“My name is Molly. This is the name my mistress gave me, and now every one calls me by it. “Four years ago I was a little calf. At first I was as helpless as a babe, and had to be fed with my mother’s milk. “At that time I was of no use to my master; but the children were very fond of me, and they often came into the field to play with me. “Sometimes they tied ribbons round my neck, and called me pet names, and we all had a good romp together in the meadow. “Now I am a grown-up cow, and I give milk to all the little children who live at the farm. “I do not play with them now as I did when I was a calf; but when they offer me a bunch of nice clover, I am always glad to eat it. “There comes Nancy, the milk-maid, with the milk-pail. She is coming to milk me, and I am glad I have plenty to give her. “My master is very kind to me. In winter, when the cold weather comes, I have a nice home to live in, with plenty of clean straw to lie on. Nancy milking Molly in a field “In summer I am out in the green fields all the day long. I have plenty to eat, and nothing to do. “I do not work like the horse. So the least I can do is to supply my master with plenty of milk; indeed it is for my milk that he keeps me. Perhaps you do not know how useful milk is. Cream, butter, and cheese are all made from it. “And now little boys and girls, after this long talk I must go down to the river side and cool myself.” The good cow marched away down to the river. She was soon standing in the water, and using her long tail to whisk away the flies that were buzzing about her. The Calf The Horse |