
Before considering in detail these results of the action of solar radiation on our globe, an attempt to realize the immensity of this stupendous force will materially aid in the general comprehension of the subject.

The earth is a sphere somewhat less than 8,000 miles in diameter; and if we assume, with the gifted author[1] of “The Phenomena of Radiation,”—“that it is about 91,300,000 miles from the sun, and moves around it in a slightly elliptical orbit, occupying rather more than 365 days; that its shape is globular, somewhat flattened at its two extremities; that it rotates upon its own axis in the space of 24 hours, that axis being inclined to the annual orbit at an angle of 23-1/2—if we further assume that solar radiation is of such kind and quantity as it is, we are enabled to account for the total amount of light and heat the earth receives, for the superior temperature and illumination of equatorial regions, as compared with polar, with the gradations of intermediate zones, for the alternation of day and night, and the annual progression of the seasons.

1.George Warington, F.C.S.

“The actuating force of every wind that blows; of every mighty current that streams through ocean depths; the motive cause of every particle of vapour in the air of every mist and cloud and raindrop, is Solar Radiation.

“The delicate tremor of the sun’s surface particles, shot hither through thirty million leagues of fine intangible Æther, has power to raise whole oceans from their beds, and pour them down again upon the earth. We are apt to measure solar heat merely by the sensation it produces on our skin, and think it small and weak accordingly; a good coal fire will heat us more. But its true measure is the work it does. Judged by this standard, its immensity is overpowering. To take a single instance: the average fall of dew in England is about five inches annually; for the evaporation of the vapour necessary to produce this trifling depth of moisture, there is expended daily an amount of heat equal to the combustion of sixty-eight tons of coal for every square mile of surface, or, for the whole of England, 4,000,000 tons. Compare now the size of England with that of the whole earth—only 1/3388th part; extend the calculation to rain, as well as dew, the average fall of which on the whole earth is estimated at five feet annually, or twelve times greater; and then estimate the sum of 4,000,000 × 3,388 × 12 = 162,624,000,000 tons, or about 3,000 times as much as is annually raised in the whole world; and we have the number of tons of coal required to produce the heat expended by the sun merely in raising vapour from the sea to give us rain during a single day.”

Pouillet’s Pyrheliometer. Scale about 1/8.


Seeing, then, that solar radiation plays so important a part in the production of the natural phenomena classed under the head of Meteorology, a description of the mode of estimating its amount will prove interesting, and enable the reader to realize the existence of this mighty power. M. Pouillet devised for this purpose the apparatus known as the Pyrheliometer, which registers the power of parallel solar rays by the amount of heat imparted to a disc of a given diameter in a given time. It consists of a flat circular vessel of steel A having its outside coated with lamp-black B. A short steel tube is attached to the side opposite to that covered with lamp-black, and the vessel is filled with mercury. A registering thermometer C, protected by a brass tube D, is then attached, and the whole is inverted and exposed to the sun, as shown at Fig. 1. The purpose of the second disc, E, is to aid in so placing the apparatus that it shall receive direct parallel rays. It is obvious that if the shadow of the upper disc completely covers the lower one, the sun’s rays must be perpendicular to its blackened surface.

“The surface on which the sun’s rays here fall is known; the quantity of mercury within the cylinder is also known; hence we can express the effect of the sun’s heat upon a given area by stating that it is competent, in five minutes, to raise so much mercury so many degrees in temperature.”[2]

2.Tyndall, “Heat a Mode of Motion.”

Sir John Herschel also designed an instrument for observing the heating power of the sun’s rays in a given time, to which the title Actinometer is given. It consists of a Thermometer with a long open scale and a large cylindrical bulb, thus combining the best conditions for extreme sensibility. An observation is made by exposing the instrument in the shade for one minute and noting the temperature. It is then exposed to the sun’s rays for one minute, and a record of the temperature made. It is again placed in the shade for one minute, and the mean of the two shade readings being deducted from the solar reading shows the heating power of the sun’s rays for one minute of time.

Herschel’s Actinometer. Scale about 1/8.

