Fairy's Friends.


These are some of Fairy's Friends.

This is little Miss Bo-Peep,
She who often lost her sheep,
Went home weeping sore, and found
All her flock there safe and sound!
This is little Miss Bo-Peep—
One of Fairy's Friends.

This is Jack, and this is Jill,
Who went forth their pail to fill,
And came tumbling down the hill!
Fairy says they do it still,
This strange couple—Jack and Jill—
And they're Fairy's Friends.
This is lazy young Boy-Blue,
Dull in all he had to do:
Often Fairy and Bo-Peep
Found him lying fast asleep,
Heedless of his cows and sheep!
This is lazy young Boy-Blue—
One of Fairy's Friends.

This is wonderful Dame Hubbard—
Name that always rhymes with cupboard—
Ever going out to buy
Something for her dog so sly,
Who would oft her patience try!
This is wonderful Dame Hubbard—
One of Fairy's Friends.
This is Master Simple Simon:
Every day he meets a pie-man;
Every day, so runs the tale,
He will try to catch a whale,
Fishing in his mother's pail!
This is Master Simple Simon—
One of Fairy's Friends.

This is Puss-in-Boots, so clever,
In all dangers ready ever,
In his labours failing never:
Puss-in-Boots, who has a name
Noted on the rolls of Fame!
This is Puss-in-Boots, so clever—
One of Fairy's Friends.

This is Giant-killing Jack,
With his bugle on his back,
With his sword so keen and bright,
Ready ever foes to smite!
This is Giant-killing Jack—
One of Fairy's Friends.
This, too, is that other Jack—
He who, fearless of attack,
Dared the magic stalk to climb,
Facing giants many a time!
This is Master Bean-stalk Jack—
One of Fairy's Friends.

This is just a little gnome,
One of those that make their home
In the mines beneath the ground
Where the precious gold is found!
This is just a little gnome—
One of Fairy's Friends.

This is Master Johnnie Horner,
Sitting crying in a corner;
Many stop and ask him why,
And to all he makes reply,
"'Cause no plums are in the pie!"
This is selfish Johnnie Horner—
Worst of Fairy's Friends.

This is Cinderella sweet,
With her slippers on her feet:
Cinderella at the ball,
Cinderella loved by all!
This is Cinderella sweet—
Best of Fairy's Friends.
This is where the story ends
Of Miss Fairy's many friends:
Others—fairies, gnomes, and elves—
You can think of for yourselves!
This is where the story ends
Of Fairy's Friends.



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