"A person who finds a four-leaved clover, and believes it is a harbinger of something good, has adopted the right attitude, for he keeps a keen look-out for that particular good and holds out both hands for it. Seldom is he disappointed, for he has unconsciously set going the mental machinery which brings his wishes within reach. Had he not found the clover and had gone along life's highway unexpectant of anything good, he would never have discovered this pleasant happening. And therein lies the true psychology of luck, which seems too simple to be true, but then its simplicity is really the sign-manual of its verity." This quotation from the writings of a well-known author goes direct to the point about talismans. If you adopt a talisman and put your faith in it, you immediately prepare your mind for receiving an abundance of good fortune. Reject all talismans and argue that there is no such thing as luck, and you straightway set going the mental machinery which looks on the dark side of things and which misses every slice of luck that comes along. Therefore, we say, with emphasis, take to yourself a talisman, a mascot, a charm—call it what you will—and you will never regret it. Of talismans, there are countless varieties; some are known the world over, others are the particular choice of individuals. They range from the In order to assist you in picking out a talisman for yourself, we append the following accounts of those examples which are favored most:— THE HORSE-SHOE.—No symbol is a greater favorite than the horse-shoe. There are many legends regarding its origin, but the most commonly accepted concerns the well-known visit of his Satanic Majesty to the shoe-smith. As a consequence, the Devil evinced a wholesome dread of horseshoes, and would not go near a house or person possessing one. It is more likely, however, that the horse-shoe was accepted as a symbol of luck because it was a commonplace object very nearly the same shape as the metal crescents worn by the Romans when they wanted to be fortunate. These crescents were always carried with the horns turned up, and, if a horse-shoe is to bring good luck, it, too, must be placed with the prongs uppermost. The reason for the prongs being so turned depends on a belief that misfortune always travels in circles, but when it reaches the tips of a horse-shoe, it is baffled, unless all the luck has already run out of the tips through them being turned downwards. Of course, an old, worn shoe is more lucky than a new one, and it is a recognized fact that the more nails found in it the luckier will be the finder. THE SCARAB.—This device is accounted very lucky or very unlucky, according to the disposition of the wearer. The symbol represents the No. 2.—An Egyptian Scarab, such as were used as talismen. Two forms are shown, one with the pectoral wings outspread; the other, with wings closed. THE TET.—This symbol was shaped somewhat like a mallet, and was always worn with the head uppermost and the handle hanging down. It was made in porcelain or stone, and was often colored gaudily. The Egyptians were the first to find efficacy in this charm, and they wore it suspended around the neck to ward off attacks from visible and invisible enemies. Thus, it was a protection against evil in any form; it was also supposed to provide the wearer with strength and endurance. The tet has been much forgotten of late years, but there are adherents who value it above the horseshoe and almost any other charm. No. 3.—The Talisman on the left is the Tet; on the right, the Arrow-Head. THE ARROW-HEAD.—The early Britons spent a great deal of their time in taking suitable flints and shaping them into the form of triangles. These were called arrow-heads, and when the two side edges had been sharpened they were fixed into sticks and used as weapons or tools. Out of this use grew the idea that arrow-heads were potent charms in providing bodily protection against enemy force or the usual illnesses. Accordingly, people began to wear them as neck ornaments and, for this purpose, decorative arrow-heads were made. Ever since then, they have been cherished for their powers in warding off attacks, and a superstition still exists which claims that if one of these arrow-heads is dipped in water, the water will be more potent than any doctor's medicine. THE CADUCEUS.—This device, which figures as part of the design of No. 4.—The Caduceus or Staff of Mercury. THE EYE AGATE.—As is generally appreciated, the "evil eye" is the source of all trouble and misfortunes, and the early Eastern races thought that, if the "evil eye" could be avoided or frightened away, all would be well. Searching for a charm to effect their purpose, they alighted upon the eye agate, and this they believed would give no quarter to the "evil eye." Accordingly, agates were cut to resemble an eye which would be powerful enough to neutralize the effects of the evil one, and these were worn as brooches, rings and necklaces. The agate chosen for the purpose consisted of thin layers of stone of various colors. Thus, by cutting the stones oval and removing Such eyes are still sold today, and many people treasure them in the hope that they will ward off evil in any form. THE JADE AXE-HEAD.—Many jewelers still sell little axe-heads carved out of jade, for wearing around the neck. The axe-head has been considered a symbol of strength and vigor ever since primitive times, and jade has a world-wide reputation as a charm against disease and accidents. THE SEAL OF SOLOMON.—This device is now regarded as a symbol of the Jewish religion, but it can be traced to several other religions, and, no doubt, it dates even farther back than the commencement of the Jewish era. The triangle with the upward point stood for goodness; the triangle with the downward point for wickedness; while the two intertwined symbolized the triumph of good over bad. Those who wear the device contend that it preserves them from all that is ill, and, at the same time, it gives them a share of the world's blessings. No. 5.—The Seal of Solomon, one of the oldest lucky charms in existence. THE ABRACADABRA.—This charm dates from the second century, and was a symbol of the Gnostic worship. It often took the form of a little piece of parchment, folded into the shape of a cross, but it can, also, be seen as a tablet, made of stone or metal, shaped like an inverted triangle. On the charm, of whatever shape, was inscribed the following: A B R A C A D A B R A It will be seen that the word "Abracadabra" can be read along the upper line and also down and up the two sides. This word is said to conceal the name of God and the charm has the powers of warding off dangers and sickness. THE FOUR-LEAF CLOVER OR SHAMROCK.—Everyone knows that a four-leaf clover or shamrock is supposed to be a bringer of luck and good fortune. As these are not readily found and, moreover, they soon perish, the opportunity has been seized by jewelers to produce artificial ones in various precious and semi-precious metals. To wear either is supposed to avoid misfortune. It may be mentioned that the four-leaf Shamrock as a charm has proved immensely popular by those who are interested in the Irish sweepstakes. BLACK CATS.—Of course, it is lucky for a black cat to walk into your house, but failing an actual cat, a counterfeit one serves the same purpose. Thus, people who pin their faith to black cats often make stuffed ones, or draw pictures of them, and look to the creature of their own handiwork to serve the role of mascot. YOUR OWN TALISMAN.—So far, the talismans that have received universal acceptance have alone been mentioned, but the tendency today is for enthusiasts to originate a mascot of their very own. It may take any or every form, according to the whim or fancy of the individual. Maybe you will prefer to find your own mascot or talisman in this direction. If you have no preferences, why not constitute a device which embraces your lucky number, your lucky flower, your lucky color, and so on? It is a suggestion bristling with opportunities. Just to show that people are tending towards the idea of choosing a talisman of their very own, we will conclude with a story that was recently published. "There is a precious stone to which the board of directors of a firm of diamond dealers annually pass a vote of thanks. The stone is a sapphire and it has been named Shani, meaning 'bringer of luck.' "Shani was bought by the firm about seventy years ago, and it only leaves the safe on New Year's Day. A special meeting, attended by every member of the firm, is then held in the board room. Shani is placed in the middle of the table and, with hands clasped in prayer, the members offer thanks for the good luck the sapphire has brought the firm during the preceding year. "One of the directors said, 'My grandfather once received a tempting offer for Shani and yielded, but a few hours after the sapphire had been sent away he was taken violently ill with fever. The sapphire was brought back from a distant part of India, and my grandfather became well at once.'" Should not we all have a Shani? |