The stimulus imparted to the study of this class of phenomena by the publications of Professor Tyndall’s researches on Radiant Heat has induced a demand among Meteorologists for instruments capable of yielding more available indications than those just described. This demand has been most efficiently supplied by the ingenuity of scientists and instrument makers.

Improved Solar Radiation Thermometer in Vacuo.
Scale about 1/3.

The early form of Solar Radiation Thermometer was a self-registering maximum thermometer, with blackened bulb, having its graduated stem, only, enclosed in an outer tube. Errors arising from terrestrial radiation and the variable cooling influences of aËrial currents are all obviated in the improved and patented Solar Radiation Thermometer shown at Fig. 3, which consists of a self-registering maximum thermometer, having its bulb and stem dull-blackened, in accordance with the suggestion of the Rev. F. W. Stow, and the whole enclosed in an outer chamber of glass, from which the air has been completely exhausted. The perfection of the vacuum in the enclosing chamber is proved by the production of a pale white phosphorescent light, with faint stratification and transverse bands when tested by the spark from a Ruhmkorff coil. Due provision is made for this by the attachment of platinum wires to the lower side of the tube, and when tested by a syphon pressure gauge, the vacua have been proved to exist to within 1/50th of an inch of pressure. It will thus be seen that the indications are preserved from errors arising from atmospheric currents, and from the absorption of heat by aqueous or other vapours, the whole of the solar heat passing through the vacuum direct to the blackened bulb. The contained mercury expanding, carries the recording index to the highest point, and thus is obtained a registration of the maximum amount of solar radiation during the twenty-four hours. The great advantage accruing from the high degree of perfection to which this instrument has been brought is, uniformity of construction, which renders the observations made at different stations intercomparable. An enlarged view of the thermometer is given at Fig. 3, showing the platinum wire terminations, whereby the vacuum is tested. The Rev. Fenwick W. Stow thus directs the manner in which the solar radiation thermometer should be used:—

1. Place the instrument four feet above the ground, in an open space, Fig. 4, with its bulb directed towards the S.E. It is necessary that the globular part of the external glass should not be placed in contact with or very near to any substance, but that the air should circulate round it freely. Thus placed, its readings will be affected only by direct sunshine and by the temperature of the air.

2. One of the most convenient ways of fixing the instrument will be to allow its stem to fit into and rest upon two wooden collars fastened across the ends of a narrow slip of board, which is nailed in its centre upon a post steadied by lateral supports (Fig. 4).

3. The maximum temperature of the air in shade should be taken by a thermometer placed on a stand in an open situation. Any stand which thoroughly screens it from the sun, and exposes it to a free circulation of air, will do for the purpose.

4. The difference between the maxima in sun and shade, thus taken, is a measure of the amount of solar radiation.

Solar Radiation Thermometer, black bulb and
stem in vacuo, on 4 feet stand.
Scale about 1/20.

The remarkable phenomenon recently discovered by Mr. Crookes, in which light is apparently converted into motion, has, at the suggestion of Mr. Strachan, received an interesting application to meteorology. The arrangement is shown at Fig. 5, where a Solar Radiation Thermometer has a Crookes’ Radiometer attached to it, which, in addition to forming an efficient test as to the perfection of the vacuum, will, it is hoped, aid in eventually establishing a relation between intensity of radiation, as shown by the thermometer, and the number of revolutions of the radiometer. The instrument has so recently been devised that any positive statement as to its usefulness would be premature; it may, however, prove a valuable auxiliary to the solar thermometer, and eventually be so far improved as to become a more definite exponent of solar radiation than the thermometer.

Radio-Solar Thermometer. Scale about 1/4.


It is an established fact, confirmed by careful experiments, that a mutual interchange of heat is constantly going on between all bodies freely exposed to view of each other, thus tending to establish a state of equilibrium. It has further been ascertained that, as the mean temperature of the earth remains unchanged, “it necessarily follows that it emits by radiation from and through the surface of its atmosphere, on an average, the exact amount of heat it receives from the sun.” This process commences slowly at sunset, and proceeds with great rapidity at and after midnight, attaining its maximum effect in a long night, in perfect calm, under a cloudless sky, resulting in the condensation of vapour in the form of dew, or hoar-frost, when the temperature of the surface-air is reduced to the dew-point.[3]

3.See page 47.

