"There are more things in Heaven and Earth...." People who can see as far as the ends of their noses and then only through a fog, declare (with a superior sniff) that Palmistry is nothing but a trap to catch fools; they call it quackery, or declare perhaps that it is merely a fake or blind guesswork. Now, while we would be the first to deny that Palmistry is an exact and infallible science, yet we just as strongly affirm that it is undoubtedly a most fascinating and interesting recreation; as to its truth, each one must decide that question for himself. For the few who have a wish to take up this study seriously, there are many now who will naturally wish to know just sufficient to be able to "tell fortunes." Fortunetellers are always popular at some jolly party or quiet friendly gathering of an evening. In this book they will find all the simple information required; on the other hand the student will find a sincere delight in reading and sifting thoroughly the numerous books that probe the depths of the subject. Quite apart from any markings which may be upon the hand, a general indication of the habits and temperament of the individual in question can readily be gained by a careful examination of the texture or quality of the skin. It were as well to note here that the impressions gained must never be taken by themselves, but only in conjunction with other confirming signs. Especially is this so when judging the character of a friend or acquaintance. TEXTURE OF SKIN.—The skin may, of course, be smooth or rough. To judge this you should turn the hand in question back upwards; now get the feel of the skin by actual touch; a smooth, fine-textured skin denotes a refined nature, and vice versa. This is a very strong indication indeed, insomuch that should there be other tendencies pointing to coarseness of nature, this texture of the hand would have a refining effect upon the whole. ELASTICITY OF THE HAND.—This is best tested by actual grip (as in shaking hands). All hands naturally present some feeling of elasticity; this is a matter of comparison, but it is very easy to tell the quick, virile grip of an elastic hand to the dead fish feeling which a flabby hand gives us when we grasp it. A FLEXIBLE HAND denotes an active and energetic person, one who will be readily adaptable to new conditions. He will always rise to the occasion, and manfully withstands the buffets of ill-fortune. This type is always trustworthy and a good friend. No. 6.—Beware of these Hands.—A shows a weak, flattened thumb; B a curved little finger and C a coarse, short thumb. Each has other defects as well. A FLABBY HAND—one that does not respond to your grip or responds but sluggishly—is the hand of an idle man, untrustworthy and inconsistent, a man of weak and negative character; but be sure to search well for other confirming signs of this weakness. THE SHAPE OF THE HANDA fairly accurate guide to character is certainly contained in the shape of the hand. Hands may be roughly divided into two classes—broad and long. A person having a long hand you may judge to have great capacity for mental effort and matters of detail. The broad-handed person you may expect to be a strong man physically; his culture will be bodily rather than mental. He could with advantage improve his culture by reading, and by enjoying the best music. THE SHAPE OF THE FINGERSWhen an individual is found with square finger-tips, he should make a good marriage partner; he will be practical—a man of method and reason. He is punctual, but should cultivate imagination. POINTED FINGER tips will be found on the hand of the musician, the painter, and, in fact, anyone who is of artistic temperament. Persons with these fingers should curb their imagination with reason, and cultivate the power of doing things, not only dreaming them, though dreaming is well enough in its way. TAPERING fingers indicate people of extremes. "Ice and fire" are these people—impulsive and generous to a fault. They should guard against undue and morbid sensitiveness, and should cultivate a sane philosophical outlook upon life. They are capable of the highest, but are frequently their own worst enemies. SPATULATE FINGERS.—These are the sportsmen of the world. They are not worried much by the opinions of others, while they love a busy, healthy life; a sound mind in a sound body. GENERAL SHAPE AND FORMATION OF THE HANDIf the hands are knotted with the joints swollen, powers of analysis, calculation and reflection are shown; philosophers have this type of hand. SMOOTH fingers and hands indicate the artistic temperament. These people are frequently inspired, and have curious intuitions concerning coming events. Musicians, spiritualists, and martyrs are of this type, together with many folk who are square pegs in round holes; maybe doing work which is uncongenial to them. THE THUMB has also in it certain very marked indications of character. The three bones (or Phalanges) in the thumb each have their interpretation. Beginning at the top these should be judged by length as follows:— 1. Will. (The pushing type of man.) Thus a long first or top phalange indicates great will power; or if it is not a certain indication, it points to a definite likelihood of the will being strong. THE MOUNTSTake your subject's hand and examine it