Dr. Chalmers says—“Perhaps the most singular attempt to graft Infidelity on any thing called a Science, is by those who associate their denial of the Christian Revelation with the doctrines of Phrenology, as if there were any earthly connection between the form of the human skull, or its effects upon the human character upon the one hand, and the truth or falsehood of our Religion on the other; for, granting them all their Organs, it no more tells either to the confirmation or disparagement of our historical evidence for the visitation of this earth by a messenger from Heaven, than it tells on the historical evidence for the invasion of Britain by Julius CÆsar. And we venture to affirm of all the other Sciences, that no discovery has been made in any of them, which is not in every way as inconsequential to the point at issue; and that the truths of all Philosophy put together as little interfere with the truths of the Gospel as the discoveries of the Astronomer interfere with the discoveries of the Anatomist.” Preface to Modern Philosophy. Horace Car III. Lib. I. |