(In the following pages, you may learn something of the meanings attached to the tea leaves which remain among the dregs in the bottom of your teacup.) HOW TO TEST YOUR FORTUNESLeave a slight amount of tea in the cup, not so much as a spoonful. Place the saucer on the cup, swill the cup round, males do this so that the liquid moves round in a clockwise direction, females in an anti-clockwise direction. The tea is then run out of the cup, the saucer lifted off and the shapes or formations are ready to be examined. No. 17.—Birds seen in tea leaves generally denote an end of your troubles. WHAT THE FORMATIONS MEANANCHOR.—Denotes a voyage full of hope. It is considered a splendid omen for a sailor's bride. ARCH.—You are to undertake a journey in the near future. It is some AXE.—Denotes that your difficulties have now been overcome by your own splendid endeavors. You have severed the old bad habits and made a clean cut at your past blunders. BALLOON.—Although it denotes a certain rise in the consultant's fortunes, it carries the warning to beware of a sudden fall. BANANA.—Signifies to the sick, quick restoration to health. BASKET.—Implies that a person, by changing his or her mind within the last twenty-four hours, has reason for congratulation. BELLS.—If they are connected to a rope, you can look forward to splendid news. BIRDS.—Generally, they denote an end of your troubles. BOAT.—If you cannot discover an occupant of the boat, the symbol means a voyage. BOOK.—You should ask advice from some friend for whom you care. Good advice is precious. BUGLE.—You will be the recipient of good news shortly. BUTTERFLY.—A warning to a young lady that her lover, whom she trusts implicitly, is rather fond of flitting from one "peach" to another. CAP.—If you see a man's cap, you may have minor worries: if a widow's cap, married joy will be yours. CARDS.—If you gamble, you will certainly lose. CHAIN.—This bids you put forth every ounce of energy in one big endeavor: then, success will be yours. CIGAR.—Some of your schemes may "end in smoke." CLOCK.—This signifies that you are to have an important appointment with someone very soon. COMET.—A symbol to warn you against playing with fire. Beware. CROSS.—You may have anxiety: but it will soon pass away. CROWN.—Denotes great honors coming to you. DART.—You will shortly have a proposal of marriage. Cupid is about. DICE.—You will lose money if you gamble. DOVES.—Your trials will end when you see this welcome "messenger of peace." ENVELOPE.—Good tidings are heralded. EYE.—Look to some other power than your own. FINGERPRINT.—A reminder to you to ask and you will find out a secret. FISH.—This signifies good news from abroad. If the fish is surrounded by dots you will emigrate. FLAG.—A splendid omen—the best of news is coming from abroad, and you are about to experience good fortune at home. No. 18.—Cross. You may have anxiety, but it will soon pass away. FOOT.—This leaf-picture denotes good news which, however, is still far off. FORK.—Your life would be all the happier were you not so easily flattered. GALLOWS.—Contrary to expectation, to see this picture denotes nothing of evil significance, but is merely a warning to you to be cautious—in fact, a kindly symbol. GARDEN.—Prosperous, joyful days. GATE.—A reminder that patience is a virtue, and that the gate to fortune will open for you in due course. GIANT.—This denotes you are attempting something which is far too big for you. Better be a successful dwarf than a gigantic failure. GYPSY.—An invitation to you to wish for something you dearly desire, and your wish will be granted. GLOBE.—Denotes you are to take a roundabout journey leading finally to your home. GLOVE.—A sign of good luck. GOOSE.—You will be the recipient of foolish remarks from stupid persons, but these need cause you no concern. GRAPES.—From time immemorial the symbol of perfect love between couples. HAIR.—A lock of hair signifies great devotion on the part of your lover. HALTER.—A warning that you are too easily led, and that you must cultivate the art of self-reliance. HAM.—This is a sign you will undergo a brief illness, but will make a quick recovery. HAMMER.—Triumph over adversity. After enduring many knocks you will hit the nail of success. HAMMOCK.—Points to the knowledge that your sailor-lover is true and dreams of you every night. HAMPER.—Suggests useful and serviceable, but inexpensive, presents are coming. HANDCUFFS.—This is a cogent warning to you to get rid of an evil habit before it is too late. Little sins lead to great crimes, and no one desires to receive the attentions of the law. HARP.—Count yourself very fortunate. HAT.—This picture, if it is a lady's hat, signifies luck, but if a man's, it means that you may experience a slight misfortune. HATCHET.—This leaf-picture is a warning to take great care or you may experience danger. INITIAL.—In this important leaf-picture the initials should be carefully studied. If the initial is formed near the rim, the significance is one of good fortune. Initials most commonly found are those without curves. Such straight initials are—A, I, L, N, T, V, W. INTERROGATION MARK.—Signifies doubt. Be careful. KEY.—An important picture suggesting that you look deeper and more carefully in the cup for an initial, which, when you have found it, will unlock something that has been up till now a mystery. A closed book will be opened for you and past enigmas unravelled. LABEL.