The extent to which heat thus escapes by radiation under varying conditions of sky is measured by a Self-registering Terrestrial Minimum Thermometer, the bulb of which is placed over short grass, and “a thermometer so exposed under a clear sky always marks several degrees below the temperature of the air, and its depression affords a rude measure of the facility for the escape of heat afforded under the circumstances of exposure.” [4]


Terrestrial Radiation Thermometer.
Scale about 1/6.

Improved Cylinder Jacket Terrestrial Minimum Thermometer.
Scale about 1/12.

Fig. 6 shows the ordinary spherical bulb thermometer employed for this purpose, and Fig. 7 the improved Cylinder Jacket Thermometer, which, by exposing a larger surface of spirit to the air, gives an instrument possessing an amount of sensibility in no way inferior to that of mercury.

There is a drawback to the use of these thermometers enclosed in outer tubes, arising from moisture getting into the outer cylinder or jacket, and frequently preventing the observer from reading the thermometer. This has recently been removed by making a perfectly ground joint of glass (analogous to a glass stopper in a bottle) as a substitute for the old form of packing at the open end of the tube, the other end being fused into contact with the outer cylinder to keep it in its place. The intrusion and condensation of moisture thus becomes impossible, while the scale is protected from corrosion or abrasion. This “ground socket” arrangement is shown at Fig. 8.

Ground Socket Minimum Thermometer. Scale about 1/4.

Radiation from the earth upwards proceeds with great rapidity under a cloudless sky, but a passing cloud, or the presence even of invisible aqueous vapour in the air, is sufficient to effect a marked retardation, as is beautifully illustrated by Sir John Leslie’s Æthrioscope, shown at Fig. 9, which consists of a vertical glass tube, having a bore so fine that a little coloured liquid is supported in it by the mere force of cohesion. Each end of the tube terminates in a glass bulb containing air. A scale, having its zero in the middle, is attached to the tube, and the bulb A is enclosed in a highly polished sphere of brass. The upper bulb B is blackened, and placed in the centre of a highly-gilt and polished metallic cup, having a movable cover F. These outer metallic coverings protect the bulbs from extraneous sources of heat. So long as the upper bulb is covered, the liquid in the tube stands at zero on the scale, but immediately on its removal radiation commences, the air contained in B contracts, while the elasticity of that contained in A forces the liquid up the tube to a height directly proportionate to the rapidity of the radiation.

Scale about 1/7.


Self-registering Maximum Thermometers are made in two ways. In the first, the index is a small portion of the mercurial column separated from it by a minute air bubble. The noontide heat expands the mercury, and the subsequent contraction as the temperature decreases affects only that portion of the mercury in connection with the bulb, leaving the disconnected portion to register the maximum temperature. In the second form the tube is ingeniously contracted just outside the bulb, so that the mercury extruded from the bulb by expansion cannot return by the mere force of cohesion, but remains to register the highest temperature.

Self-registering Maximum Thermometer. Scale about 1/5.

There is a modification of this latter form produced by the addition of a supplementary chamber just outside the bulb and over the column, from which, as expansion proceeds, the mercury flows by gravitation, but into which it cannot return until, as in the other forms, the instrument is readjusted for a new observation, by unhooking the bulb end and lowering it until the mercury flows into its place.

Self-registering Minimum Thermometer. Scale about 1/5.

Self-registering Minimum Thermometers are of two kinds,—spirit and mercurial. Fig. 12 shows one of Rutherford’s Alcohol Minimum Thermometers, which will be seen to consist of a bulb and tube attached to a scale, which latter may be either of wood, glass, or metal. The tube contains an index of black glass.

Self-registering Minimum Thermometer.
Scale about 1/5.

The Thermometer is “set” for observation by slightly raising the bulb end until the index slides to the extreme end of the column of spirit. It is then suspended in the shade with the bulb end a little lower than the other. The contraction of the spirit consequent on a fall of temperature draws the index back, but a subsequent expansion does not carry it forward, it remains at the lowest point to which the spirit has contracted to register the minimum temperature. A very useful modification of this instrument is made for gardeners and general horticultural purposes, in which the scale is of cast zinc with raised figures, which being filed off flush after the whole has been painted of a dark colour are easily legible at a little distance.

