
English and the French of the Norman conquerors continued to live side by side for about two centuries, neither materially affecting the other. About 1300 an extensive borrowing of literary (Parisian) French words began, and during the next two hundred years the majority of the thousands of French words we now use were taken over into English.

Latin words began to be used in England while yet there was no English language; many came in with the introduction of Christianity. This borrowing has gone on steadily ever since. As has just been said, English borrowed extensively from literary French. Now, as French is only Latin in a corrupt form, it is often impossible to determine whether a particular word was taken directly from Latin or French. It is estimated that one-fourth of the English vocabulary is derived from Latin.

The Latin stem or stems have been indicated, as, acr-, acrid; audit-, auditor. The letters (Fr.) occurring after a word indicate that the Latin stem has been modified in passing through the French into the English language.

Ac-, sharpac-er (acr-) sharp; ac-us, needle, ac-uo, I sharpen: acid, acerbity, acrid, acrimony, acute, acu-men, eager (Fr. aigre, sharp, sour), vin-egar (Fr. vin, wine, + aigre), acetic.

aed-es, a building; aedi-fic-are (see facio), to build (up): edi-fice, edi-fy.

aes, moneyaes-tim-are to value: estim-ate, in-estim-able, esteem, aim (Fr.).

ager (agr-), field, country; per-agr-are, to travel through: agr-arian, per-egr-inate, pil-gr-im (Ital. pellegrino = peragr-), agri-culture (see colo).

ag-o (ag-ito), I drive, perform; act-us, performed: ag-ent, co-g-ent, agitate, act-ion, actor, act-ive, ag-ile, ex-act, transact, amb-ig-uous.

ali-us, other; al-ter, the other: ali-en, alienate, inalienable, ali-as, ali-bi (= else-where); alter, alternate, altercation, sub-alter-n.

al-tus, high: alt-ar, altitude, ex-alt, ali-ment, ali-mony, alto (Ital.).

am-o (amat-), I love; ami-cus, friend: am-ity, amor-ous, amatory, amour, amic-able, ami-able, in-imic-al, en-emy and enamoured (Fr.).

anim-a, air, breath of life; anim-us, mind: anim-al, anim-ate, anim-osity, anim-advert (see verto), un-anim-ous, equ-anim-ity (aequus), animalcule.

ann-us, year: ann-als, ann-uity, anni-versary (verto), annual, per-enn-ial.

antiqu-us (anticus), ancient: antique, antiquary, antiquity, antic.

apt-us, fitted, suitable; in-ept-us, senseless: apt, aptitude, ad-apt, in-ept.

aqua, water: aqu-atic, aqueous, aquarium, aque-duct (duco).

arbiter, (arbitr-), umpire: arbiter, arbitrate, arbitra-ment, arbitrary.

ar-, joinar-ma, fittings, arms; ar-tus, joint: arm, armour, army, armament, article, articulate; armada and armadillo (Span.), armi-stice (sto).

ar-s (same root as above), skill: art, artisan, artist, artifice (fac-), in-ert.

audi-o (audit-), hear; aur-is, ear; ob-oedi-o, (hearken to), obey: audience, ob-edi-ence, audit, auditor, audit-orium, audible, aur-al, aur-icle, aurist.

Bell-um, old form duellum, war: bellicose, belli-ger-ent, re-bel, revel (Fr.).

bene, well, bonus, good: bene-dic-tion, beni-son; bene-factor, bene-ficent, benefit (facio); bene-vol-ent (volo); beni-gn, boon and bounty (Fr.).

bis, bi, twice; bini, two by two: bi-cycle, bi-ennial, bi-sect, bi-weekly, bis-cuit (twice baked), bin-ary, combine.

brev-is, short: brevity, brief (Fr.), breviary, ab-breviate.

Caballus, a nag: through Fr., caval-ier, cheval-ier, cavalry, chivalry.

cad-o (cid-), I fall; cas-us, a fall: cad-ence, c(h)a-nce, de-cad-ence, de-cay, de-cid-uous, in-cident, cas-e, casu-al, cas-cade.

caed-o (caes-), I cut; in-cid-o, (in-cis-) I cut in: de-cide, incisive, precise.

camp-us, plain, field: encamp, campaign, champion and champaign (Fr.).

cand-, be white, glowcand-idus, white; in-cend-o (cens-), kindle: candor, candid, candidate, candle, in-candescent, incend-iary, incense.

can-o (cant-), cant-o (cantat-), I sing: can-orous, cant-icle, canto, cant.

cap-io, (capt-), ac-cip-io (cept-), take, receive: capacity, capt-ive, caption, captious, re-cip-ient, de-ceive and re-ceipt (Fr.), re-cipe, ac-cept, precept, cap-able, sus-cept-ible, cape.

caput (capit-), head: cape (headland), capital, capitol, capit-ulate, captain, chapter (Fr. chapitre), catt-le and chattel (Fr.); pre-cipit-ate.

caro (carn-) flesh: carnal, in-carn-ate, carnat-ion; through Fr. and Ital.

car-us, dear; caritas, dearness, love: charity, cherish (Fr. cher = car-).

