, 5-5, 5-8, C-7
protection of, 5-8, J-3a(5)
specimens, from, 5-9, 5-14, J-5b(4)
treatment of, 5-5, 5-8
area of operations, 1-3b(4)
attack, nuclear, biological, or chemical actions
after, 2-6a, 3-1c, 3-7
before, 3-5
detection of, 5-7, A-1, F-14, I-2, J-1, J-3b, J-4b, J-5b
during, 2-6a, 3-6, 3-9, 3-10b
monitoring, 3-10d, 4-2d(2)(a), 4-7h, 5-7, A-6a, C-4—5, Appendix E, F-4, F-15b, G-10f, J-3b, J-4b, J-5b
personnel considerations, 3-9
prediction for, D-3d, D-26b
responsibilities, 2-3, 2-6a, 5-22, 5-23
supplies, 3-5b, 3-8b, 4-1—2, 5-2a, 5-3, 5-5—6, 5-14, 5-24—26, C-2—3, C-5—12
survey, 3-7, 3-14c, C-4, D-4c, G-11j(4), J-3b, J-5b(4)
treatment, 3-7, 4-1a(3), 4-4, 4-7g
disposition, 3-10, 3-15b
elements, 2-1b(3), 3-10
operations, 2-2a
battlefield, 1-3a, 2-1, 2-2a, 2-3, 2-5a, 2-6, 3-1, 3-9, 3-12, 4-1, 5-1, 5-5, 5-15, 5-24, A-1, D-3, D-19, G-3, H-2
contaminated, 1-3a, 2-1, 2-6a, 3-1e, 3-9, 3-12d, 4-1, 5-1, 5-5, 5-15, 5-24, A-1, D-3, D-19f, D-25, G-8, J-5a
conventional, 3-1a and e, 3-10
care, in unit, D-7, D-15, D-23
biological, C-2, C-5, D-1, D-20
chemical, D-1
civilian, 3-11
estimates, D-3b, D-11
mass casualties, 2-1
nuclear, 3-7, A-6, D-1, D-6b, D-8
requirements estimation tool, D-2
chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive, 5-28, C-1
collective protection systems
advanced simplified, F-2c, F-10
alternate facilities, 2-5b(4)
available, 2-5b
decontamination of entrance area, F-13
battalion aid station, 3-2b, F-2a, F-3
division clearing station, 3-3c, F-2a, F-4
forward surgical team, 3-4, F-2a, F-5
in DEPMEDS hospital, 4-1a, F-2b, F-6—9
operation, entry, and exit guidelines, 3-2b, F-12
procedures, 3-2b, 3-3c, 3-4
entry/exit, F-14—15
ambulatory patients, 3-2b, F-15
litter patient, 3-2b, F-15b
establish, 2-5b(1), F-3—6
radiation exposure, 3-12b and d, 5-3, A-6a
resupply of protected areas, F-16
shielding, 4-2b(2)(b)
water supply, in, F-6b
combat operational stress control, 3-3a, 5-20, C-9
effects of, 3-1a, 5-20
leadership actions, 3-1b, 3-3a, 5-21
preventive, 5-23b
reactions, 5-23c
responsibilities, 5-20, 5-22, 5-23
sleep plans, 5-21f
command and control, 2-1, 2-5a, 4-1a
appraisal of the support mission, 2-3
health service support units, 2-4
homeland security, 2-7
leadership, 2-6, 3-1b
operations, 2-2a, 2-4—5, 2-6b
planning considerations, 2-2
communications, 2-4, 3-1c
environment, 4-1a
facility, 2-5c
patients, A-6
contamination, 3-1d, 5-3
avoidance, 2-5c, 3-1d, 3-17e
control, 2-5c, 3-14c
detection, 3-1d, I-2
food, 4-1a, A-9c, J-1
free area, 3-2b, 3-3b, 3-10d, 3-15
hinder HSS operations, 3-1d
persistency, 2-1b(2)
water, 4-1a, A-9c, I-1
augmentation, 3-5c, 4-1a(3), 4-4a, C-4, G-3b, G-4b, G-5, G-6
biological, A-10c, D-12a, D-13b, G-12
ambulatory patients, G-14
litter patient, G-13
ambulatory patients, G-11
litter patients, G-10
clothing removal, G-1Oc, G-11a and i, G-13c, G-14b, G-17b
collocation with thorough decontamination, G-3
complicating factors, 4-4a
dental, 3-3a, 3-15, C-8
facility, 2-5b(9), 3-1c, 4-1a(2), 4-3—4, G-3f
Field Medical Card, G-2, G-10a(4), G-11f, G-13b, G-14b
food, 5-7
gross contamination removal, G-10a, G-11h
heat injury prevention, during, G-8
immediate, G-2
litter, G-10e
mask, 4-2b(4), G-10a(1), G-11e
materials needed, 2-5d, 4-3, G-1c
medical treatment facility, at, G-4—6
monitor for completeness, G-10g, G-11j, G-15
nuclear, 4-4a-c, A-6c, G-15
ambulatory patients, G-17
litter patients, G-16
operations, G-1, G-3a, J-5c(5)
patient protective wrap, G-11c
patients, 2-5b(2) and (4 @files@49037@49037-h@49037-h-1.htm.html#Para_3-2" class="pginternal">3-2a
self-aid, 3-1a, 2-6a
replacement of, 3-1c
considerations for, D-4, D-20a
estimates, D-2, D-4, D-11c, D-17, D-19
health service support, 3-9
medical force, for, D-10, D-18, D-20, D-26
medical NBC staff officer, Appendix E
mobilization, C-2—3
NBC, 3-5c, p. D-1
predeployment, C-2
tool, medical, D-2
establish a medical treatment facility, C-1
HSS, 3-17d
load, C-3
movement, C-3
operation, 2-5a, 3-1a
tactical, 3-17d
preventive medicine
arthropods, 5-2b, 5-3
climate, 5-2a
detachments, 5-4
determining factors, 5-1, 5-2a
disease, 5-1
divisional, 3-3a, 5-3
field hygiene and sanitation, 5-3
field sanitation team, unit, 5-3—4
immunizations, 5-3, D-11f
incidents and morbidity, 5-2b
measures, 3-1e, 5-1, 5-4, 5-11—12
medical surveillance, 5-4
occupational and environmental health threat, 5-3—4
operations, 5-1—2, 5-4
pest management, 5-2b, 5-4
prophylaxis, D-11f
services, 3-3a, 5-1, 5-14, C-6, Appendix E
water and food, 5-2a, 5-3—4
buildings of opportunity, use of, 1-2, 1-3b, 3-14
chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive, 1-2
chemical warfare, 1-2, 1-3c
directed energy, 1-2
medical, 1-2
nuclear, 1-2, 1-3a
radiological dispersal device, 1-2, 1-3a
toxic industrial material, 1-1b, 1-3d
toxic industrial material, 1-1b, 1-2, 3-1a and d, 4-1a, 5-3, A-1, A-15, Appendix E
training, 3-1b, C-3
treatment, 3-1—2, 3-7, 3-9—10, 3-13—16, 5-29, A-3a(3), A-6e, A-10d, A-14d, A-15d, Appendix E
advanced trauma management, 3-1e, 3-9
clean area, 3-1—3, 3-10, 3-15, 3-17b(4)
emergency medical treatment, 3-1e, 3-3b, 3-7, 3-9, 3-15b, 4-1a(3), D-4a, D-12a
triage, 2-3, 3-13, 4-1a(3) and b, 4-4b, 5-20, 5-29, C-2, C-5, D-4a, D-5, D-12a, D-13, D-21
veterinary services, 5-5, 5-14, C-7, Appendix E
animal care, 5-8
food protection, 5-6FM 4-02.7 (FM 8-10-7)
1 OCTOBER 2002

