f="@public@vhost@g@html@files@46889@46889-h@46889-h-8.htm.html#Page_224" class="pginternal">224 Camus, G., 24 Candolle, A. P. de, 140 “Capillus Veneris”, 38, 161 Carrichter, B., 215 Carrot, 122 Cary, W., 39 Cary’s Herbal, 39 Celandine, The Greater, 170 Celandine, The Lesser, 175 Centaurea rhaponticum, 107 Centaurs, 45 Cesalpino, A., 5, 68, 101, 116-117, 136, 151, 152, 153 ChabrÆus, D., 192 Cherler, J. H., 93 Chestnut Tree, 185 Chicory, 122, 165 Chimay, Princesse de, 78 Chiron, 36 Choulant, Dr L., 15, 24 Chronica herbarum of Winckler, 215 Circa instans, 24, 140 Clematis, 191 Cleopatra, 8 Clover, 146 Clusius, C., see l’Écluse, C. de Cockayne, Dr O., 35 Codex AniciÆ JulianÆ, see Dioscorides Codex Vossianus, Leyden Library, 154 Coffee plant, 90 Cole, W., 210-211, 219, 220 Coles, W., see Cole, W. Cologne, Books printed at, 102 Colonna, F., 86-88, 112, 113, 138, 139, 199 Columbine, 170 Columna, F., see Colonna, F. Comfrey, 165 Commentarii ... Dioscoridis of Mattioli, 81-85, 94, 186-190 Composites (CompositÆ), 144, 145, 151 Compton, H., Bishop of London, 202 Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley), 36, 158 Copland, W., 39 Copland’s Herbal, 39, 40 Coral, 43, 151 Cordus, E., 65
ernal">42, 206, 207 Garden, Botanical, at Padua, 90 Garden at Hackney, Lord Zouche’s, 78 Garden at Nuremberg, Camerarius’, 68 Garden in Holborn, Gerard’s, 108, 113 Garden in Long Acre, Parkinson’s, 113 Garden on Snow Hill, Johnson’s, 113 Gardens, Lord Burleigh’s, 108 Gardyn of helth, 33 Gart der Gesuntheit, 32 Gart d’gesuntheyt, 21 Gentian, 138 “Genus,” meaning of the term, 138-140 GeraniaceÆ, 145 “Geranion”, 127 Gerard, J., 64, 68, 103, 108-110, 113, 116, 130, 192, 199 Gerarde, J., see Gerard, J. German Fathers of Botany, The, 47, 58, 65, 67, 122, 204 Gesner, K., 68, 80, 88, 90-93, 101, 104, 138, 192, 193, 199, 224 Ghini, L., 84, 101 Glasswort, 90, 197 “Goose Tree”, 109-113 Grant Herbier, Le, 24, 40 Grasses, 151 Green, T., 212 Grete Herball, The, 24, 34, 38, 40-45, 103, 121, 122, 140, 168, 196 Grew, N., 7, 100, 116, 132 Guiditius, H., see Weiditz, II. Gyraldus on “Bernicles”, 112 Hackney, Lord Zouche’s garden at, 78 Harpy, 122 Neottia, 148 Nero, 8 Neuw Kreuterbuch of TabernÆmontanus, see Neuw Kreuterbuch of Theodor Neuw Kreuterbuch of Theodor, 62, 68 New Herball, A, of Turner, 62, 102-104 Neuw KreÜterb?ch of Fuchs, 60-64, 175 Neuw Kretterbuch of Bock, 55 Newe Herball of Macer, A, 40 Nicolaus Damascenus, 3, 4 Nicotiana (Tobacco), 105, 106, 148 Niewe Herball, A, of Lyte, 62, 64, 72, 73, 106-108, 125, 126 Nigella, 145 Norton, J., 68, 108, 109 Nuphar, 146 Nuremberg Dispensatorium, The, 66 Nuremberg, Garden of Camerarius at, 68 NymphÆa, 146 Oak, 5, 138 Observations de plusieurs singularites, Les, of Belon, 196 Octavian on “Bernicles”, 112 Odo, 40 “Orage”, 122 Orange, 198 Orchid, Bird’s-nest, 148 Ornithogalum, 196 Orobanche, 104, 148 Ortus Sanitatis, 14, 15, 18, 24, 25-33, 40, 120, 138, 157, 158, 165-168, 170, 175, 186 Ortus Sanitatis, The German, see Herbarius, The German Ortus Sanitatis, The Smaller, see Herbarius, The German Osmunda, 55 Oxalis, 121, 146 Padua, Botanical Garden at, 90 Padua, University of, 90, 94 Pandectarius, 21 Papaver, 148 PapaveraceÆ, 148 “Pappus,” Fuchs’ definition of, 124-125125 Serapio, 21 Shepherd’s Purse, 122, 125 “Signatures,” Doctrine of, 207-212 Simler, J., 92, 193 “Simples”, 35, 36, 103, 104, 196, 220 Simpling, The Art of, of Cole, 211, 219 Sixtus IV, Pope, 11 Snow Hill, Johnson’s garden on, 113 SolanaceÆ, 148 Solanum, 95, 148 Somerset, Duke of, 101, 102 Sonchus, 125 Specimen HistoriÆ Plantarum of Renaulme, 200 Speckle, V. R., 180, 183 Specklin, V. R., see Speckle, V. R. Sprengel, K. P. J., 47, 65 “Squamony”, 44 Stamens, Fuchs’ definition of, 124 Stamens, Function of, 132-133, 224 Stirpium adversaria nova of de l’Obel, M. and Pena, P., 78, 145, 146, 222, 224 Stirpium ... pemptades sex of Dodoens, 74, 127, 145, 190, 191 Storksbill, 127 Strand, Lord Burleigh’s garden in the, 108 Strasburg, Books printed at, 50, 55 Strawberry, 185 Sundew, 146, 151 Switzer, A. 197 “Tabaco,” see Tobacco TabernÆmontanus, J. T., see Theodor, J. Tamus, 146 Tendrils, Conventionalised representations of, 160 Theatrum botanicum of Parkinson, 115, 144 Theobalds, Lord Burleigh’s garden at, 108 Theodor, J. (TabernÆmontanus), 67, 68, 109, 199 Theophrastus, 2-3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 50, 104, CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. |