—This ticket-like picture, which must not be mistaken for an envelope, is the sign that you possess a dear friend who will one day be "tied" to you for life. LACE.—Denotes you will err on a very minor and fragile matter and make a false move on very flimsy grounds. LADDER.—If on the side of the cup a rise in your fortunes is indicated. LADY.—Points to the fact that you will shortly make a friend of one who will prove of great service. No. 19.—A Mark of Interrogation signifies doubt: be careful. LINES.—These indicate journeys. LOCK.—This denotes that you can safely confide in your nearest friend. He or she will lock your secrets in his or her bosom. LOCKET.—A picture denoting steadfast loyalty on the part of a friend whom you have not seen for long months. LOOKING GLASS.—You are warned by this picture that the world sees you for what you really are. Your character is mirrored for your friends to gaze upon. MAN.—Denotes a visitor who will bring a gift if his arm is outstretched. If the symbol is clear he is a dark man; if vague he is very fair. MAP.—A symbol bidding you travel, for you will be sure of success wherever you go. MAZE.—A regular "maze of difficulty" confronts you, but with care you will find a way out of the labyrinth. MILESTONES.—You are about to win success after traveling a long and difficult road. MOON.—If shown as a crescent prosperity and fortune are indicated. MOTORCAR.—Denotes that you will achieve a rapid success. MOUNTAINS.—This majestic picture signifies an arduous, lengthy, and uphill fight against bad fortune. Set your heart to it, and toil on to the goal. MOUSE.—A reminder that the little irritation you are nursing is really a very trivial affair. NAVVY.—A token that you are very bookish, and fond of digging into abstruse treatises. You are reminded that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." NECKLACE.—Grace and beauty of body and mind are here indicated. NEEDLE.—A single needle signifies you are able to withstand all the sharp pricks of circumstances. Several needles together mean quarrels. PENDULUM.—Great indecision and lack of character are here indicated. PENNON.—To decipher this small-pointed flag is a sign that someone on board a ship is thinking much of you. PENNIES.—They denote great carefulness in small details, which leads to ultimate prosperity. RING.—A very important symbol. Generally speaking, it always denotes marriage, especially if seen at the bottom of the cup, in which case search for an initial which will reveal to a man or woman his or her future life-partner. RIVERS.—These denote much peace of mind. ROADS.—If the roads appear in the clear they predict a speedy change of circumstances, usually for the better. ROBIN.—This bird always denotes hope. If you see it you can cheer up, as the trouble you now experience is about to pass away. ROCK.—A massive rock denotes great burdens. If there are a number of small rocks easy fortune and much happiness are indicated. ROCKET.—Another warning against high ambition. ROD.—If it is long and slender you will be very fortunate. ROOF.—If what appears to be the roof only of a house is seen the signification is domestic bliss. ROOK.—Great happiness is indicated. SAILOR.—Foretells that very shortly you will receive a letter from over the sea. SCALES.—This picture is the token that the friend you have weighed in the balance and found wanting is really true and just. SCEPTRE.—A sign of honor from royalty. SERPENT.—If on the side of the cup and appearing to be rising to near the brim you may take comfort in the fact that you will shortly receive some information which will be of use. SHEAVES.—A good omen of a bounteous harvest of prosperity. SHIELD.—A reminder that you have just escaped from a great calamity. SHIP.—A large ship with funnels and masts is a token of a long journey, usually on business. THIMBLE.—This homely picture denotes that industry and devotion to duty bring their own reward. THIN PERSON.—The figure of a very slender person is usually the sign of very prosperous days ahead. THISTLE.—This striking leaf-picture is a sign that you will only achieve success by plain living and high thinking. THORN.—This is always an excellent omen. Good luck and many friends are indicated. TONGS.—Suggests you are of a fiery nature, and will quarrel with your best friend. TONGUE.—Someone you are fond of who is far away is speaking about you. TOOL.—Any instrument of manual operation denotes that hard knocks may be coming. TRIANGLE.—This is a token of all-round prosperity in love. TRIDENT.—This is a token of success and honors in the Navy. WAGON.—A reminder that you are soon to undertake a long journey. WAITER.—This picture denotes that riches and married happiness will come to you. WALKING STICK.—A warning not to lean too much on your own efforts. WATERFALL.—Indicates the removal of many obstructions in your path to happiness. WEATHERCOCK.—This picture points to a friend who is unreliable. WEB.—Signifies you will one day be caught in the toils as the result of ignoring friendly warnings. WELL.—This denotes you are not dipping deep enough into knowledge. WHEN WILL YOU MARRY?It has long been held that an unmarried person can tell how many years it will be before he or she is married, in the following manner. Balance a small spoon on the edge of a teacup. The spoon should be perfectly dry. Then, with the assistance of a second spoon, tilt drops of tea into the balancing spoon and count them, one by one. The number of drops it takes to upset the spoon reveals the number of years that will elapse before the wedding takes place. |