Solar heat rarefies the air by driving its particles asunder; it also vaporises water from the surface of river, lake, and ocean, diffusing the vapour through the atmosphere. Great interest attaches to the subject of Evaporation, on account of its connection with rainfall and water supply. It is to be regretted, therefore, that the results hitherto obtained in the endeavour to measure its rate and quantity do not merit much confidence as regards their applicability to the evaporation occurring in nature, owing to the exceptional manner in which the observations have been made. There is this uncertainty about evaporation, that all It is of course easy to make experiments on the evaporation from the soil by means of a balance atmometer, but in order that these should possess a practical value, the investigation must be extended so as to include a wide variety of soils, &c., &c. As regards the second point which has been raised, it is recommended by the Vienna Congress to erect atmometers in the centre of water surfaces; but it is not a very easy matter to conduct such experiments with accuracy, owing to the risk of in-splashing from waves. 20. Babington’s Atmidometer measures evaporation from water, ice, or snow, and in form resembles a hydrometer, with the difference that the stem bears a scale graduated to |