closely; a strong magnifying glass should form part of the equipment of every wise palmist. It will be seen that there are certain portions of the hands which are raised above the surface. These are known as "mounts." As will be noticed in the accompanying picture, we call these mounts by astrological names, a method adopted from the very earliest times. They are eight in number, named: Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Apollo, Luna and Mars (of which there are two). Let us look at our picture on page 21. At the base of the first finger you will see Mount Jupiter, then taking the base of each finger in turn, will be found Mounts Saturn, Apollo, and Mercury. Mount Luna will be found at the base of the hand, below the little finger, near the wrist, Mount Mars just above it, Mount Venus stands below Jupiter and at the root of the thumb, with the second Mars above it. All individuals have not these mounts developed to the same extent, and in these variations strong indications of character are to be found. We will now have a little discussion upon the subject of Mounts, taking each individually, and in turn. Usually one of these mounts in your subject's hands will be found to stand out clearly from the remainder. This will give you a good idea of the general type of person whose hand you are judging. These are the general indications to be found. THE SATURNIAN.—If the Mount of Saturn be over-developed, you have the cold, sceptical type of man. He lacks the milk of human kindness, and is probably a pessimist. A moderate development, on the other hand, is good; this man should be prudent, not miserly; optimistic yet not fatuously so, a well-balanced man. We well know that the excess or over-development of one particular quality (however excellent this quality may be) is evil. Thus a super-artistic temperament gives the neurotic; while the over-prudent man becomes the grasping miser. THE JUPITERIAN.—Jupiterians, or folk with an excessively strong THE APOLLONIAN.—Taking the men and women of Apollo we have the essential optimists, the Micawbers and Mark Tapleys of life. Allied to their cheery natures is a love of the artistic and the really beautiful. The sculptors, painters, and musicians who make life so pleasant, are very frequently Apollonians. The best advice to give an Apollonian is "moderation in all things." He or she must be very careful in the choice of a marriage partner; this last is very important indeed. THE MERCURIAN.—In excess we have craft, guile, and fondness for falsehoods. In moderation we find the good business man, shrewd, cautious, possessor of a capacity for doing the lion's share of the work, and a fine eye for the main chance. Let him cultivate his opposites. Unselfishness, kindness and generosity will make a Mercurian a most charming person. Their lack will leave a clever, scheming scoundrel. THE MARTIAN.—When we find Mars in the ascendant (i. e., the mounts excessively developed) we find aggression and even bullying. In moderation we have a fighter in the best sense of the word; a man who will withstand the blows of fate and fight his way through life, resisting evil. He is never mean, and you will find him a sincere and trustworthy friend. THE VENUSIAN.—When this mount is predominant in excess we find a person of unbalanced mind; he will be careless and will make a dangerous marriage partner. Developed to a moderate degree we find generosity, a power to feel for others, with a pleasing personality. The folk of Venus love beauty, and love their life; they are strongly attracted to those of the opposite sex, and are likely to fall in love without counting the cost. These people should cultivate a habit of thinking before they act, and should not allow generosity to degenerate into extravagance. THE LUNARIAN.—Lastly let us take the Mount of the Moon. In excess we again find the neurotic or unduly nervous person. In moderation the Lunarian will be a person of imagination, sympathy, and one who loves to look on all that is most beautiful in life. He should be successful as a musician, playwright, or novelist, and has a ready capacity for learning foreign languages. Let me give one piece of final advice to those who truly judge character by the mounts, or indeed by any signs on the hand. Never judge by one sign or you will be led into stupid mistakes. Always take the hand as a whole, for frequently some point in the formation striking you as bad may be strongly counterbalanced by other good signs. This is exceedingly important, and rightly applied will save you many foolish pitfalls in your early fortunetelling days! THE FINGERSEach of the mounts at the base of the fingers gives its name to the finger above it, i. e., the first finger is called Jupiter, the little finger is Mercury, and so on. When judging character by the mounts, the fingers which share their name must also always be noted as to their development. Let us first take Jupiter. If that finger is well developed (i. e., long in comparison to the remainder) this will accentuate the Jupiterian qualities seen in the well-developed mounts. This may be applied throughout the mounts. The important thing to remember is that mount and corresponding finger should be read together. This is essential. To conclude this section let us take the phalanges (or joints of the finger) with their interpretations. Counting from the top joint nearest to the nail, the meaning given by palmists to the three phalanges of each finger are as follows:— (Length of phalanx, or distance between the respective joints, is the deciding factor.) For simplicity, we have made a small table.
