Opposite Victoria Station. LIST OF PRICES. Unequalled for cheapness by any house in any Town. | Per 5 Quires. | | Per Ream. | Cream Laide Note, large size | 5d. | Household and Wrapping Papers from | 1s. 9d. | Middle do. | 7½d. | Fine large do. | 3s. 6d. | Thick do. | 10d. | Per Quire. | Per 100. | Good Blue Foolscap | 4d. | Cream laid Envelopes | 4d. | Blotting Papers | 5d. | Thick do. | 5d. | Coloured Papers | 6d. | Extra thick do. | 6d. | Music Papers | 1s. | Superfine Double thick do. | 9d. | School Stationery very low. | Purchasers can select from the largest Stocks in London 20,000 of any sort at any time. | 100 Pencils in box | 4½d. | | 144 Penholders | 1s. 6d. | Account Books 6 by 4 in. containing 32 Pages | 1s. per Dozen. | Ditto Strongly Bound, containing 190 Pages | 5s. „ | Ditto Whole Bound, 12 in. Long | from 1s. Each. | A Large Assortment always in Stock, and any kind Made to Order within three Days. All Kinds of Stationery equally Cheap. Printers, Bag-makers, Ticket Writers, and Dealers can have all their wants Supplied at the Lowest Prices, by SEWELL & Co., ENVELOPE AND ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS, AT ABOVE ADDRESS.