Ribbed House-slipper Ribbed House-slipper Use 2-fold Shetland zephyr, or any similar yarn of moderate twist. Commencing at the toe, make a chain of 11 stitches, turn. 1. A double in 2d stitch of chain and 1 in each of 8 stitches, 3 doubles in end chain, 1 double in each of 9 stitches down other side of chain, in same stitches where the 1st 9 doubles were worked, chain 1, turn. 2. Ten doubles in 10 doubles, taking up back vein of stitch to form the rib, 3 doubles in next, or center stitch, 10 doubles in 10 doubles, chain 1, turn. 3, 4, 5. Same as 2d row, making 1 extra double each side of center, each row. 6. A double in each double, without widening, chain 1, turn. 7. A double in each double, with 3 in center stitch. Repeat 6th and 7th rows until you have 25 ribs, or the vamp is as deep as desired. If preferred, the widening may be made every row, putting 2 doubles in one and then the other, alternately, of the widening doubles. For the side of foot make 24 doubles in 24 doubles, chain 1, turn, a double in double, chain 1, turn, and continue until you have 44 ribs, or the strip is of sufficient length to extend easily around the sole; join neatly to 24 doubles on opposite side of vamp. Around top of slipper work a beading in which to run the elastic, thus: Fasten in, between 2 ribs, chain 10, * miss 5 ribs, a triple treble (over 3 times) between next 2, chain 1, a triple treble between next 2, chain 5, repeat from * around, ending with 1 triple treble, chain 1, join to 5th of 10 chain. For ruching: Have 3 strands of yarn, insert hook in work, over 4 times, pull through, and repeat in each stitch, pulling the loops out about three-fourths inch, and always taking yarn next to you to next stitch; make this for bottom of beading, as well, and the latter will be entirely covered. Run an elastic band or tape in the beading, between the 2 triple trebles, and make a bow of ribbon for instep of the same shade as the yarn. |