THE LINES OF YOUR DESTINYWe now come to the most fascinating side of Palmistry—the actual study of the network of lines upon the hand, and their relation to the mounts and to each other. This is where your magnifying glass will be of enormous value. There are very many small signs, seemingly of little matter, but in reality of very great importance, such as stars, crosses, squares, and triangles, little marks with frequently great meanings. One word of warning must be given before we go farther. If you see evil in a palm never on any account tell of it. But if you see Let us take these lines in turn and discuss the meaning of each. THE LIFE LINEWhen the Life line rises high in the hand, great ambition is shown. If you see a Life line circling well into the palm (thus forming a large Mount of Venus) emotional characteristics such as love and generosity are shown. If, on the contrary, the line forms a small Mount of Venus, coldness will be predominant. If the Life line commences very feebly and gradually strengthens, this is a good sign. It indicates a weak childhood but a robust maturity. THE HEAD LINEThe Head line works in conjunction with the line of Health (see illustration), thus:—If the Head line is broken some ill health may be indicated which has made or will make its effect felt upon the brain and thinking powers. But only if all other lines should support this. An independent nature is shown when the Head line branches off from the Life line early in its course, and vice versa. If the Head line should curve towards Saturn, there is shown a material outlook upon life; this is the financier's Head line. Curving towards Apollo an artistic nature is shown, while should this line originate near Mount Jupiter it is a sure sign of capacity for leadership, and many go-ahead qualities that make for success. If the Head line is firm, a definite, purposeful nature is probable, while a weak, wavy Head line indicates a weak, wavering outlook upon life. With the Head line joining the Heart line, emotional qualities are to the fore; this individual is impulsive and should put the curb of reason upon himself. Should the Head line have branches which run towards Mount Mercury, Luna and Mars, it is an excellent sign, showing good balance, ready wit, and quick adaptability. THE HEART LINEWhen this originates on or near the mount called Saturn, there is a leaning towards a sensual, pleasure-loving nature. Rising from between Saturn and its neighbor Jupiter, we have a very Should the Heart line cross the palm entirely, the owner is the exact opposite of the individual just mentioned. This person's heart will rule his head; he is sentimental even to a fault, and should practice business-like qualities, and not dream overmuch. Love in a cottage is all very well—but how when the roof leaks? A short Heart line is a warning for care in marriage; without this care a couple may well come to shipwreck on the rocks of married life. Forewarned is forearmed! THE LINE OF FORTUNEThis is a line running (as its name suggests) towards the Mount of Apollo. It is a valuable and somewhat rarely-found line. This is the line of genius; effort will scarcely be needed by its owner; he will seem to fly towards success on the wings of destiny. This is the ideal, but it must be borne in mind that there are other lines which must be studied in conjunction with it. On the other hand its absence does by no means prohibit or even endanger success; it merely indicates that individual effort will be required, and what is life without something to strive for? THE HEALTH LINEA good strong Health line is very desirable; should this line be broken, however, there is no need for alarm, it is merely indicated that a certain amount of care is necessary in one's personal habits of life. THE LINE OF FATEThis line runs across the middle of the palm, from the Mount of Saturn to the Bracelets, but its full course need not be traced on any particular hand. When of full length and a middle position is revealed, the fate of the individual may be reckoned as particularly lucky. Such a person has strong determination, can make quick decisions and can be powerful without being a tyrant. He has the power of drawing people to him, in a friendly way, and is, thus, always liked. No. 7.