cast-us, pure; castigo (castigat-), punish: castigate, chaste.

caus-a, cause; -cus- in verbs: cause, causal, causation, ac-cuse, accusation.

cav-us, hollow: cave, cavern, cavity, con-cave, cage and cajolery (Fr.).

ced-o (cess-), go, yield, leave off: cede, accede, cease, cessation, proceed.

cens-eo, I assess, judge: census, censor, censure.

cent-um hundred: cent, century, centurion, centenary, centi-grade.

cern-o (cret-), I distinguish, decide; cert-us, fixed: dis-cern, dis-cri-minate, discreet, con-cern, decree, se-crete, secret-ary, certain, certi-ficate.

circ-um, around; circ-us, circle: circle, circular, circuit (i-), circum-spect.

civi-s, citizen; civi-tas, state, city: civic, civilize, civilian, city and citadel.

clam-o, (clamat-), I cry out: claim, exclaim, declamation.

claud-o, (claus-), I shut; in compounds, -cludo (clus-): clause, close, ex-clude.

cliv-us, slope; in-clino (clinat-), bend: de-clivity, in-clination, declension.

colo, (cult-), I till, revere; colon-us, farmer: colony, cult, culture.

commodus, convenient: commodity, incommode, accommodate.

copia, plenty: copious, copy, cornucopia.

cor (cord-), heart: cord-ial, con-cord, dis-cord, record, core, cour-age (Fr.).

coron-a, garland, crown; corolla (lit. little crown) chaplet: crown, coronal, coronet, coronation, coroner, corolla, corollated, corollary.

corpus (corpor-), body: corps, corpse, corporal, corporate, corpus-cle.

cred-o (credit-), I trust, believe: credential, credit, ac-credit, creed, credible, incredulous, recreant (Fr.).

cre-o (creat-), produce, cresc-o (cret-), grow, creator, cresc-ent.

crem-o (cremat-), I burn: cremate, cremationist, crematory.

crux (cruc-), cross: crucial, crucify, excruciating, crusade (Span.), cross, cruise.

cup-id-us, desiring: cupidity, covet (Fr.), covetousness.

cura, care; cur-o (curat-) care for: cur-ious, cure, curate, curacy, curÉ (Fr.), accurate, procure, se-cure = sure (Fr.), (se = without).

curr-o (curs-), I run: cur-rent, cursive, in-cur, suc-cor; course.

Damnum, loss; damn-o (damnat-), condemn: damn, condemnation, indemnity, dam-age (Fr.).

debe-o (debit-), I owe: debit, debt (Fr.), debenture.

decem, ten: December (orig. the tenth month), decim-al, decennial.

dec-et, it is becoming; dec-us (decor-), ornament: dec-ent, decor-um.

dens (dent-), tooth: dental, dentist, dentition, in-dent, tri-dent.

de-us, God: deity, de-ist, deify, deiform.

dic-o (dict-), say; dic-o (dicat-), proclaim: dictum, diction, diction-ary, dictate, indict, verdict (verus), ab-dicate, predicate.

di-es, day: dial, diary, diurnal = journal (Fr.), ad-journ (Fr.), meri-dian.

dign-us, worthy; dign-itas, worth: dignity, dainty (Fr.), dignify, in-dign-ant, condign, deign and dis-dain (Fr.).

disc-o, I learn; doce-o (doct-) I teach: disciple, docile, doctor, doct-rine.

do (dat-), don-o (donat-), I give, present: data, date, dative, donor, donate, add (= ad + do), render (Fr.; re-, back), dotal, dowry (Fr.), dowager.

dol-eo, I grieve; dol-or, grief, pain: dole (= grief), doleful, dolor, dolorous, condole, in-dolent.

dom-o (domit-) I subdue; domin-us, lord, master: in-domitable, dominant.

dom-us, house: domestic, domicile.

dormi-o (dormit-), I sleep: dormitory, dormant and dormer (Fr.).

duc- leadduc-o (duct-); educ-o (educat-), I rear; dux (duc-), leader: re-duce, ductile, conduct, conduit (Fr.), deduction, traduce, education.

duo, two: dual, duel (see bellum), double (Fr.; duplus), doublet, duplex.

Em-o (empt-), I buy; ex-emp-lum, example: pre-empt, ex-emption, exemplify, per-emptory, sample (Fr.), redeem, ransom (Fr.; red-imo).

es-se, to be; ab-s-ens (absent-), being away; futurus about to be: ess-ence (lit., being, existence), present, ent-ity, futurity, inter-est.

