Abbey founded, 3
—— rebuilt and endowed, 4
—— pulled down and enlarged, 4
—— Admission, Hours, &c. of, 2
Aberdeen, Earl of, 54
Addison, Joseph, 28, 101
Agar, Doctor, 69
Aiton, Sir Robert, 20
Albemarle, Dukes of, 24, 30
—— Duchess of, 24
Alfred, Prince, 25
Altar Decoration, 12
Amelia, Princess, 25
AndrÉ, Major, 91
Anne, Queen, James II.’s Daughter, 24
—— Princess, 25
—— Queen of James I., 27
—— Queen of Richard II., 36
—— Queen of Richard III., 113
Anstey, Christopher, 107
Argyle, Duke of, 28, 104
Arnold, Dr. Samuel, 64
Athelgoda, Queen of King Sebert, 11
Atkyns, Edward, and Sons, 103
Bagenall, Nicholas, 19
Baillie, Dr. Matthew, 45
Baker, John, 71
Balchen, Admiral, 59
Banks, Thomas, 73
Bankes, Cornet W. G. Hawtrey, 53
Barnard, Bishop, 37
—— Major-Gen. Sir H. W., 53
Barrow, Isaac, D.D., 101
Barry, Sir Charles, 80
Bartleman, James, 123
Barton, Samuel, D.D., 114
Bath, Earl of, 32
Beauclerk, Lord, 61
Beaufoy, Mrs., 73
Beaumont, Francis, 115
Belasyse, Sir Henry, 30
Bell, Dr. Andrew, 98
Bentall, Harriet, 120
Bentinck, Archdeacon, 9
Beresford, Lieutenant, 41
Beverley, Countess of, 18
Bill, Dr. William, 11
Billson, Dr., 12
Bingham, Sir Richard, 93
Birch, Martha, 113
Blackwood, Sir Henry, 55
Blair and Bayne, Captains, 51
Blanch of the Tower, 14
Blois, Gervasius de, 118
Blow, John, Doc. Mus., 65
Bohun, Hugh de, and Mary, Grandchildren to Edward I., 38
Booth, Barton, 111
Boulter, Archbishop, 62
Bourchier, Lord, 32
Bourgchier, Sir Humphrey, 15
Bovey, Katherine, 86
Bradford, Bishop, 62
Bringfield, Colonel, 73
Brocas, Sir Bernard, 15
Bromley, Sir Thomas, 31
Broughton, John and Wife, 123
Browne, Thomas, 42
Brunel, I. K., 73
Bryan, Captain, 65
Buchan, Dr., 123
Buckingham, Countess of, 20
—— Dukes of, 27
—— Duchess of, 27
Buckland, Very Rev. W., D.D., 86
Buller, Right Hon. C., 56
Burland, Sir John, 97
Burleigh, Lady, 19
Burney, Dr. Charles, LL.D., 95
—— Chas. Mus. D., 64
Busby, Richard, D.D., 114
Butler, Samuel, 110
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, 63
Byrcheston, Abbot, 119
Campbell, Sir Archibald, 102
—— Sir James, 102
—— Thomas, LL.D., 107
Camden, William, 99
Canning, George, 49
Canning, Lord, 49
Cannon, Robert, D.D., 87
Carew, Baron, and Lady, 19
Carey, Thomas, 38
—— Henry, Baron of Hunsdon, 38
Caroline, Queen, 25
—— Princess, 25
Carteret, Philip, 70
—— Edward de, 70
—— Elizabeth, Lady, 68
Casaubon, Isaac, 100
Catling, John, 120
Cecil, Lady, 18
Chamberlain, Hugh, M.D., 63
Chapel of St. Benedict, 10
—— St. Edmund, 13
—— St. Nicholas, 18
—— Henry VII., 21, 117
—— St. Paul, 30
—— St. Edward (& Shrine), 33
—— St. John, 40
—— Islip, Abbot, 40
—— St. John the Evangelist, 42
—— St. Andrew, 42
—— St. Michael, 42
Chardin, Sir John, 90
Charles II., 24
Chatham, Earl of, 51
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 111
Cherbury, Baron of, 16
Children of Henry III. & Edw. I., 12
Choir, New, 5
Cholmondeley, Viscount & Sons, 71
Churchill, George, 92
Clanrickard, Countess of, 75
Claypole, Elizabeth, 28
Cleves, Ann of, 113
Clifford, Lady, 18
Clyde, Lord, 80
Cobden, Richard, 57
Colchester, William of, 39
Conduit, John, 81
Congreve, William, 84
Cook, Benjamin, Doc. Mus., 122
Cooke, Captain Edward, 43
Cooper, Ensign Lovick Emilius, 53
Coote, Sir Eyre, 55
Cornewall, Captain, 82
Coronation Chairs, 36
Cottington, Lord and Lady, 32
Cottrell, Clement, 89
Courayer, Peter Francis, 118
Courcy, Almericus de, 66
Cowley, Abraham, 112
Coxe, Sir Richard, 100
Craggs, Secretary, 83
Creed, Richard, Major, 92
—— Richard, Lieutenant, 93
Crewe, Lady Juliana, 37
—— Jane, 37
Crispinus, Geslebertus, 118
Croft, William, Doc. Mus., 65
Crokesley, Abbot, 17
Crouchback, Edmund, 40
Cumberland, Dukes of, 25
D’Almade, Henry, 37
Dalrymple, William, 97
Daubeny, Lord, and Lady, 31
Davenant, Sir William, 114
Davidson, Susannah Jane, 44
Davis, Colonel, 75
Davy, Sir Humphrey, 43
Denham, Sir James Stewart, 70
