Child's Crocheted Hood Child's Crocheted Hood Use eiderdown or very heavy Germantown worsted, with a hook large enough to carry the wool without fraying. Chain 4 stitches, join. 1. Chain 3, draw a loop through 2d and 3d stitches of chain, and 2 through the ring; take up wool and work off all together, chain 1 to close the star, draw a loop through eye of star (under 1 chain just made), another through back part of last loop, and 2 in ring; work off as before, and repeat until you have made 6 stars; join. 2. Make 12 stars in the row, taking the 4th loop of each star in same stitch with last stitch of preceding star, and 5th in stitch ahead, so that you get 2 stars over each star of preceding row. 3. Make 16 stars, widening 4 times. 4, 5, 6. Leave 4 stars for back of neck and work back and forth for 3 rows. Break wool at end of each row and fasten in at beginning, so the stars will come on the right side; chain 3, draw 2 loops through 2d and 3d stitches of chain, then proceed as usual. Make 4 rows of doubles around the lower edge, then a row of stars entirely around the hood, widening by putting an extra star at each corner of front to prevent drawing. For the rosette: Chain 3, join; chain 7, * a double treble in ring, chain 3, repeat from * 6 times, and join to 4th of 7 chain. Run ribbon in and out the spaces, sew the rosette in place, and finish with ties of ribbon. This hood is easily enlarged, by following general directions, and any stitch, plain or fancy, may be used for it. |