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff


Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army


Active Army, U.S. Army Reserve and Army National Guard: To be distributed in accordance with the initial distribution Number, 114899, requirements for FM 4-02.7.


Blank space in some sample documents in the text is denoted by ____.

Footnotes are all within a specific Table, including the Table of Contents. They are positioned at the bottom of that Table, as in the original text, and are denoted by [*] or [**].

Page numbering of the original text has been retained. It is in the form a-b, where a is a Chapter number or Appendix letter, and b is the sequential number within that section. For example B-3 is the third page in Appendix B.

Obvious punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Fractions in the original text are mostly full-height format, eg 1/2, and have been left in that form. Some are half-height and have been converted to Unicode fractions eg ½ ¾ whenever possible.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspelling in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained.

2-1. 'thermoberic' replaced by 'thermobaric'.
3-3. 'proves' replaced by 'provides'.
3-8. 'company's' replaced by 'companies'.
4-3. 'are also' replaced by 'is also'.
Table A-1. 'RADIATON' replaced by 'RADIATION'.
Table A-7. 'Cal/cm2/sec' replaced by 'Cal/cm2/sec'.
Table A-10. '0.8%-2% CANCER.' replaced by '0.8%-2%'.
Table A-13. 'Characteristics' replaced by 'Characteristics of'.
Para B-11. 'handsful' replaced by 'handful'.
Para B-18. 'BLUFFED VISION' replaced by 'BLURRED VISION'.
Para J-5. 'modify to M43' replaced by 'modify the M43'.
heat injury prevention. '6-10g(4)' replaced by 'G-8'.
monitor for completeness. '6-10f' replaced by 'G-10g'.


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