Child's Knitted Mittens Child's Knitted Mittens Use Saxony yarn with needles of suitable size, as you knit tight or loose. No. 17 is a good average size. Cast 18 stitches on each of three needles. Knit 2, purl 1; repeat, until the wrist is of length desired, say two inches. For the pattern, knit as follows: 1. Purl. 2, 3, 4. Knit 2, purl 1. These 4 rows are repeated throughout. Begin to widen for the thumb in the 2d row above the wrist; to widen pick up a stitch between needles and knit it, knit 1, widen, and continue in pattern. Knit 2 rows, in pattern, and again widen, knit 3, widen, across base of thumb. Continue in this way, adding 2 stitches between the widenings every 3d row, and keeping as closely as possible to the pattern, until you have 21 stitches across the thumb. Knit around twice in pattern and take the thumb-stitches off on a strong thread. Knit around in pattern, and when you come to the thumb cast on 7 stitches, or one third the number widened for the thumb. Continue knitting the hand to the tip of the little finger, then commence narrowing. The manner in which this is done depends on the shape of the hand to be fitted. For an ordinary mitten, narrow every 5th stitch, and knit 5 times around; then narrow every 4th stitch and knit 4 times around; every 3d stitch and knit 3 times around; every 2d stitch and knit twice around; then narrow, knit 1, repeat around, knit once around, narrow every stitch, draw yarn through, and darn the end neatly and securely. It is an excellent plan to "run" the tip of a mitten on the wrong side, as you do the heel of a stocking, since it makes it wear longer, especially if intended for rough usage. The narrowing of a child's mitten may begin with every 4th stitch. Also, if the hand is long and slender, an additional row may be knitted between the widenings for the thumb. Take the stitches off the thread on 2 needles, and with the 3d pick up and knit the stitches across the hand, which were cast on. When knitting around the first time, narrow once each end of the picked-up stitches. Even the stitches on the needles, and knit around in pattern until you reach the base of the nail, then narrow off, beginning with once in 3 stitches. Draw through the last stitches at tip and darn down. |