Pronounce. (2)


Note.—See that the italicized letters are distinctly pronounced.

ally, al-li´
arctic, Ärk´tik
area, a´rea
asphalt, as-falt´
avenue, av´e-nu
almond, Ä´mund
balsam, ba?l´sambal´sam
barren, bar´en
because, be-ca?z´be-caz´
beneath, be-neth´
breadth, bredth
brethren, breTH´-ren
bristle, bris´l
barrel, bar´el
castle, kas´l
cemetery, cem´-e-ter-y
chimney, chim´ni
clothes, kloTHz
collie, kol´i
column, kol´um
depths, depths
donkey, dong´ki
drought, drowt
eleven, e-lev´-n
English, ing-glish
errand, er-rand
February, Feb´ru?-a-ryFeb´ru-a-ry
flannel, flan´el
follow, fol´lo
foundry, foun´-dri
friends, frends
figure, fig-ur
forbade, for-bad´
glisten, glis´n
greasy, gre´zi
genuine, jen´u-in
height, hit´
hearth, hÄrth
heroine, her´o-in
history, his´-to-ry
instead, in-ste
kettle, ket-l
kiln, kil
launch, lÄnsh
leisure, le´zhur
lettuce, let´is
livery, liv´er-i
minute, mi-nut´ adj.
mouths, mouTHz
nephew, nev´u
nothing, nuth´-ing
peony, pe´o-ni
perhaps, per haps´
pumpkin, pump´-kin
princess, prin´-ses
really, re´al-li
recess, re ses´
recipe, res´i-pe
respite, res´-pit
ruffian, ruf´i-an
ru´-in, rÖ´in
saliva, sa-li´va
several, sev´er-al
shriek, shrek
shrill, shril
slaked, slaked
soften, sof´n
solder, sol´der
sterile, ster´il
strength, strength
stupid, stu´pid
toward, to´erd
Tuesday, tuz´da
turnip, ter´nip
violet, vi´-o-let

Fate, fa?llfall, fÄr, fat; me, met, her; pine, pin; note, not, mÖve; tube, tub, bu?llbull; TH, then; th, thin.


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