What a plea-sure it is to see chil-dren with good and kind hearts. How the sweet lit-tle girl ap-pears to pi-ty the poor in-firm old wo-man to whom she is giv-ing her pen-ny, and so does her broth-er who has be-fore giv-en his share of re-lief. And their good ma-ma stands look-ing on with de-light, as she may well do, at the con-duct of her off-spring. If we did but re-flect on the com-forts which God al-lows us to en-joy, while so ma-ny poor crea-tures are in want and sick-ness and sor-row, we should al-ways be glad to shew our-selves grate-ful to him by help-ing those who are in dis-tress. Children playing with dog