Faber (fabr-), workman; fabric-a, workshop: fabric, fabricate, forge (Fr.).

faci-es, form, face: facial, efface, super-ficies = sur-face (Fr.), faÇade (Fr.).

faci-o, (fact-), I make; ef-fici-o (effect-); facil-is, easy: fact, fact-ion, fashion (Fr.), factor, pro-fici-ent, affect, defection, suffice, feat (Fr.), feature, facile, feasible (Fr.), faculty, artificer.

fall-o, (fals-), I deceive: fallacy, infallible, false, fail and fault (Fr.).

fanum, temple; festus, festal: fane, fanatic, pro-fane, festive.

fa-, speakfari (fat-, fan-), to speak; fa-bula, tale; fa-ma, a report: in-fant, infantry, pre-face, fate, fatality, fable, affable, fabulous, infamous.

fe-, producefemina, a woman; felix, happy: feminine, female, felicity.

fend-, strike, fend—occurs in compound verbs, e.g., de-fend-o, (-fens-), ward off: defend, offend, offence, fence, in-fes-t.

fer-o, (lat-), I bear; fertilis, productive: fertile, in-fer, differ, elated.

fid-es, faith; fidelis, fid-us, trusty; foed-us (foeder-), treaty: fidelity, infidel, diffident, feder-al, defy, af-fi-ance, fi-ancÉ, faith, fealty.

filius, son, (filia daughter): filial, affiliate, Fitz- (Fitzedward) (Fr.).

fing-o, (fict-, fig-), I fashion, make up: figment, figure, fictile, fiction, effigy; through Fr., feign, feint, faint.

finis, end; fini-o (finit-), I end: fine, con-fine, final, finable, finical, affinity, infinitude; through Fr., finance, finish, finesse.

firm-us, steadfast; firm-o (firmat-), I strengthen, strength: firm, confirmation, affirmative, firmament (lit. support), farm (through Ang. Sax.).

flagr-o (flagrat), I burn; flam-ma, flame: flagrant, inflame, flambeau (Fr.).

flect-o (flex-), I bend: in-flect, flex, flex-ible, flexor, flexion, flexure.

flos (flor-), flower; floresc-ere, to blossom: flora, florid, florist, florescent.

flu-o (flux-), flow; fluct-us a wave: flu-ent, fluid, influence, flux, fluctuate.

foli-um, leaf; foliat-us leaved: foliage, folio, foil (Fr.), trefoil, portfolio.

fons (font-), a spring: font, fount, fountain (Fr.), fontal.

form-a, shape; form-o (format-), I shape: form, formal, formula, perform.

forti-s, steadfast, brave: forti-tude, fortify; through Fr., comfort, effort, force, forte, fort, fortress.

frag-, frang-o (fract-), I break: fragile, fragment, fracture, in-fringe.

frater, brother: fraternal, fraternity, fratricide (caedo), friar (Fr.).

frigidus, be cold; friger-are, make cold: frigidity, refrigerate, refrigerant.

frons (front-), forehead: front, frontal, affront, effrontery and frontier.

frug-, fru-i (fruct-), to enjoy; frug-es, fructus, fruit; frugi, useful: fructify, frugi-ferous, frugi-vorous, fruit, fruition, frugal.

fugi-o (fugit-), I flee: fugitive, refuge, subterfuge, febrifuge (febris, fever).

fulge-o (fuls-), shine; fulmen, lightning: refulgent, fulminate.

fund-o (fus-), I pour; fu-tilis, vain: re-fund (= pay back), fusible, refuse, confuse, effusion, confound and foundry (Fr.), fount (of type), futile.

fund-us, bottom; fund-are (fundat-), to found: fundament = foundation (Fr.), pro-fundity; Fr., profound, (to) found, (to) founder, fund, refund.

fung-i (funct-), perform: de-funct, function (Fr.) perfunctory.

Gel-, gelid-us, icy cold; gel-are (gelat-), to congeal, glacies, ice: gelid, gelatine, glacier, glacial, jelly (Fr.).

gen- (birth)—gen-us (gener-), (birth), race; gen-s (gent-), nation; gigno (genit-), give birth: general, generate, congener, gentle, gentile, congenital, ingenious, genius, gender (Fr.), ingenuous.

ger-o (gest-), bear: belli-gerent, gesture, di-gest, register and jest (Fr.).

grad-i (gressus), to walk, go; grad-us, a step: gradi-ent, gradation, e-gress, gradual, degrade, aggressive, degree (Fr.).

grandis, great: grand, grandee (Span.), grandeur (Fr.), grandiose.

gran-um, a grain: granule, granary, granite, ingrain, garner and grange.

gratus, acceptable; gratia, favour; gratiae, thanks; gratul-ari, to congratulate: gratitude, grateful, gratify, ingratiate, grace ("say grace" = agere gratias), gracious, gratis, gratuitous, gratulation, agree (Fr.).

gravis, heavy: gravity, grave (= serious; Fr.), aggravate, grief.

grex (greg-), a flock: gregarious, e-greg-ious, aggregation.

Habe-o (habit-), I have; in compounds -hibeo, prohibeo, prevent; habilis, suitable: habit, habitude, exhibit, prohibitive, able (Fr.).

haere-o (haes-), I stick: ad-here, in-her-ent, hesit-ate.

heres (hered-), heir: hered-ity, heir (Fr.), co-heir, in-her-it (Fr.), heir-loom.

homo (homin-), man; human-us, human; humus, ground; humil-is, lowly: homi-cide, inhumanity, ex-hume, humility, humble and homage (Fr.).

hospes (hospit-), host, also guest; hospiti-um, inn; hostis, enemy: hospital (= hostel, hotel, Fr.; hence) hostelry, hostler; host (army), hostile.

