
"Crumbs of Crack-ers" and

"Drops of Milk" were, the

names of two lit-tle girls.

Would you like to know how

they got these fun-ny names?

It was this way: Lit-tle

"Crumbs" was al-ways nib-

bling crack-ers, and lit-tle

"Drops" lived up-on noth-

ing but milk.

They met for the first

time one day by the fence

be-tween their gar-dens. Lit-

tle Drops was sip-ping from

her sil-ver cup and lit-tle

Crumbs was munch-ing her

crack-er. The big sun-flower

thought there must be a dog

and a kit-ty in the gar-den.

"I've seen you out here

twice," said Crumbs bold-ly,

"and both times you was a-

drink-ing milk."

"An' I's seen you two times,

and bofe times you was a-eat-

ing cwack-ers!" said Drops.

Then the lit-tle girls looked

at each oth-er through the

fence. Bold lit-tle Crumbs

spoke first: "I don't like milk."

"I does," said Drops.

"My mam-ma says I was

brought up on one cow."

"Was you once a tru-ly

lit-tle bos-sy calf?" asked


But Drops did not like that

ques-tion. "You isn't ber-ry

nice to me," she said.

Then Crumbs was sor-ry.

She held out her crack-er.

"Here!" she said. And

while Drops nib-bled, Crumbs,

to show that she was tru-ly

sor-ry, took a sip from the cup.

And this was tru-ly sor-row

in-deed, for Crumbs don't like

milk to this day.


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