- Did not change “VV” to “W”.
- Changed “We all deserue as much” to “We all deserue as much.”
- Changed “For I should neuer liue till your returne,” to “For I should neuer liue till your returne.”
- Changed “For when the the Nauies ioyn’d, the Cannons plaid” to “For when the Nauies ioyn’d, the Cannons plaid”.
- Changed “By this hand, I shall thinke my money vell bestowed” to “By this hand, I shall thinke my money well bestowed”.
- Changed “Enter Nicanor.” to “Enter Nicanor.”
- Changed “Scan. Goe then, Ile follow,” to “Scan. Goe then, Ile follow.”
- Changed the second “Scen. II.” to “Scen. III.” in Act IIII.
- Changed “Attic. But not the the freedome of Leonida” to “Attic. But not the freedome of Leonida”.
- Changed “I neuer heard him speake so carefully” to “Iag. I neuer heard him speake so carefully”. [The catchword on the previous page was “Iag.”]
- Changed “Scold, He lookes as if he did” to “Scold. He lookes as if he did”.
- Changed “King No, thy loue” to “King. No, thy loue”.
- Changed “Thus I throw downe before your Highnesse feet,” to “Thus I throw downe before your Highnesse feet.”
- Retained all spellings and punctuations as printed except as noted above.
- Except for apostrophes, silently corrected spaces around punctuation, for example changed “ ,” to “,” and “,a” to “, a”.