A Dervish, in Mohammedan countries, is a class of people resembling in many respects the monks of Christendom. The dervishes are divided into many different brotherhoods and orders. They live mostly in well endowed convents, called Tekkije or Changah, and are under a chief with the title of a Sheik. Some of the monks are married, and allowed to live out of the monastery, but must sleep there some nights weekly. Their devotional exercises consist in meetings for worship, prayers, religious dances, and mortifications. As the convent does not provide them with clothing, they are obliged to work more or less. It is difficult to say when these religious orders took their rise. From the earliest times, pious persons in the East have held it to be meritorious to renounce earthly joys, to free themselves from the trammels of domestic and Many Mohammedan princes and Turkish sultans have held dervishes in high respect, and bestowed rich endowments on their establishments; and they are still in high veneration with the people. The Kadris are commonly known in the West as “the howling dervishes,” from the excited chant of their religious services; the “dancing dervishes” are the Mevelevis. HOW TO TRAIN DOGS. This is the best volume of the kind ever published. Contains simple tricks and training, to teach him his name, to leap, to walk erect, to dance, to jump rope, to sit and lie down at command, to beg, to give his paw, to sneeze, to speak for it, to fetch and carry, to bring you his tail in his mouth, to stand on a ball and roll it up and down a plank, to walk on stilts, to go up and down a ladder, to stand on his head, to “sing,” etc. We will send this book, “How to Train Dogs,” postpaid, on receipt of only 23 cents in stamps. Address, KEYSTONE BOOK CO., Philadelphia, Pa. FAMOUS Book cover This book contains a large and valuable collection of the best dramatic recitations, carefully selected from the writings of the best authors, as recited by the leading elecutionists of America. Some of the finest gems in the English language are included in this collection. Among its contents are: “The Switchman’s Christmas Story,” “Gone With a Handsomer Man,” “The Death of the Old Squire,” “Poorhouse Nan,” “Fallen by the Way,” “Davy’s Promise,” “The Seamstress’s Story,” “The Midnight Tryst,” “Christmas Day in the Workhouse,” “The Women of Mumbles Head,” “The Last Hymn,” “Ostler Joe,” “The Tramp’s Story,” “The Moonshiner’s Daughter,” “The Martyr,” “The Crazy Kate,” “The Lifeboat,” “Asleep at the Switch,” “A Scar on the Face,” “The Blacksmith’s Story,” “Farmer Green,” “In the Mining Town,” “The Old Wife’s Kiss,” “The Boy Hero,” “The Pauper’s Christmas Eve,” “The Old Parson’s Story,” “Cripple Ben,” and many others. The contents of this book have been selected with great care, the aim being to include only the best, and the result is the finest collection of select recitations ever published. It is a book of 64 large double-column pages, bound in attractive paper covers, and will be sent by mail post-paid upon receipt of only Ten Cents. KEYSTONE BOOK CO., Philadelphia, Pa. OUR GREATEST OFFER BEST QUALITY READ THIS! We mean just what we say. Direct from Japan we have imported a great quantity of elegant handkerchiefs. They are even handsomer than this picture, being made of a rare fibrous material by a secret process known only to these famous foreign artisans; the goods being known as shifu-silk crepe. Each handkerchief is about 15 inches square and has a charming border of various designs. These are used in many of the wealthiest homes for parlor decorations: they form a magnificent display. Ladies are delighted with them. We are the largest importers, and to introduce our goods we make the following great offer:—For 10 cts. we will send you three of these handkerchiefs, also an elegant Japanese Crepe Table Mat, decorated in beautiful designs by a fine Japanese artist. (We have seen mats like this advertised by another firm for 25 cts.) Remember, the above four articles will be mailed, postpaid, carefully packed, at once, on receipt of 10 cents in stamps or postal note. Three lots for 25 cents. Read the following, which is but one of the many letters received:—
We make the above great offer to introduce our goods as we want agents everywhere. Address all orders to W. S. EVERETT & CO., Lynn, Mass. THE LADIES’ MODEL Book cover This is an entirely new book, just published, and embodies all the latest ideas in needlework, crochet, knitting and embroidery. It contains designs and directions for making nearly fifty different patterns of knitted laces, many charming crochet patterns, also instruction for making many useful articles of wearing apparel and numerous articles for home decoration, among which are tidies, chair-scarfs, doylies, purses, table mats, shopping bags, lamp shades, shawls, Afghans, toilet sets, counterpanes, sofa-cushions, chair-covers, pin-cushions, dressing slippers, babies’ socks, etc., etc. Full and complete instructions accompany each design, together with an explanation of the terms used in knitting and crochetting, etc. It also contains full and complete instructions in the art of embroidery, with numerous beautiful designs. The whole is illustrated by 95 handsome engravings, and the whole subject of ladies’ fancy work is made so clear in this book that with it as a guide one may become an adept in the art. It is a book of 64 large double-column pages, neatly bound in attractive paper covers, and will be sent by mail post-paid upon receipt of only Ten Cents. KEYSTONE BOOK CO., Philadelphia, Pa. |