
Lit-tle Ros-a-bel liked sto-ries

the best of any-thing in the

world; and she be-lieved that

all her lit-tle pict-ure books

were true, and O, how she did

wish she were a stor-y-book

girl her-self, and that such

things would hap-pen to her.

Dear lit-tle Ros-a-bel, she used

to go out in the green lanes

and grass-y dells and hunt for

fair-ies, and list-en for talk-ing

birds and talk-ing flow-ers.

And one day lit-tle Ros-a-

bel thought she would try one

of the sto-ries and see if it

would come true with her.

She chose the sto-ry of "Lit-tle

Red Rid-ing-hood," be-cause

she had a red hood and be-

cause she knew a poor old

wom-an who lived a-lone in an

old house. So she put a pat

of but-ter and a cust-ard-pie in

a lit-tle bask-et, tied on her red

hood, and started a-way. But

there were no woods to go

through, and so no wolf came

a-long. Ros-a-bel called "Wolf!

Wolf!" man-y times, but no

wolf came. When she came

to the old house she tried to

reach the big knock-er. But

she couldn't, so she knocked

with her lit-tle knuck-les. A

ver-y thin, low voice said, "Lift

the latch and come right in!"

Ros-a-bel did, and there was a

poor old grand-moth-er right in

bed, just like the stor-y!

"O, have you any-thing to eat

in that bask-et?" said the voice.

"I have sprained my an-kle

and I can't walk, and there has

no-bod-y been here for two

days, and I am al-most starved,

and I want some-bod-y to go

for a doc-tor. Can you go?"



Yes, Ros-a-bel could. A-way

she ran to mam-ma, and mam-

ma and the doc-tor both came,

So Ros-a-bel was not on-ly in a

real sto-ry, her-self, but she al-so

did a great deal of good.



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