
El Havareuna; or the English Physitian’s Tutor, in the Astrobolismes of Mettals Rosie Crucian, Miraculous Saphiric Medicines of the Sun and Moon, the Astrolosmes of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars.... All harmoniously united and opperated by Astromancy and Geomancy.... Whereunto is added Psonthonphanchia.... the Books being also an appeal to the natural faculties of the mind of man whether there be not a God. By John Heydon, M.D. 1664.

The Holy Guide: leading the way to the Wonder of the World (a compleat Physician) teaching the knowledge of all things, past, present, and to come, viz., of pleasure, long life, health, youth, Blessedness, Wisdome, Virtue; and to cure, change, and remedy all diseases in young or old. With Rosie Crucian Medicines, etc. (The Rosie Cross uncovered, and the Places, Temples, Holy Houses.... and invisible Mountains of the Brethren discovered), etc. John Heydon. 1662.

A New Method of Rosie Crucian Physick, wherein is shewed the cause, and therewith their experienced medicines for the cure of all diseases. John Heydon. 1658.

A Quintuple Rosie Crucian Scourge, for the correction of that pseudo-chymist, Geo. Thomson, being in part a vindication of the Society of Physicians. John Heydon. 1665.

Theomagia, or the Temple of Wisdome. In three parts, spiritual, celestial and elemental; containing the occult powers of the Angels of Astromancy.... The Mysterious virtues of the character of the Stars.... The knowledge of the Rosie Crucian Physick. J. Heydon. 1662.

The Rosie Crucian Infallible Axiomata, or Generall Rules to know all things past, present, and to come. Usefull, pleasant, and profitable to all, and fitted to the understanding of mean capacities. John Heydon. 1660.

Rise and Attributes of the Rosi Crucians. By J. Von D——.

Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical History.

Brucker’s History of Philosophy.

The Hermetick Romance, or Chemical Wedding. By C. Rosencreutz.

New Curiosities of Literature. G. Soane.

Tale of a Tub. Swift.

Notes and Queries. Series 1-8. 6 vols., 7, 8, 10.

Warburton’s Commentary on the Rape of the Lock.

Spectator. Nos. 379, 574.

National Magazine. Vol. 1.

London Magazine. Vols. 9, 20.

Western Monthly. Vol. 3.

Book Lore. Vol. 3.

Plot’s History of Staffordshire.

The Count of Gabalis, or the Extravagant Mysteries of the Cabalists.

Butler’s Hudibras.

Mackay’s Popular Delusions.

Higgins’s Anacalypsis.

Fame and Confession of the Rosie Cross. E. Philateles.

Mackay’s Symbolism of Freemasonry.

De Quincey on Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry.

Apologia Compendiaria Fraternitatis de Rosea Cruce.

Fama Fraternitatis. 1617, etc.



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