Idem, same; item, likewise; i-terum, a second time; iterare, to repeat: identity, identify, item, itemize, iterate, reiteration.

impero (imperat-), I command; imperium, rule: imperative, empire (Fr.).

insula, island: insular, pen-insula, insulate = isolate (Fr.), isle (Fr.).

in-teg-er, whole (= in-tac-t; from tag-, see tango): integer, entire (Fr.).

intellego (intellect-), I understand: intelligent, intellect, intellectualism.

ira, anger, irasc-i, to be angry: irate, iracund, irascible, ire (Fr.)

i-, go—This root is found in eo (it-), I go; i-tio, i-tus, a going; iter (itiner-), a going, march; in-i-tium, a beginning: amb-i-ent, amb-i-tion, se(d)-i-tion (se = apart), adit, exit, circuit, itinerant, initial.

Jac-, throwjacio (ject- in compounds), I throw; jact-ura, jaculatio, casting; jac-ere, to lie (down): jactitation, abject, project, adjective, rejection, conjecture, ejaculation; adjacent, circumjacent; through Fr., jet (= jut), jetty, jetsam, gist and joist (from jacere).

jocus, jest; jucundus, pleasant: jocose, jocular, joke, jocundity, juggler and jeopardy (jeu parti = even chance) (Fr.).

judex (judic-), a judge; jus (jur-), right; jurare, to swear; justus, just; judicial, prejudice, justice; Fr., judge, jury, jurist, injury, adjust.

jug-um, yoke; jung-o (junct-), I join; juxta, near to: jugular, conjugal, conjugate, juncture, adjunct, conjunction, juxtaposition; through, Fr. join, joiner, joint.

juvenis, young: juvenile, juvenescent, junior, rejuvenate.

juv-o (jut-), I aid: adjutant, co-adjutor, aid and aide (Fr.).

Lab-, glide downlapsus, a gliding, fall: lapse, collapse, elapse, relapse.

laed-o (laes-), strike, hurt; col-lido (-lis-), dash together: collide, elide.

latu-s (later-), side: lateral, collateral, multilateral, equilateral (aequus).

laud-o (laudat-), I praise; laus, praise: laud, laudable, laudatory, laudation.

lav-o (lavat) I wash; lavanda (things) to be washed; lu-ere, wash: lavatory, al-luv-ial, pollution, dilute, lave, lavender, laund-ry, de-luge.

lag-, langue-o, to be languid-us, faint, dull; lax-us, open, loose: languor, languid, lax, laxity, relaxation; through Fr. lease, leash, release.

lex (leg-), law; leg-o (legat-), I send, depute; collega, colleague: legal, leal, loyal (Fr.), legitimate, legate, legatee, legacy, allegation, college.

leg-o (lect-), I choose, read; leg-i legion: legible, legend, lecture, lection = lesson (Fr.), elegant, legionary, coil and cull (colligo).

levis, light, lev-o (levat-), I raise, lighten: levity, levant, elevator, alleviate.

liber (libr-), book; libell-us, pamphlet: library, libel, libellous.

liber, free; liber-o (liberat-), set free: liberal, liberty, libertine, liberate.

libra (dimin. libella), a balance; libr-o (librat-), I balance: equi-librium, level (Fr.), libration, deliberate.

lig-o (ligat-), I tie: ligature, ligament; through Fr., league, liable, lien.

linquo, (re-lict-), I leave: de-linquent, derelict, relinquish, relic.

lin-um, flax; linea, a thread: line, lineal, lineament, delineate, linen.

liqu-ere, be moist; liquid-us, flowing: liquid, liquidation.

littera, a letter: literal, literature, illiterate, obliterate, letter (Fr.).

loc-us, a place; loc-o (locat-), I place: local, allocate = allow (Fr.).

long-us, long: longitude, elongated, prolong = purloin (Fr.), lunge (Fr.).

loqui (locut-), to speak; loqu-ax, talkative: loquacious, eloquent, colloquial.

luc-: this root is seen in lux (luc-), lumen (lumin-), light; luna, moon: lucidity, luminary, luminous, lunatic, illustration.

Mag-: this root appears in magn-us, great, maior, greater, maxim-us, greatest, and magister, master: magnitude, magnify, magn-animous, majority, maximum, maxim, magnate, mayor and master (Fr.).

male, badly; malus, bad: mali-gn (see gen-), malignant, male-volent, malice and malady (Fr.); malediction, malefactor, etc.

mane-o (mans-), I remain: per-manent, im-manent, remnant, mansion (staying (-place)), manse, manor and menial (Fr.).

man-us, hand; mand-o (mandat-), entrust: manual, manacle, mandate, emancipate, commend, manu-mission (mitto); through Fr., amend, command, maintain (teneo), manoeuvre (Fr. oeuvre = opera, work).

mare, sea: marine, mariner, maritime.

mater, mother; materia, stuff, matter: maternal, material, matron.

