
This association shall be called the National Farmers' Association.

Article II.

The officers of this association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who, together with three other persons, shall constitute a board of trustees.

Article III.

The object of the association shall be to encourage the freedmen of the Southern States to emigrate to the Northern and Western States and Territories, and settle upon government lands, where they can be protected, and live under laws in harmony with the Constitution of the United States; or form townships of their own on the New England plan, with churches, schools, &c., according to their own predilections.

Article IV.

Every individual owning a farm not less than a quarter section, or forty acres, shall be entitled to membership in this association, by the payment of five dollars towards the general expenses. Any surplus remaining over and above the expenses will be invested in farms for poor families, who have always been loyal to the United States government.

Article V.

Every freedman who purchases a farm and settles upon the same, shall be an honorary member of this association, until he shall have paid for the same and obtained his deed, when he shall be admitted to full membership.

Article VI.

The officers of the Principia Club shall act as officers of this association, until an act of incorporation shall be obtained, or until other officers shall be elected.


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