God, in the gospel of his Son,
Makes his eternal counsels known;
’Tis here his richest mercy shines,
And truth is drawn in fairest lines.
Here sinners of an humble frame,
May taste his grace and learn his name;
’Tis writ in characters of blood,
Severely just, immensely good.
Wisdom its dictates here imparts,
To form our minds, to cheer our hearts;
Its influence makes the sinner live,
It bids the drooping saint revive.
Our raging passions it controls,
And comfort yields to contrite souls;
It brings a better world in view,
And guides us all our journey through.
May this bless’d volume ever lie
Close to my heart, and near my eye,
Till life’s last hour my soul engage,
And be my chosen heritage!
London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Duke street, Lambeth, for The Religious Tract Society; and told at the Depository, 56, Paternoster row, and 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard; by J. Nisbet and Co., 21, Berners street, Oxford street; and by other Booksellers.
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