

ABCA American, British, Canadian, and Australian
ABO agents of biological origin
AC hydrogen cyanide
AFJMAN Air Force Joint Manual
amb ambulance
AMEDD Army Medical Department
AMEDDC&S Army Medical Department Center and School
AMedP Allied Medical Publication
AML area medical laboratory
AN/PDR27 radiac meter
AN/PDR77 radiac meter
AN/VDR2 radiac meter
AO area of operations
AR Army regulation
ATM advanced trauma management
ATTN attention
AXP ambulance exchange point
BAS battalion aid station
BAT Biological Augmentation Team
BC blood culture
bde brigade
BDU battle dress uniform
BI battle injury
BIDS Biological Integrated Detection System
Biological Warfare Agent Field Confirmation Identification Identification of a suspect biological warfare agent by means of devices/materials/technologies that are based on detecting biological markers using two or more independent biomarker results. Examples might include the findings of the presumptive biomarker identification with the addition of a positive PCR, ELISA, or electrochemiluminescence (ECL) results, using specific target nucleic acid sequences for the organism and antibody recognition of agent-specific antigen sites, respectively. (Field sample/specimen identification by forward deployed or forward positioned laboratories [such as the US Air Force Biological Augmentation Team (BAT), theater army medical laboratory, or forward deployed preventive medicine unit (US Navy) and homeland security Laboratory Response Network (LRN) Level B or C, US Army Community Hospitals or Medical Centers].)
Biological Warfare Agent Definitive Identification And Confirmation The specific identification of a suspect biological agent as to genus and species, serological type, or toxin. This level of identification is by means of devices/materials/technologies that are based on two or more independent biomarker results and using different methodologies. This level of identification is performed in a reference laboratory with a broader variety of methodologies available and highly skilled testing personnel, thus providing the highest levels of accuracy. (Sample/specimen identification is accomplished by homeland security LRN Level C and D and nationally recognized laboratory such as the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)
Biological Marker Characteristics of a biological agent (organism, virus, toxin, or product) that are specific to the agent. This includes (1) recognition of specific nucleic add sequences (DNA or ribonucleic acid [RNA]) unique to the bacteria or virus by a technique such as PCR; (2) identification of specific ECL assay; (3) specific growth properties as seen on selective media such as characteristic colony morphology on culture along with phage inhibition; (4) Identification using specific microscopic characteristics such as Gram stain, fluorescent antibody stain, immunohistochemical stain, or cytopathic effects.
Biological Warfare Agent Presumptive Identification Identification of a suspect biological warfare agent by means of devices/materials/technologies that are based detecting biological markers (biomarkers) using a single methodology. The biomarkers and/or methodologies used at this level of testing have significant limits to their accuracy. Agent identification to species level, or differentiation among a family of similar agents, may not be possible. This is equivalent to the LRN Level A and the US Army BIDS. (EXAMPLES: Identification by sensor triggering, hand-held devices [hand-held assays] or initial systems, or laboratory analysis employing one screening methodology [such as microscopic morphology, antibody/protein, or nucleic acid-based test].)
bot/pkg bottle/package
BSA brigade support area
BW biological warfare
BZ an incapacitating chemical warfare agent
C Centigrade/Celsius
C2 command and control
C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
CaCl calcium hypochlorite
cal/cm2 calories per square centimeter
cal/cm2/sec calories per square centimeter per second
CAM chemical agent monitor
CANA convulsant antidote for nerve agent (diazepam)
CB chemical/biological
CBDA Chemical Biological Defense Agency
CBPS chemically biologically protected shelter
CBRNE chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive
CBSCC Chemical-Biological Sampling Control Center
CBSCE Chemical-Biological Sampling Control Element
cc cubic centimeter
CG phosgene
cGy centigray
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia)
CK cyanogen chloride
Cl chlorine
CLASS VIII Classification of medical supplies and equipment within the Federal Stock Classification
CLS combat lifesaver
cm centimeter
cm2 square centimeter
CNS central nervous system
CO2 carbon dioxide
CONUS continental United States
COSC combat operational stress control
CP chemically protected
CP DEPMEDS chemically protected deployable medical system
CPS collective protection shelter
CREST Casualty Requirements Estimation Tool
CS combat support
Cs-137 Cesium 137
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CSH combat support hospital
CSS combat service support
CW chemical warfare
CX phosgene oxime
DA Department of the Army
DAP decontamination apparatus, portable
DCS division clearing station
DD Department of Defense
decon decontamination
DEPMEDS Deployable Medical System
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNBI disease and nonbattle Injury
DOD Department of Defense
DP diphosgene
DS2 decontaminating solution Number 2
DTF dental treatment facility
EAC echelons above corps
ECL electochemiluminescence
ECP entry control point
ECU environmental control units
EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetate
EEE eastern equine encephalitis
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EM electron microscopy
EMP electromagnetic pulse
EMS emergency medical services
EMT emergency medical treatment
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
EPW enemy prisoner of war
ER emergency room
evac evacuation
F Fahrenheit
F-1 Fraction-1
FA fluorescent antibody
FDECU field deployable environmental control unit
FH field hospital
FLOT forward line of own troops
FM field manual
FMC Field Medical Card
FSOP field standing operating procedures
FST forward surgical team
g gram
G1 Assistant Chief of Staff (Adjutant)
G2 Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence)
G3 Assistant Chief of Staff (Operations and Training)
G4 Assistant Chief of Staff (Logistics)
GA Tabun
gal gallon
GB Sarin
GD Soman
GF a nerve agent
GH general hospital
gm gram
GP general purpose
GVO green vinyl overboots
Gy gray (100 cGy)
H heparin
HD sulfur mustard (a blister agent)
HG chemical symbol for mercury
HL mustard and Lewisite mix
HMMWV high mobility multi-purpose wheeled vehicle
HN nitrogen mustard
HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography
HSL health service logistics
HSS health service support
HUB hospital unit base
HUH hospital unit holding
HUM hospital unit medical
HUS hospital unit surgical
HTH high test hypochlorite (70% available chlorine)
I-131 Iodine-131
IATA International Air Transportation Association
IAW in accordance with
IC intensive care
ICAM improved chemical agent monitor
ICC incident command center
ICU intensive care unit
ICW intensive care ward
ID Incapacitation dose
IgG immunoglobulin class G
IgM immunoglobulin class M
IMA installation medical authority
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IV intravenous
J2 Joint Intelligence Directorate
J3 Joint Operations Directorate
kg kilogram
km kilometer(s)
kph kilometers per hour
KT kiloton
L Lewisite
LAB laboratory
lb pound
LCE load-carrying equipment
LD lethal dose
LD 50/60 lethal dose for 50 percent of exposed persons within a period of 60 days
LRN Laboratory Response Network
LSD d-lysergic acid diethylamide
LZ landing zone
µ micron
m meters
m3 milligrams per minute
MCRP Marine Corps Reference Publication
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
Medical Countermeasures Those measures taken to maintain soldier sustainability through the prevention and pretreatment of injury from NBC agent hazards; and following injury those measures taken to treat NBC casualties and improve medical capability for diagnosis, physiological resuscitation and continued medical management of NBC casualties.
