A TRIBUTE FOR THE NEGRO, BEING A VINDICATION OF THE MORAL, INTELLECTUAL, AND RELIGIOUS CAPABILITIES OF THE COLOURED PORTION OF MANKIND, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE AFRICAN RACE BY WILSON ARMISTEAD, LEEDS. LONDON: REMARKS OF THE PRESS, Respecting "A Tribute for the Negro." "We are gratified to announce the publication of a Volume under this designation; and, especially, that it will emanate from the pen—we may add, also, from the heart—of a gentleman whose feelings and sympathies, no less than mental powers, so well fit him for the task of preparing it. It will be embellished with ten engravings, enriched by an Introductory Poem by Mr. Bernard Barton, and the profits devoted to the Anti-Slavery cause."—The Universe. "It is scarcely needful to do more than read the Prospectus, to be convinced that the Volume is likely to be one of no "From our acquaintance with the author of the 'Tribute for the Negro,' we feel no hesitation in saying that it will be one of deep research, as well as of intense interest, being on a subject most intimately connected with the happiness or misery of a large portion of the human family."—The Citizen. "It is with sincere pleasure we announce the appearance of this interesting publication. It includes upwards of one hundred biographical sketches of Africans, or their descendants, besides facts and anecdotes, testimonies of travellers, missionaries, &c., exhibiting an undoubted refutation of the unfounded calumnies which have been heaped on the unfortunate race of Africa. In addition to illustrative engravings, it will contain the portraits of several distinguished men of Colour. From the character of the gentleman who has undertaken the pleasing, though arduous, task, and who contemplates no other reward but that of service to the deeply-oppressed race of Africa, we may with confidence recommend his production to the early and earnest attention of our readers, feeling assured that they will be both cheered and profited by its perusal. We are glad to perceive that, in addition to the names of many friends of the Negro, the subscription list is headed by the Queen."—Anti-Slavery Reporter. The Volume contains upwards of 550 Pages, Demy 8vo., and Ten superior Portraits and Engravings, Price 16s. May also be had in Morocco, gilt edges, and Proof Plates, at 25s.; the Morocco Copies include Two additional Engravings. N.B.—All profits arising from the Sale of "A Tribute for the Negro" will be devoted on behalf of the oppressed. |