Dickens, Charles, 105
Dimensions, 4, 22, 118
Dodd, James William, 119
Dorchester, Viscount, 32
Douglas, Lady Margaret, 22
Draiton, Michael, 110
Dryden, John, 113
Dudley, William de, 19
Dunbar, Viscount, 69
Duppa, Bishop, 41
—— Sir Thomas, 67
Duroure, Scipio and Alexander, 120
Eastney, Abbot, 41
Editha, Qn. to Edward the Confessor, 34
Edward the Confessor, 38
—— I., 37
—— III., and Children, 35
—— V., 29
—— VI., 26, 28
Edwardes, Sir H., 58
Egerton, James, 76
—— Penelope, 75
Eland, Lady, 39
Eleanor, Queen to Edward I., 34
Elizabeth, Queen, 29
—— Princess, 25
—— of Bohemia, 23
Eltham, John of, 13
Essex, Countess of, 32
Evremond, Lord of St., 108
Exeter, Earl of, 39
Fairborne, Sir Palmes, 90
Fairholm, Sophia, 97
Fane, Sir George, and Lady, 19
Fascet, Abbot, 39
Ferne, Bishop, 17
Filding, Ann, 89
Fire, 4
Fleming, James, 88
Fletcher, Lieutenant-Colonel, 77
Folkes, Martin, 93
Follett, Sir William Webb, 54
Forbes, Benjamin and Richard, 46
Fox, Right Hon. Charles James, 76
Frederick William, Prince, 25
Freke, Elizabeth and Judith, 96
Friend, John, M.D., 84
Fullerton, Sir James, and Lady, 31
Galofre, Sir John, 12
Garrick, David, 99
Gay, John, 105
Gell, William Egerton, 121
George II., 25
—— Prince, 24
Gethin, Grace, 96
Gifford, William, 99
Gloucester, Duke of, 23, 36
—— Duchess of, 16
Godolphin, Earl, 90
—— Charles, and Wife, 121
Goldsmith, Oliver, M.D., 104
Goodman, Gabriel, D.D., 10
Grabe, John Ernest, 99
Gray, Thomas, 109
Grote, George, 99
Guest, General, 59
Hales, Stephen, D.D., 100
Halifax, Earls of, 28, 58
—— Marquis of, 29
Handel, George Frederick, 102
Hanway, Jonas, 57
Harbord, Sir Charles, 89
Hardy, Sir Thomas, 81
Hargrave, General, 89
Harley, Anna Sophia, 19
Harpedon, Sir John, 42
Harrison, John, Rear Admiral, 98
Harsnet, Carola, 88
Hastings, Warren, 56
Hatton, Sir Christopher, 40
Haule, Robert, slain in the Choir, 115
Hawkes, Walter, 120
Hawkins, Enoch, 123
Henry III., 34
—— VII. and his Queen, 25
—— of Monmouth, 35
—— Prince of Wales, 23
Herbert, Edward, 72
Herries, Charles, 88
Hertford, Countess of, 10
Hervey and Hutt, Captains, 75
Heskett, Sir Thomas, and Lady, 63
Heylin, Peter, D.D., 68
Hill, Jane, 72
Holland, Baron, 77
Holles, Francis, 14
Holles, Sir George, 43
Holmes, Admiral, 33
Hope, Admiral Sir G., 77
—— Brigadier the Hon. Adrian, 53
—— General, 57
—— Mary, 103
Horneck, Dr., 114
—— William, 78
Horner, Francis, 56
Howe, Lord Viscount, 87
Hunter, John, 73
Hyde, Ann, Wife of James II., 23
Ingram, Sir Thomas, 20
Ireland, Dean, 87, 99
Islip, Abbot, 40
James I., 27
James, Dame Mary, 63
Johnstone, George Lindsay, 122
—— Francis, 121
Smith, John, 88
Somerset, Duchess of, 18, 44
Sophia, Daughter of James I., 29
South Aisle, 83
—— Transept, 99
South, Robert, D.D., 113
Southey, Robert, 107
Spelman, Sir Henry, 20
Spencer, Edmund, 110
Spotswood, Archbishop, 11
Sprat, Bishop, 20, 84
—— Archdeacon, 20, 85
—— George, 11
Stafford, Earls of, 13, 14
—— Countess of, 14, 16
Stag, Motto on a, 101
Stained Glass Windows, 53
Stanhope, Earls of, 79
—— Charles Banks, 78
Stanley, Lady Augusta, 21
Stanley, Sir Humphrey, 18
Staunton, Sir George, 67
Stephenson, Robert, 70, 80
Stepney, George, 95
Stewart, Arabella; 23
—— Captain John, 72
Storr, Admiral, 47
Strode, General, 92
Stuart, Hon. Sir Charles, 46
—— Esme, heart of, 26
Suffolk, Duchess of, 14
Sussex, Countess of, 32
Sutton, Rev. E. L., 67
Sword and Shield, 36
Taylor, Sir Robert, 99
Telford, Thomas, 45
Temple, Diana, 89
Teviot, Viscount, 69
Thackeray, W., 102
Thomas, Bishop, 86
Thomson, James, 106
Thornburgh, Gilbert, 71
Thynne, Capt. William Frederick, 53
—— Thomas, murdered, 92
Thynne, William, 98
Tierney, George, 77
Tompion and Graham, 80
Totty, Admiral, 45
Townshend, Colonel, 90
Trigge, General Sir Thomas, 93
Triplett, Thomas, D.D., 101
Tudor, Elizabeth, 34
Tufton, Richard, 17
Twysden, Heneage, 74
Tyrrell, Admiral, 85
Usher, Archbishop,