TELL'S SON AND THE APPLE TELL'S SON AND THE APPLE When the Emperor Albert ruled over Germany, he wished to govern the people of Switzerland in such a way that their independent spirit would be broken. To bring about this end he appointed a governor, who treated the Swiss unjustly and cruelly. The name of this man was Gessler, and in order to test the people's obedience, he placed his hat upon a pole in the market square of one of the principal towns, and commanded that all who passed it should bow down before it in token of respect. A certain brave Swiss, named William Tell, having refused to obey such an absurd order, was at once arrested and taken before Gessler. The tyrant, who knew him to be a clever archer, said that his life would be spared only on the condition that he should with an arrow hit an apple placed upon the head of his only son. Tell's eye was true, so he consented to the horrible proposal. An apple having been placed upon the head of his little son, he took his bow and quiver, and prepared to take aim. A moment later the apple, split in two halves, fell to the ground. Gessler, who was enraged at Tell's success, noticed that he carried another arrow under his cloak. "What have you a second arrow for?" he demanded. "If I had killed my boy," replied the bold Swiss, "the second arrow was for you." The angry governor had him thrown into prison, but Tell escaped, and revenged himself by killing the tyrant. |