
A certain Cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Loss of Voice.

A Cough is the forerunner of Consumption; and in England alone 50,000 people, one-fourth of the whole deaths in each year, are attributable to it. It has destroyed more human beings than War, Pestilence, and Famine combined; it neither spares the old nor young, “and there is no family in which this rapacious destroyer of the human race has not had its victims.” It is a well known fact that people with diseased lungs can live for years, and follow their usual avocations in life, provided they are relieved of the principal feature of the disease—the Cough—which shakes and destroys the very elements of the blood, upon which life is supported. How very valuable and important to all, then, must a medicine be which will arrest and cure so fearful a malady.

The Brompton Consumption and Cough Specific has been extensively sold to the rich and poor, and all assert its wonderful power in immediately curing any kind of Cough; the Proprietor, Mr Hardy, can assure those who may have recourse to it, that of all the Medicines used and tried for the relief of Cough, during the four years he officiated as Dispenser to the Brompton Hospital for Consumption, this Specific was the most efficacious, and was administered to 500 out-patients, by a late Physician to the charity, with the greatest success. It immediately allays the tickling of the throat, which provokes Coughing. Persons prevented from laying down for fear of being suffocated, may depend on immediate relief; in fact, a few doses will cure any kind of Cough. It strengthens the muscles of the throat and chest, and acts specifically on the blood, by reducing inflammatory tendency. It is a universal Cough Medicine, and will save the lives of thousands, by preventing Consumption.

In consequence of the immense sale during the last five years at the Proprietor’s Establishment at Brompton, he has been induced by many of its patrons to give publicity to the Medicine, so that it may be more easily obtained; and it can now be procured through any Chemist ordering it, either from the Depot, 3, ALEXANDER PLACE, BROMPTON, LONDON; or of the following Wholesale Agents:—

Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon st.

Hannay and Dietrichsen, 63 Oxford st.

Newbery & Sons, 65 St. Paul’s ch yd

Sanger, 150 Oxford street.

Edwards & Co. 67 St. Paul’s ch. yd.

Dicey, Sutton, & Co. St. Paul’s ch. yd

In Bottles, at 1s. 1½d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each, Duty included.

The Specific is prepared only by
G. HARDY, Chemist,



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