The advantage of alcohol for the indication of very low temperatures is that it has never been frozen.[5]

5.Mercury freezes at -39° F.

Fig. 13 shows a set of Maximum and Minimum and Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometers, with incorrodible porcelain scales, suspended on a mahogany screen. Instruments of this quality are generally engine-divided on the stem, and if, in addition to this, they are verified by comparison with standard instruments at the Kew Observatory, they may be regarded as standards, and employed for accurate scientific observations.

Standard Set of Instruments on Screen. Scale about 1/6.

Six’s Self-registering Thermometer consists of a long tubular bulb, united to a smaller tube more than twice its length, and bent twice, like a syphon, so that the larger tube is in the centre, while the smaller one terminates at the top, on the right hand, in a pear-shaped bulb, as shown in the cut (Fig. 14). This bulb, and the tube in connection with it, are partly filled with spirit; the long central bulb and its connecting tube are completely filled, while the lower portion of the syphon is filled with mercury. A steel index, prevented from falling by a hair tied round it, to act as a spring, moves in the spirit in each of the side tubes. The scale on the left hand has the zero at the top, and that on the right at the bottom. When setting the instrument, the indices are brought into contact with the mercury by passing a small magnet down the outside of each tube. Then, should a rise of temperature take place, the spirit in the central bulb expands, forcing down the mercury in the left hand tube and causing it to rise in the right, and vice versa for a diminution of temperature.

It should be always used and carried upright, and the indices should be drawn gently down by the magnet into contact with the mercury; and, when a reading is taken, the ends of the indices nearest the mercury indicate the maximum and minimum temperatures which have been attained during the stated hours of observation.

Six’s Thermometer.
Scale about 1/7.

Six’s form of thermometer has been extensively used for ascertaining deep sea temperatures.

Deep Sea Maximum
and Minimum Registering
Scale about 1/5.

Evaporation and the mechanical action of winds keep up a constant circulating motion of the ocean, the currents of which tend to equalize temperature. The most important of these is known as the Gulf Stream, taking its name from the Gulf of Mexico, out of which it flows at a velocity sometimes of five miles an hour, and in a width of not less than fifty miles. It has an important effect on the climate of Great Britain, and of all lands subject to its influence, its temperature as it leaves the Gulf of Mexico being 85° F., diminishing to 75° off the coast of Labrador, and still further as it nears northern latitudes. Observations on the temperature of the ocean are therefore included in the scope of meteorology, and are ascertained by the use of thermometers of special construction (Fig. 15). In the earlier experiments made for ascertaining the temperature of the ocean at a depth of 15,000 feet, where the pressure is equal to three tons on the square inch, it was found that a considerable error occurred in the indications in consequence of this enormous pressure; accordingly the central elongated bulb of the ordinary Six’s Thermometer (see page 19) is shortened and enclosed in an outer bulb nearly filled with spirit, which, while effectually relieving the thermometer bulb from undue pressure, allows any change to be at once transmitted to it, and thus secures the registration of the exact temperature. The arrangement possesses the further advantage of making the instrument stronger, more compact, and more capable of resisting such comparatively rough treatment as it would receive on board ship.

The honour of constructing the first thermometer, which was an Air and Spirit Thermometer, is ascribed to Galileo; it assumed a practical shape in 1620, at the hands of Drebel, a Dutch physician. Hailey substituted mercury for spirit in 1697; RÉaumur improved the instrument in 1730, and Fahrenheit in 1749. More recently the instrument has been perfected by the scales being graduated on the actual stem of the instrument. For many years it was exclusively used by chemists and men of science; it afterwards received numerous applications in the arts and manufactures; and is now considered an essential in every household.

