Child's Drawers-Leggings, Knitted Child's Drawers-Leggings, Knitted Materials required are six hanks of Germantown wool, a pair of bone needles No. 4, and a pair of steel needles, No. 15. Cast on 68 stitches. 1 to 16. Knit 2, purl 2; repeat. This is the double rib. 17. Knit 6 plain, turn; knit back on these 6 stitches, turn. 18. Knit 12, turn; knit back on these 12 stitches. Continue working in this way, knitting 6 more stitches forward each row and knitting back on the same, until you have 36 stitches on the needle. Knit back on these 36 stitches, turn. This brings 6 ridges at one side of the work. Now knit plain across the entire 68 stitches. Continue knitting back and forth until you have 34 ridges (not counting the 6 ridges at one side of work); in next row narrow once at each end of row, and continue in this way, narrowing a stitch each end, until you have 50 stitches remaining on the needle. Do 12 rows of double rib (knit 2, purl 2), then begin the cable-twist of ankle, thus: 1. Knit 7, purl 2, slip 3 stitches on a spare needle, knit 6, then knit the 3 stitches from the spare needle, forming the twist, purl 2, knit 10, purl 2, slip 3 stitches on spare needle, knit 6, knit the 3 stitches from spare needle, purl 2, knit 7, turn. 2. Knit 6, purl 1, knit 2, purl 9, knit 2, purl 1, knit 8, purl 1, knit 2, purl 9, knit 2, purl 1, knit 6, turn. 3. Knit 7, purl 2, knit 9, purl 2, knit 10, purl 2, knit 9, purl 2, knit 7. Repeat last 2 rows, alternately, for 30 rows, making the twist, as directed in 1st row, every 6th row. For the instep: Count off or leave 29 stitches; knit back 8 stitches on these 29, and on the 8 stitches work back and forth until you have 8 ridges. Pick up the stitches around edge of instep, and work back and forth along the entire row for 4 ridges; bind off. Make the other leg in the same way, sew up the seams and join the two by the middle seam. Around the top work a row of spaces, in which to run the drawstrings, thus: 1. Fasten in, chain 5, * miss 2, a treble in next, chain 2; repeat around, and join to 3d of 5 chain. 2. Miss 1 space, 4 trebles in next, miss 1 space, fasten in next; repeat. Crochet a cord of the wool and finish the ends with tassels. |