CALLED BY SOME CAMEO-OIL. IMPROVED METHOD.When the photograph you desire to color is mounted on a card, first immerse it in boiling hot water. This will soften the paste, and in a short time the print may be lifted from the mount. Do not hurry, but give the print a thorough soaking before trying to lift it from the card, and always use great care to avoid tearing the photograph. Rinse the picture in cold water to clean it from the paste and coloring matter that may adhere to it from the card. Let it remain in the vessel of clear water until ready for mounting on the glass. Prepare a little thin starch paste, as follows. Amylum (Refined Corn Starch) a teaspoonful, cold water 2 ounces, or nitrate strontium ? ounce; stir till dissolved, then bring it to a boil, stirring constantly. Have the starch paste thin and strain it through fine muslin. Having cleaned your Convex Glass thoroughly with alcohol and a piece of cotton batting, take the photograph and blot off the surplus water. Paste the face of the print and the concave or hollow side of the cleaned glass with your starch, being very careful to cover both the print and glass smoothly. A wide bristle brush is most suitable for this work. Lay the print on the glass, the prepared surfaces together, and proceed carefully to work the bubbles out with your fingers, after which lay two The colors applied directly to the photograph are those that need no blending—such as the eyes, lips, jewelry, light ribbons, flower ornaments and neck-tie. Edges of ruffles and embroidery should also be touched up on the photograph. When you have finished coloring the picture on the first glass, pour Glycerine over it, being careful to cover the surface thoroughly. Drain off and then put the other convex glass to the back of the one having the print, and wedge apart from it by attaching little pieces of card-board to the second glass with mucilage. Have the wedges very narrow and close to the edge. This separates the glasses and keeps the upper one from pressing the oiled and painted glass below. On this second glass you will color the face and other flesh, hair, drapery, and, if necessary, the background. The miniature is finished by using card-board to back up the picture, white being very effective. Bind the edges of the glass and card-board together with strips of adhesive paper. Caution! Don’t use Silver Gloss Starch; it will not do nearly as well as Corn Starch. DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING.The coloring of the eyes, lips, jewelry, ribbons, edges of embroidery, lace, neck-tie, flowers, and other ornaments, is applied directly on the photograph after it is mounted on the glass and made translucent with the oil. EYES—Use small brush. Blue Eyes—Use Prussian Blue mixed with little Ivory Black. Brown Eyes—Use Vandyke Brown. Grey or Hazel Eyes—Prussian Blue mixed with Vandyke Brown and Silver White. LIPS—Use Rose Madder. JEWELRY—Yellow Ochre for Gold, Silver White for Pearls, Emerald Green for Emeralds, Rose Madder for Rubies. RIBBONS—Whatever color is required. Flowers and other ornaments the same. The color for Flesh, Hair, Drapery and Background is applied to the concave surface of the clear glass which is placed over the mounted print. FLESH—Use Vermilion, Silver White and Chrome Yellow; mix to suit. For children use Rose Madder or Carmine in place of Vermilion. For dark complexions dull the color by adding Vandyke Brown. HAIR—For blonde hair, use half Naples Yellow and Vandyke Brown. For lights, use Naples Yellow. Brown Hair, Vandyke Brown. Black Hair, Ivory Black and Silver White, adding a little Prussian Blue. For Grey Hair, use Silver White, Naples Yellow, Black, Burnt Sienna, and a little Prussian Blue. DRAPERY—Whatever color suits. BACKGROUND—Your own judgment will suggest the proper color to use. If you want to change the work in any way, take a small piece of cloth, dipped in turpentine, and remove the color. For home work and adornment it offers special attractions. The photographs of relatives and friends can be made into We have given you the simplest and best process for making the picture. It is claimed by some that when the oil is used it dries out after a time, and produces opaque spots. Should this trouble appear, it is easily overcome by using glycerine as previously directed. We herewith give you another method in use, and you can adopt whichever you see fit. SECOND METHOD. |