—The Map of the Hand. a. Life line; b. Fate line; c. Health line; d. Head line; e. Heart line; f. Marriage line; g. Bracelets; h. Mount of Jupiter; j. Mount of Saturn; k. Mount of Apollo; l. Mount of Mercury; m. and o. Mounts of Mars; n. Mount of Venus; p. Mount of Luna; s. Line of Fortune. Should the line run from the Bracelets and stop at the Head line, this is a sign that the possessor will have many troubles and obstacles to overcome. Whether he will surmount them depends on the strength of the Head line. In cases where the Fate line continues up one of the fingers, the owner must take care that success does not turn his head and ruin the future. A Fate line that wriggles its way across the palm indicates a life of ups and downs, THE LINE OF MARRIAGEThis line is a short, comparatively inconspicuous one, found at the edge of the palm, below the little finger. It runs inwards but not very far towards the center of the palm. How to recognize its significance is explained under the heading, "An ABC of Hands." Now let us put our house in order, refresh our minds, and summarize the broad principles upon which any study of Palmistry must rest. First we have the mounts. It is in the varying relation of the lines to these mounts and to their adjacent fingers that our deductions are founded. One mount lies at the base of each finger, Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo and Mercury respectively. Secondly, we have the four fingers with their astrological names, each finger bearing the name of the mount at its base. Table showing the general qualities of the mounts.
Here is a good, sound rule to remember when reading the hands of your friends. First find your type—i.e., Jupiterian, Apollonian, etc. This is accomplished by noting the main characteristics of the hand which you are examining. Suppose that the Mount of Apollo is fully developed and well raised, and that the finger of Apollo is inclined to be long, there you have practically a pure Apollonian type, i.e., Apollo in excess. If the Mount of Apollo is developed but also the finger of Saturn is long, this forms an admirable mixture. This subject will feel the benefit of the steadying influence of Saturn at work on his light-hearted Apollonian nature. Pure types are rare—and fortunately so—for in a pure type, no matter which, you are frequently liable to find a rather poorly-balanced outlook on life. The cold need heat, and the brilliant require solid perseverance and a capacity for hard work to win lasting success. No. 8.—The Marriage Line in varying shapes. WHICH HAND SHOULD BE READ?The answer to this question is a very decided both! As a general rule the left hand will show the inherent characteristics of the individual; the right hand shows the same characteristics modified by our surroundings or by the individual's personal efforts. The former is possibility—the latter actuality; in short, it is what we actually make our life. The safest rule about reading right and left hands is this:—Read both hands separately and carefully, then read them in their relation one to the other. There is no blind fatalism in the sayings and doings of a true student of Palmistry. What he does or should do is to point out the likelihoods and warn against inherent weakness. In so much he is like a guide helping us to pick our way through the tortuous maze of life. It may strike some of our readers that we have spoken more of the indications of character to be found in the hand rather than of the indications of "Fortune." A few moments' thought will show a very sound reason for this. It is certainly our characters which shape our destinies; should you find a hand with all the indications of strong character, while also possessing a strong will and well-cut Life line, you would be sure in prophesying a happy life for its owner; or as sure as we poor humans ever can hope to be! If you find a hand with the indications of weak will and character, yet with the Health and Life lines strong and well defined, you may well advise the owner of the hand that effort, effort and effort again, is required if he or she would win through! Remember that tact is more precious than fine gold! A tactful and timely warning may prove of the greatest value, while without tact you will surround yourself with an army of acquaintances whose feelings you have hurt by your thoughtless and unintentionally cruel remarks! There is no infallibility about this matter, but with the facts given in this book there are vast possibilities for really pleasurable and interesting recreation. If the study be taken up seriously, and used with discretion, there are almost unbelievable opportunities for good. This is what a man once said to me—and he was a man who thought deeply, and probed matters to their depths: "A wise palmist is as precious as a careful signalman upon life's crowded railroad, and a wise palmist is a tactful palmist." AN A B C OF HANDSIn order to be able to follow the explanations given for each type of hand, the list set out below will prove useful. (1) The 1st phalange is the section of the finger carrying the nail. ABILITY.—A small cross is shown where the Life line finishes. ABILITY, LACK OF.—A short Head line, terminating in the center of the palm, with the Mounts of Saturn and Apollo almost non-existing. ACTIVE PERSON.—A rough, firm palm and an indistinct Heart line. AFFECTIONATE PERSON.—A clear Heart line and a very plump Mount of Apollo. AMBITIOUS PERSON.—A short line traced from the Life line to the Mount of Jupiter, existing on both hands. AMIABLE PERSON.—The Mounts of Jupiter and Mercury are very plump on both palms. AMOROUS PERSON.—A hand deeply furrowed, somewhat silky in texture and the Heart line well developed. ANGER.—The thumb has short phalanges, especially the first phalange; finger-nails square and reddish at the base. ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT.—A line running directly from the Head line to the third finger, and fingers long and tapering. AUDACIOUS PERSON.