Thermometers are instruments for measuring temperature by the contraction or expansion of fluids in enclosed tubes. The tubes, which are of glass, have spherical, cylindrical, or spiral bulbs blown on to one end; they have also an exceedingly fine bore, and when mercury or spirit is enclosed in them these fluids, in contracting and expanding with variations of temperature, indicate degrees of heat in relation to two fixed points—viz., the freezing and boiling points of water. Care is taken to exclude all air before sealing, so that the upper portion of the tube inside shall be a perfect vacuum, and thus offer no resistance to the free expansion of the mercury. In graduating, or dividing the scales, the points at which the mercury remains stationary in melting ice and boiling water are first marked on the stem, and the intervening space divided into as many equal parts as are necessary to constitute the scales of Fahrenheit, RÉaumur, or Celsius, the last being known as the Centigrade (hundred steps) scale, from the circumstance of the space between the freezing and boiling points of water being divided into one hundred equal parts (Fig. 16).

Comparison of Thermometer
Scale about 1/5.

Scale Thermometer.
Scale about 1/5.

Graduation of Thermometers.—When the fluid (either mercury or spirit) has been enclosed in the hermetically sealed tube, it becomes necessary, in order that its indications may be comparable with those of other instruments, that a scale having at least two fixed points should be attached to it. As it has been found that the temperature of melting ice or freezing water is always constant, the height at which the fluid rests in a mixture of ice and water has been chosen as one point from which to graduate the scale. It has been also found that with the barometer at 29·905 the boiling-point of water is also constant, and when a thermometer is immersed in pure distilled water heated to ebullition, the point at which the mercury remains immovable is, like the freezing-point, carefully marked, the tube is then calibrated and divided as shown in Fig. 16.

The zero of the scales of RÉaumur and Centigrade is the freezing-point of water, marked, in each case, 0°, while the intervening space, up to the boiling-point of water, is divided, in the former case, into 80 parts, and in the latter to 100°.

In the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing-point is represented at 32°, and the boiling-point at 212°, the intervening space being divided into 180°, which admits of extension above and below the points named, a good thermometer being available for temperature up to 620° Fahr.

The use of the RÉaumur scale is confined almost exclusively to Russia and the north of Germany, while the Centigrade scale is used throughout the rest of Europe. The Fahrenheit scale is confined to England and her colonies, and to the United States of America.

about 1/5.

Circumstances sometimes arise in which it becomes necessary to convert readings from one scale into those of the others, according to the following rules:—

1. To convert Centigrade degrees into degrees of Fahrenheit, multiply by 9, divide the product by 5, and add 32.

2. To convert Fahrenheit degrees into degrees of Centigrade, subtract 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9.

3. To convert RÉaumur degrees into degrees of Fahrenheit, multiply by 9, divide by 4, and add 32.[6]

4. To convert RÉaumur degrees into degrees of Centigrade, multiply by 5 and divide by 4.[7]

6.8 R = 50 F.

7.8 R = 10 C.

For the production of continuous records, the Meteorological Committee of the Royal Society have adopted an instrument called a Thermograph, or self-recording wet and dry bulb thermometer, which is largely aided by photography. The bulbs of the thermometers are necessarily placed in the open air, and at a suitable distance from any wall or other radiating surface; the tubes are of sufficient length to admit of their being brought inside the building, in due proximity to the recording apparatus placed in a chamber from which daylight is rigidly excluded.

Thermograph and Self-recording Hygrometer.
Scale about 1/18.

The essential conditions in such an apparatus are:—1. A means of denoting the height of the mercurial column in the stem of a thermometer in relation to a fixed horizontal line. 2. A time scale denoting the exact moment at which the atmosphere reached the temperature indicated by the mark. 3. As the marks are produced chemically, and not mechanically (as in the Anemograph), a dark room.

A description of the drawing on page 23 will best show how very efficiently, through the ingenuity of Mr. Beckley, these conditions have been obtained:—S, wet bulb thermometer; T, atmospheric thermometer; B, screw for adjusting thermometers; C C, paraffin lamps or gaslights; D D, condensers, concentrating the light on the mirrors R R; R R, mirrors reflecting light through air-speck in thermometers V V; E E, slits through which light passes from mirrors R R; F F, photographic lenses, producing image of air-speck from both thermometers on cylinder G; G, revolving cylinder or drum carrying photographic paper; H, clock, turning cylinder G round once in 48 hours; I, shutter to intercept light four minutes every two hours; leaving white time-line on developing latent image.



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