med-eri, to heal; medic-us, physician: medical, re-medy.

medi-us, middle: medium, mediocre, mediator, mean and means (Fr.).

memor, mindful; memoro (memorat-), I recount: memory, memorandum.

mens (ment-), mind; re-min-isci, I remember: mental, reminiscent, comment.

mere-o (merit-), I deserve: merit, meritorious.

merx (merc-), wares; mercor (mercat-), I purchase; merces (merced-), hire: merchant, mercantile, market = mart, mercenary.

met-iri (mens-), to measure: mensuration, dimension, measure (Fr.).

miles (milit-), soldier: military, militant, militia.

mille, thousand: mile, millesimal, million and millimetre (Fr.), etc.

mons (mon-), mountain: mount and mountain (Fr.), promontory.

minu-o (minut-), lessen; minor, less; minister, servant: minu-end, minute, diminutive, minority, minimum, ministry, ministration, minstrel (Fr.).

mir-ari (mirat-), to wonder at: miracle, Fr., mirage, mirror, marvel.

misce-o (mixt-), I mix: mixture, promiscuous, miscellaneous.

mitto (miss-), I send: com-mit, missile, mission, dismissal, manu-mit.

mod-us and modul-us, a measure; verb stems moderat-, modul-at-: modesty, modal, modify, moderate, modulation; (Fr.), model, mode = mood.

moles, mass: mole (i.e., dam), molecule, demolish, demolition.

mone-o, (monit-), I warn; monstr-um, warning, prodigy: monu-ment, monition, remonstrate, admonish and monster (Fr.).

morbus, disease; mors (mort-), death: morbid, mortal, mortify.

morde-o (mors-), I bite: mordant, mordacious, morsel (Fr.), remorse.

mos, custom, pl. mores, manners: moral, moralize, morose, demure (Fr.).

move-o (mot-), I move; mobilis, movable: movement, motion, remote, motive, mobile (Fr.), mobility, mob (= Lat. mobile), move (Fr.).

muni-o (munit-), I fortify; mur-us, a wall: muniment, munition, mural, intra-, extra-mural, ammunition.

munis, obliging; munus (muner-), service, gift; municeps, citizen: munificent (facio), immunity, remuneration, municipal.

mut-o (mutat-); mutu-us, borrowed: mutable, per-mutation, commute.

Nasc-i (nat-), to be born: nasc-ent, natal, nativity, nation, nature, cognate.

navis, ship; nauta, sailor: naval, navy, nautical.

nect-o (nex-), I bind: con-nect, nexus, an-nex, annexation.

neg-o (negat-), I deny: negation; deny, re-negade (Span.).

neuter (neutr-), neither: neuter, neutrality, neutralize.

no-, older; gno-, know; nobilis, noble; notus, well known; no-men (nomin-), name; ignor-are, not to know; nobility, i-gnoble (i = in, not), en-noble, notice and notify, notion, notorious, noun (Fr.), nominal, ignomin-ious, nominate, nomina-tive, denominator, ignorant.

noce-o, I harm; nox-ius, hurtful: in-noc-ent, innocuous, noxious, nuisance.

norma, a rule; root no- as in notus: normal, abnormal, enormous.

nota, a mark; not-o, (notat-), I mark: note and notable (Fr.), notary.

novus, new; nuntius, news: novel and novice (Fr.), in-nov-ation, denunciate, an-nunciation = announcement (Fr.), pronounce (Fr.).

nox (noct-), night: noct-urnal, equi-nox, equinoctial.

nubere (nupt-), to marry: con-nubial, nuptial.

nutri-o (nutrit-), I nourish; nutrix (nutric-), a nurse: nutri-ent, nutri-ment, nutritious; through Fr., nurse, nursling, nourish, nurture.

Oculus, eye: ocular, oculist, ocellus.

omnis, all: omnibus, omni-scient, omnipotent.

onus (oner-), burden: onerous, ex-onerate.

ops, means; optimus, best: opulent, optimist, optimates.

opus (oper-), work; opera, service: operate, operative, co-operation, opera.

opt-o (optat-), I desire: option, adopt, adoptive, optative.

ordo (ordin-), order, row; ordin-o (ordinat-), I set in order; orno (ornat-), I deck: ordinal, extra-ordinary, ordination, co-ordinate, in-subordination, orna-ment, ad-orn, ornate; through Fr., order, ordain.

oriens, rising (sol oriens, the east); origo (origin-), source: orient, orientalist, orientation, origin (Fr.), originality.

os (or-), mouth; or-o (orat-), I speak, pray; omen (omin-), token: oral, or-acle, o-rotund, ori-fice (facio), os-cul-ation, adore, oration = orison.

ovum, egg; ovatio, an ovation: oval, ovary, ovi-form, ovi-parous (pario).

