ALL THINGS OBEY GOD. "He saith to the snow, Be thou on the "YOUR HEA-VEN-LY FA-THER FEED-ETH THEM." NAUGH-TY NEL-LY AND HER NEW PA-RA-SOL. "THE FLOW-ERS AP-PEAR ON THE EARTH." A-PRIL SHOW-ERS. "Thou makest the earth soft with show-ers: SUM-MER FLOW-ERS. "The de-sert shall re-joice, and blos-som as HURT-FUL WEEDS. 'Ev-e-ry plant, which My hea-ven-ly Fa-ther THE PRO-VI-DENCE OF GOD. "The Lord shall give that which is AU-TUMN. "Be glad then, and re-joice in the Lord your BAT-TLE-DORE AND SHUT-TLE-COCK. TRUST IN GOD. "He ma-keth light-nings for the rain; He BLIND MAN'S BUFF.