
We must con-fess that the lit-tle lass with the doll in her hand, makes a ve-ry cle-ver and care-ful nurse. She is shew-ing her new trea-sure to her friend on her right with no small de-gree of pride, at which we need not won-der, nor at the man-ner in which the oth-er ap-pears to ad-mire it, for it is a ve-ry hand-some af-fair. It must have cost the lit-tle girl's pa-pa and ma-ma a great deal of mo-ney, and I hope she will know how to va-lue and take care of it, and not throw it a-bout af-ter she has had it a lit-tle while, and get tir-ed of it, as I have known some silly children do.

Children and mother walking

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