Paenit-ere, to be sorry: through Fr., penitent, repentance, penance.

pagus, country district: pagan, page (boy) and peasant (Fr.).

par, equal: parity; through Fr., pair, peer, compeer, dis-parage, um-pire.

paro (parat-), make ready: com-par-able, ap-paratus, pre-paration; through Fr., repair, reparation, comparison, parry, parade, para-sol (Port.).

par-ere, be visible: ap-parent; through Fr., appear, peer (= to peep).

pars (part-), part; partit-us, divided: partitive, partition, participate (capio); through Fr., part, parcel, partner, parse.

patere, to be open; pandere (pans-, pass-), to extend: patent, paten, patella = pail (Fr.), expand; through Fr. pass, passage, pace, pan.

pater (patr-), father; patria, fatherland; patricius, patrician: paternal, patron, patrimony, patrician, ex-patriate.

pat-i (pass-), to suffer: patient, com-pat-ible, passion, compassion, passive.

paucus, few, little; pauper, poor: paucity, pauperism; through Fr., poverty, poor, im-poverish.

pectus (pector-), breast: pectoral, expectorate, para-pet (Ital. petto, breast).

pecunia, money; peculium, personal property: pecuniary, im-pecunious, peculiar, peculation.

pell-o (puls-), beat, drive; pulso (pulsat-), push, strike: com-pel, re-pellent, ex-pulsion, pulse, pulsation.

pend-ere (pens-), to hang (1); pend-ere (pens-), to weigh, pay (2); pondus (ponder-), weight: (1) pendent, pendant (Fr.), im-pending, pendulous, pendulum, de-pend; (2) ex-pend, spend, dis-pense, compensate, recompense (Fr.), compendium, suspension, pensive, poise (Fr.); ponder (Fr.).

pes (ped-), foot; ex-pedi-o (expedit-), I set free: pedal, ped-estrian, pedestal (Span.), expedite, impediment.

ping-o (pict-), I paint: pig-ment, picture, pictorial, depict, paint (F.).

pius, dutiful: pious, piety = pity (Fr.).

plac-ere, to be pleasing; plac-are (placat-), to quiet: placid, com-placent, complaisance (Fr.), please and pleasure (Fr.), placable, placate.

planta, a plant, sole: sup-plant, plantation, plantain (Fr.).

planus, level: plane; through Fr., plain, plan, explain; piano (soft; Ital.).

plaud-o (plaus-), I clap (ex-plodo): plaudit, ap-plause, plausible, explode.

ple-o (plet-), I fill; plenus, full: de-plete, complement; expletive.

plic-are (plicit-), to fold; plect-ere (plex-), I weave: du-plicate, implicit, complex; through Fr., ply, reply, display, triplet; replica (Ital.).

plumbum, lead: plumbago; through Fr., plumb, plummet, plunge.

plus (plur-), more: plus, plural, plu-perfect, surplus (Fr.).

poena, punishment; puni-o (punit-), I punish: through Fr., penal, penalty, pain, punitive, impunity, punish.

pono (posit-), I place: post-pone, deponent, posit, opposite, expositor, depositary; through Fr., posture, position, post, compost, compound.

populus, people; publicus, of the people: popular; public, publish.

porta, gate; portus, harbour; portare, to carry: through Fr., port, porte, portal, porter, import, etc., portly, deportment, port-cullis, op-portune.

posse, to be able; potens (able): potent, potential, possible.

praeda, booty; prehendo (prehens-), I seize: predatory, depredation, prehensile, apprehend, apprentice, prey and prison (Fr.).

prec-ari (precat-), to pray: precarious, deprecate, pray and prayer (Fr.).

prem-o (press-), I press: through Fr., re-prim-and, compress, print.

pretium, price: through Fr., precious, depreciate, appraise, price = prize.

pri-, beforeprior, former; primus, first; prin-ceps (princip-), chief: prior, prime, primal, primitive, principal, pristine; through (Fr.), primate, primer, premier, primrose, prince, principle.

probus, good; prob-o (probat-), I test: probity, probable, approve.

prope, near; proximus, nearest: propinquity, approximate, approach (Fr.).

pung-o (punct-), I prick, pierce: pungent, puncture, expunge, compunction; through Fr., punctual, punctuate, point, poignant.

purus, clean, pure; purg-o (purgat-), cleanse; put-o (putat-), trim, reckon: purify, puritan, purge, am-putate (am- = about), compute, deputy (Fr.).

Quaer-o (quaesit-), I seek [-quiro (-quisit-) in compounds]: query, acquire, inquisition, exquisite, quest and inquest (Fr.), question.

qualis, of what kind; quantus, how great: quality, quantity.

quati-o, I shake; -cutio (-cuss-) in compounds: dis-cuss, quash (Fr.).

quotus, what number?: quota, quotidian (dies), quote and quotient (Fr.).