MES medical equipment set
MF2K Medical Force 2000 (Army of Excellence Organizations)
mg milligram
mg/kg milligrams per kilogram
MILVAN military-owned demountable container
ml milliliter
mm millimeter
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
MOS military occupational specialty
MRE meal ready-to-eat
MRI Medical Reengineering Initiative
MSR main supply route
m/sec meters per second
MT megaton
MTF medical treatment facility
NaCl sodium chloride (salt)
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVMED P Naval Medical Publication
NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical
NBCC nuclear, biological, and chemical control
NBCWRS nuclear, biological, and chemical warning and reporting system
NCO noncommissioned officer
NL no limit
NTTP Navy Tactics Techniques and Procedures
O2 oxygen
OEG operational exposure guide
OPLAN operation plan
OPSEC operations security
Patient Decontamination —The removal and/or the neutralization of hazardous levels of nuclear, biological, and chemical contamination from patients at a medical treatment facility. Patient decontamination is performed under the supervision of medical personnel to prevent further injury to the patient and to maintain the patient's health status during the decontamination process. Patient decontamination serves multiple purposes; it protects the patient from further injury, it prevents exposing medical personnel to the contamination, and it prevents contamination of the medical treatment facility.
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PDS patient decontamination station
pH symbol relating the hydrogen ion activity in gram equivalents per liter used in expressing the acidity and alkalinity on a scale whose values run from 0 to 14 with 7 representing neutrality. Numbers less than 7 indicate increasing acidity, and numbers greater than 7 indicate increasing alkalinity.
PMM preventive medicine measures
pnt patient
ppm parts per million
PPW patient protective wrap
PS chloropicrin
PVF polyvinyl fluoride
PVNTMED preventive medicine
QSTA Quadripartite Standardization Agreement
RDD radiological dispersal device
recon reconnaissance
RES radiation exposure status
RNA ribonucleic acid
ROWPU reverse osmosis water purification unit
RT red top
RT-PCR reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction
RTD return to duty
S1 Adjutant (US Army)
S2 Intelligence Officer (U.S. Army)
S3 Operations and Training Officer (U.S. Army)
S4 Supply Officer (U.S. Army)
SCUD ballistic missile
SDK skin decontaminating kit
SFG Special Forces Group
SMART special medical assistance response team
SOF Special Operations Forces
SOP standing operating procedure
Sr-89 Strontium-89
Sr-90 Strontium-90
STANAG Standardization Agreement (NATO)
STAT statim
STB supertropical bleach
Sv Sievert
T2 trichothecene
TAML theater Army medical laboratory
TC training circular
TEU technical escort unit
TEMPER tent, expandable, modular, personnel
Toxic Industrial Biological (TIB) Biological materials (bacteria, viruses, and toxins) found in medical research, pharmaceutical, and other manufacturing processes that are toxic to humans and animals, or cause damage to plants.
Toxic Industrial Chemical (TIC) Chemical compounds used or produced in industrial processes that are toxic to humans and animals, or cause damage to plants. EXAMPLES include fuels, solvents, heavy metals, and chemicals used in manufacturing processes.
Toxic Industrial Material (TIM) Toxic industrial materials may be toxic industrial chemical (TIC), toxic industrial biological (TIB) and toxic industrial radiological (TIR) materials.
Toxic Industrial Radiological (TIR) Radiation-emitting materials used in research, power generation, medical treatment, and other non-weapon developmental activities that are harmful to humans and animals if released outside their controlled environment.
TIR toxic industrial radiological
TM technical manual
TM trademark
TOE table of organization and equipment (US Army organizational structure document)
TO theater of operations
trmt treatment
TSOP tactical standing operating procedures
TT tiger top
µ microns
UGR unit group rations
UN United Nations
US United States
USAF United States Air Force
V-agent a nerve agent
VEE Venezuelan equine encephalitis
VX a persistent nerve agent
WBGT wet bulb globe temperature
WEE western equine encephalitis
WMD-IST weapons of mass destruction—installation support team


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