—The Mount of Mercury and the two Mounts of Mars very clearly in evidence. AVARICIOUS.—The Head line extends across the palm, from end to end, and is straight. At its end, it forms a small triangle. BILIOUS TEMPERAMENT.—The Health line wriggles its way along the palm, while the hand is damp and clammy. BRAVE PERSON.—Straight fingers and both the Mounts of Mars are well defined. Few hair lines cut across these mounts. CAUTIOUS PERSON.—The first phalange of the thumb twists inwards, whilst all the fingers are remarkably straight. CHARITABLE PERSON.—A good Heart line with well-developed Mounts of Venus and Mars (particularly the Mars Mount below Jupiter.) CHEERFUL PERSON.—A long first phalange to the fourth finger and the Mounts of Jupiter, Apollo and Mercury nice and plump. CLEVER PERSON.—The Life line shows a cross at one of its ends and the Mounts of Apollo and Mercury are well defined. CONCEITED PERSON.—Very plump Mounts of Saturn, Apollo and Mercury. CONSCIENTIOUS PERSON.—A broad, thin hand, a very distinct Mount of Jupiter, and the first phalange of the thumb nicely curved. CONVINCING SPEAKER.—The fourth finger is almost as long as the third, usually because the first phalange is long. This finger is pointed. CORDIALITY.—The Heart line extends almost across the palm; it is straight, except at one end, which branches into a fork. COWARDLY.—When the hand is opened out flat, the fourth phalanges of all the fingers dip or curve downwards. None of the mounts are distinct. CRUEL PERSON.—The Heart line is almost or quite non-existing. The hand is long, but square-cornered, and the finger-nails are pointed at the base. DARING PERSON.—The Heart line curves round to the back of the hand, while both the Mounts of Mars are fully developed. DECEITFUL PERSON.—The Head line wavers, is not very distinct, and it has a double prong at one end. One of the prongs cuts across the Mount of Luna. DEFIANT PERSON.—The third phalange of the first finger is longer than the third phalanges of other fingers. The thumb is large. DISAPPOINTMENTS TO BE EXPERIENCED.—The Life line has a number of small hair lines running from it, like herringbone pattern. Some of these hair lines reach the bracelets. DISSIPATED PERSON.—A star beside the thumb-nail and the Head line is deep and wide. ENERGETIC PERSON.—The head line runs from side to side of the palm. It is clear throughout, while the four mounts below the four fingers are very distinct. ENVIOUS PERSON.—On the first finger there are several clear lines; they are found mostly on the third phalange, but some exist on the second. None on the first. EXTRAVAGANT PERSON.—The tips of all the fingers bend back and the Head line is weak. FAITHLESS PERSON.—The two Mounts of Mars and that of Mercury stand out more clearly than the others. FAME, PERSON DESTINED FOR.—The Fate line is more distinct than any other and no other line crosses it. FAR-SEEING PERSON.—The palm is depressed in the middle, the FAULT-FINDING PERSON.—A long, narrow hand, with an ill-defined Heart line. FLIRT.—The Head line consists of a line joining up several links, forming a species of chain. FORCEFUL PERSON.—A cross on the Mount of Apollo and small lines crossing. FORTUNATE PERSON.—The Heart and Head lines almost touch below the Mount of Jupiter. A cross is often found between them just at this point. The third finger shows a long line running the length of two phalanges. GOOD CHARACTER.—The Mounts of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are much in evidence, while the tips of the fingers are nicely rounded. GREEDY PERSON.—When the hand is spread out the fingers bend inwards, because of the excessive width of the palm. The Head line runs across the palm almost in a straight line. HAPPY PERSON.—On the third finger there is a deep line running the length of the third phalange. Also, the bracelets appear as a single deep furrow. HARD WORKER.—The fourth finger has the second phalange a trifle long, while the two Mounts or Mars are well developed. IDLER.—The Head line is very short; the Mounts of Luna and Mercury are well developed, while the Mount of Mercury almost touches that of Mars. IMPATIENT PERSON.—The Mounts of Mars and Mercury stand well above the level of the palm and are crossed by several small lines. INTELLIGENT PERSON.—The Mounts of Apollo and Mercury are much in evidence, while the Life line terminates in a cross. JEALOUS PERSON.—The Head line continues round to the back of the hand, while the Mount of Mercury is more defined than the others. JUST PERSON.—Square-tipped fingers and square nails, while the space formed between the Heart and Head lines is unusually wide. KIND PERSON.—A star figures on the thumb, while the Mounts of Apollo and Mercury are much in evidence. The Heart line is not short. LIKING FOR OPPOSITE SEX.—A star is seen on the Mount of Mercury or a star may appear between the Heart and Head lines. LONG LIFE.—The Heart line curves entirely round the thumb, being plainly evident all the way, while the bracelets consist of three clear lines. LUCKY PERSON.—See diagram of a very lucky hand. MARRIAGE.