Radix (radic-), root: radicle, eradicate, radish and radical (Fr.).

rapi-o (rapt-), carry off; rap-ax (rapac-), grasping: rapac-ious, rapt, rapture; through Fr., rapine, ravine, rapid, ravishing, ravenous.

reg-o (rect-), regn-o, I rule, direct; rex, king; regula, a rule; reg-io, district: reg-ent, regnant, regi-men, cor-rig-ible, rector, rectitude, di-rect, rectangle, regal, regalia, regular, region; through Fr., regime, regiment, reign, rectify, dress (Lat. di-rect-), rule (Lat. regula).

res, thing: through Fr., real, realty, realize, republic; rebus.

rid-ere (ris-), to laugh: de-ride, derision, ridi-cule and ris-ible (Fr.).

ripa, river bank: riparian, river (Fr. riviÈre), ar-rive (Fr.).

rivus, a brook: rivulet; through Fr., rival, de-rive, derivation. (For river and arrive see ripa).

rog-o (rogat-), I ask: ar-rogant, ab-rogate, interrogation, de-rogatory, (Fr.).

rota, a wheel; rot-ula, dimin.; rot-undus, round: rot-ary, rotate, rotunda, Fr., roll, rowel, roulette (all from rotula), rouÉ, round.

rumpere, to break; ruptus, broken: rupture (Fr.), ab-rupt, e-rupt-ive, dis-ruption, bank-rupt (bank = bench, table of money changer); through Fr., rout (lit. a division), route and rut (= a path).

Sacer (sacr-), sacred; sacr-are, sanc-ire, consecrate: sacrifice, sacrilege, sacerdotal, sacrament, de-secration, sanctity, sanctuary, saint (Fr.).

sal, salt: salary (i.e., salt-money), saliferous; through Fr., saline, salad, sauce (= salsus, salted).

sali-o (salt-), I leap (-silio, -sult-, in compounds): sali-ent, re-sili-ent, ex-ultant, saltation, in-sult, de-sultory; through Fr., sally, assail, assault.

salv-us, safe; salus (salut-), health, greeting: salubrious, salute; through Fr., salvation, salvage, save, salutary, saviour (Lat. salvator).

sanus, sound; san-are (sanat-), to heal: sane, sanitary, sanatorium.

sapor, taste; sapi-o, sap-ere, have taste, be wise: sapi-ent, sapor-ific, in-sip-idity, savour and sage (Fr.).

satis, enough; satur, full: satisfy (Fr.), satiate, asset (Fr.).

scando (scans-), I climb; scala, stairs: a-scend, scale; scan, e-scalade.

sci-o, I know; scientia, knowledge; conscius, privy to: science (Fr.), nescient, scientific, conscious, prescience (Fr.), sciolist.

scrib-o (script-), I write: scribe (Fr.), scripture, manu-script, conscription.

sec-o (sect-), I cut: secant, sectile, section (Fr.), segment, bisect.

sede-o (sess-), I sit; as-sideo, sit by: sedentary, sediment, sedate, sedative, as-siduous, as-sessor, pos-session, subside, re-sidue (Fr.), supersede.

senex, old man: senile, senior, senate, seignorial (Fr.).

senti-o (sens-), I feel: sentient, sentiment; through Fr., sentence, sense.

sequor (secut-), I follow; secundus, following; secta, a party, school; socius, companion: con-sequent, sequence, sequel; through F., obsequies, obsequious, execute, suit, suite, second, social.

ser-o (sert-), I join, compose: series, assert, desert, exert, insert, concert.

servo (servat-), I save: con-serve, conservator, preservation, conservatory.

servus, a slave; serv-ire, to serve: servile, servant, sergeant, serf, service.

signum, mark, sign; sign-o (signat-), I mark, seal: signal, signet, signature, signatory, significant, assign-ment, re-signation (a signing back).

similis, like; simul, together; simul-o (simulat-), I pretend: similar and similitude (Fr.), as-similate, simul-taneous, simulate, assembly (Fr.).

sol, sun: solar, sol-stice (= sol-stit-ium; stare) (Fr.), para-sol (par-, ward off).

solidus (and soldus), firm; also a gold coin (military pay): solidify and solder (Fr.), solidarity (Fr.), consolidate, con-sols, soldier (Fr.).

solus, alone: through Fr., sole, solitude, solitary, solitaire, de-solate, solo.

solv-o (solut-), I loose, pay: solvent, ab-solve, soluble (Fr.), dis-solute.

somnus, sopor, sleep: in-somnia, somnolence, somn-ambulist, sopori-fic.

son-are, to sound: consonant, sound, sonor-ous, sonnet, per-son, unison (unus).

sparg-o (spars-), I scatter, sprinkle: sparse, di-sperse, a-spersion.

speci-o (spect-), I look; su-spici-o (suspect-), look up, mistrust; species, appearance: speci-men, specious and specify (Fr.), spectacle and spectre (Fr.), aspect, spectator, despise and spite (= de-spite) (Fr.).

sper-o (sperat-), I hope: desperate, despair and prosper (Fr.).

spir-o (spirat-), I breathe; spiritus, breath: a-spirant, inspire, conspiracy.

stare (stat-), sist-ere, stand; statu-o, I set: di-stant, extant, substance (Fr.), station, stable, insist, obstacle and e-stablish (Fr.); state and statue (Fr.), statute, rest (= remainder), armi-stice and sol-stice (Fr.).

stern-ere (strat-), to spread, extend, cover; consternation, prostrate, stratum, stratify, street (through Ang. Sax.).

string-o (strict-), I draw together: stringent, strain and strait (Fr.), strict, stricture, district, stress (Fr.).

stru-ere (struct-), to build: con-struct, structure, construe, destroy (Fr.).

sum-o (sumps-), I take, use; sumptus, expense: as-sume, sumptuous.

super, above; super-are, to overcome; supremus, summus, topmost: superb (Fr.), superior, supernal, insuperable, supremacy, sum and summit.

surg-o (surrect-), I rise (see rego): through Fr., in-surgent, surge = source, resource, resurrect.

