Now the wintry winds are gone,
See how brightly shines the sun;
The violet sweet and primrose pale,
Now adorn the shelter'd vale.
The pilewort rears her joyous head,
To the sunbeam widely spread,
Whilst her little glossy eye
Glows with a deep and yellow dye.
To the garden we will go,
Take the rake, the spade, the hoe,
Dig the border nice and clean,
And rake till not a weed be seen.
Then our radish-seed we'll sow,
And mignionette a long, long row;
And ev'ry flowret of the year,
Shall have a place of shelter here.
In gay profusion they shall spread
O'er each border and each bed,
And when joyous May shall come,
We'll deck the lofty pole at home.
Garlands gay in wreaths we'll twine,
That with brightest colours shine;
And dance around, till setting sun
Proclaims the children's day is done.
to face pa. 16
The Gardeners
The Gardeners


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