—The Marriage line is a comparatively short line, found above the Heart line and starting from the edge of the palm, under the little finger. If straight and well defined, it is a sign of a happy married life. (See Fig. A, p. 23.) If curved down, there are troubles to overcome. If the line runs down to the Heart line, money difficulties will arise in married life. (See Fig. B.) If the line ends in a fork, there are fears of quarrels and, perhaps, separations. (See Fig. C.) If the line runs up and touches the Fate line, marriage will bring many successes. If there is practically no length to the actual marriage line, but a fork appears almost at the commencement, it is a clear proof that troubles will arise and prevent the owner from marrying when he or she desires it. There will be delays, postponements and other difficulties, but they will be overcome in the end. (See Fig. D.) If there is an island where the line should commence, this may be taken as a sign that the possessor is not a suitable person for marriage. But, if the line is a good one, after the island is past, there are hopes that he or she will mend. (See Fig. E.) If the marriage line hardly exists or does not appear at all, it is a sign of single blessedness through life. If the marriage line on the right hand is minutely examined, short hair lines may be seen rising upwards from it. The number of these denotes the number of children of the marriage. It is usually said that the perpendicular lines represent the boys and the slanting lines the girls. As these lines are often very indistinct, it may be necessary to dust the hand with a dab of face-powder, in order to see them. NARROW-MINDED PERSON.—The Head line is short and it wavers or wriggles its way across the palm. NEAT, ORDERLY PERSON.—Where each finger is hinged to the palm, there is a deep crease making a badge on either side of it. The hand itself is square and vigorous in appearance. NERVOUS PERSON.—The hand is very much lined, and there is difficulty in picking out the chief lines. The Mount of Luna is large and much furrowed. A VERY LUCKY HAND No. 9.—The Life line begins on the Mount of Jupiter and is doubled. The Heart line commences on the same mount and is forked at both ends. The Head line is doubled and forked at one end. The Fate line is long, straight and rises from the Bracelets. The finger of Apollo is lined. The Marriage line is straight and clear. OVERBEARING PERSON.—The fingers are square-tipped and the first phalange of the thumb is long and thick. The hand itself is rough and coarse. A short Heart line. PASSIONATE PERSON.—The Heart line is long and the Mount of Mercury over-pronounced. PHILOSOPHIC PERSON.—The finger-tips are square; the phalanges are all more or less fleshy and full; the thumb is large and long; the palm is comparatively small. PROFLIGATE PERSON.—The Head line takes a wavering course, and there is a star on the thumb, close up to the nail. RECKLESS PERSON.—The finger of Saturn is more pointed at the tip than the other fingers. The Fate line does not come anywhere near to the Bracelets. REFINED PERSON.—The Mounts of Mercury and Luna are far more pronounced than the others; the fingers are slightly pointed, and the texture of the hand is silky. RELIGIOUS PERSON.—The first finger has a square tip; the Mount of Jupiter is large; the first phalanges of all the fingers are decidedly long, and there is a cross in the center of the palm, close to the Head and Heart lines. SECOND-SIGHT, PERSON WITH.—An unusual line runs from the Mount of Luna to the Mount of Mercury. It takes a circular course and much resembles the Life line, reversed. This line commences with an island. SLEEPY PERSON.—A deeply-grooved short Head line. SUCCESSFUL PERSON.—The Life line starts from the Mount of Jupiter and is double throughout its course. The Heart line commences at almost the same spot and is forked at both ends. SUPERSTITIOUS PERSON.—The Mount of Jupiter is particularly well developed. There are several lines running across it; while the Head line is shorter than usual. TACTFUL PERSON.—The hands are long and narrow; the texture of the skin is smooth and silky, and all the first phalanges are plump and, perhaps, longitudinally lined. TALKATIVE PERSON.—The Heart and Head lines are not easily discovered, and the Mount of Mercury stands up more than the other mounts. THOUGHTFUL PERSON.—The first finger almost as long as the second; it is pointed at the tip more than the others. A wide space is formed between the Heart, Head, Fate and Fortune (or Health) lines. TIMID PERSON.—None of the Mounts appear plainly, while the Head and Heart lines run very close together. UNTRUTHFUL PERSON.—The little finger is long, reaching at least to the base of the nail of the third finger. The Mount of Luna is crossed with many lines. VAIN PERSON.—The Mount of Jupiter is fuller than the others and it is crossed with many lines. The fingers are long and rather pointed. VINDICTIVE PERSON.—The Head line wriggles along its course. It has a fork close to the Mount of Luna. WEALTHY PERSON.—When earned, the Mount of Luna, on both hands, shows a number of lines which all run in one direction. They do not cross at all. When inherited, the same, but there is, in addition, a cross on the Bracelets. WITTY PERSON.—The Mount of Mercury shows up clearly. In addition, there is a curved line which runs from the junction of the first and second fingers to the junction of the third and fourth fingers. The Heart line is usually good. |