Tag- (touch)—tang-o (tact-), I touch, in-teger, whole: tangent, con-tingent, tangible, con-tag-ion, intact, disintegration, contiguous, tact (Fr.).

teg-o (tect-), I cover: tegmen, tegument, protective.

tempt-o (temptat-), I try, test: at-tempt (Fr.), temptation, tentative (Fr.).

tempus (tempor-), time; temper-o (temperat-), I regulate; tempes-tas, season: temporal, temporize (Fr.), tense (n; Fr.), temper (Fr.), tempest (Fr.).

tend-o (tent-, tens-), stretch; tenuis, thin: tendency, extent, intend, tense (adj.), tension, attend, pretence, ostentation, tenuity, extenuate.

tene-o (tent-), I hold: per-tinent, tenable (Fr.), tenet, tenant (Fr.), sus-tenance, tenor, abs-tain (Fr.), detention, continue and retinue (Fr.).

ter-o (trit-), rub, wear away; tribul-are, to afflict: trite, attrition, detriment, contrite, tribulation.

terra, land: terrestrial; through F., terrace, in-ter, tureen, territory.

testis, a witness; testor (testat-), I bear witness: testify (Fr.), testimony, attest, detest, testament, testator.

tex-o (text-), I weave: text (Fr.), texture, textile, pretext and tissue (Fr.).

torque-o (tort-), I twist: torment and torture (Fr.), tortuous, contort, extortionate, torch and tortoise (Fr.).

trah-o (tract-), I draw; tract-o (tractat-), I handle: sub-trahend, tract, tractable, abs-tract; through Fr., trait, por-tray, re-treat, train, trail.

tres, tria, three: trinity (Fr.), ternary, ter-centenary, triangle, tri-dent.

tribu-ere, to give, pay; tributum, payment: at-tribute, re-tributive, tribute.

tueri (tuit-), to see, watch: tuition, in-tuitive, tutor, tutelage, tutelary.

tum-ere, to swell; tuber, swelling: tumid, tubercle, protuberant.

Ultra, beyond: ultimus, farthest: outrage (Fr.), ulterior, ultimate.

und-o (undat-), overflow: ab-undant, abound (Fr.), inundate.

ungu-o (unct-), I anoint: unguent = ointment (Fr.), unction, unctuous.

unus, one: unit, union (Fr.), unite, unique (Fr.), uni-son (sonus, sound).

ut-i, to use; usus, use; utilis, useful: utensil (Fr.), usury (Fr.), utility.

Vad-o (vas-), I go: invade, evasion, pervasive, vade mecum (lit. go with me).

vale-o, am strong; valid, valour, value, convalesce, prevail.

vanus, empty: through Fr., vain, vanish, vaunt.

veh-o (vect-), I carry: vehicle, vehement, in-veigh and invective (Fr.).

vell-o (vuls-), I pluck, tear: con-vulse, convulsive, divulsion, revulsion.

velum, cover, veil; vel-o (velat-), I cover: (Fr.), re-veal, revelation, unveil.

veni-o (vent-), I come: con-vene, convenient, intervention; through Fr., con-vent, covenant, venture, re-venue.

verbum, word: verbal, verb (Fr.), verbose, verbiage (Fr.), proverb.

vert-o (vers-), I turn: version, adverse, versatile.

verus, true; verax, truthful: veracious; very, verify, aver, verdict.

via, way: de-vious, deviate, trivial (Fr.), impervious; through Fr., convey.

vicis, alternation: vicarious, vicar (Fr.), vicissitude, vice-regal.

vide-o (vis-), I see; vis-o (visit-), go to see: e-vident, provident, prudent, visage and vision (Fr.), invidious = envious (Fr.), visual (Fr.), visitation.

vige-o, am vigorous; vigour, vigil (Fr.), vegetate.

vinc-o (vict-), I conquer: convince, invincible and vanquish (Fr.), victor.

vir, man; virtus, worth, valour: virile and virtue (Fr.), virago, trium-vir.

vita, life; vivus, living: vital, vivid, vivacity, vivify (Fr.).

voco (vocat-), I call; vox (voc-), voice: ad-vocate, vocation, revoke (Fr.).

vol-o, am willing: bene-volent, voluntary, volunteer (Fr.), volition.

volv-o (volut-), I roll; volumen, a roll: de-volve, voluble (Fr.), evolution.

vor-o, I swallow up: de-vour (Fr.), voracious, carni-vorous.

vove-o (vot-), I vow: vote (Fr.), votive, votary, devotion, devout (Fr.).

vulgus, the people: vulgar, divulge, vulgate.


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