NO. 1222 LADIES' CARDIGAN Sizes Small (32-34) Medium (36-38) Large (40-42)



1 No. 6 Circular Needle
4 (4-4) 2 oz. skeins Mohlon
6 buttons
1 cable holder
6 sts = 1 inch
8 rows = 1 inch

NECK: With No. 6 Needle, cast on 47 (47-55) sts for beg. of neck edge. Work back and forth on circular needle.

Row 1: Wrong side. P 3(3-3), * k 1, p 3, k 1, p 3, k 1, p 3, k 1 * p 15 (15-23) repeat between *’s once, p 3, (3-3).

Row 2: Inc 1 st in first st as if to k, * inc 1 st in next st as if to k, k 1, place a marker on right needle, p 1, inc 1 st in each of next 3 sts as if to k, p 1, place a marker on needle as before for end of raglan cable stripe, inc 1 st in next st as if to k *; repeat between *’s once, k 12 (12-20); repeat between *’s twice, increase 1 st in next st as if to k, k 1; 69 (69-77) sts.

Row 3: Inc 1 st in first st as if to p, * p to marker, slip marker to right needle, k 1, p 6, k 1, slip marker as before *; repeat between *’s 3 times, p to within 1 st of end, inc 1 st in last st as if to p; 71 (71-79).

Row 4: Cable twist, inc 1 st in first st, *k to within 2 sts of marker, inc 1 st in next st. K 1, slip marker as before; p 1; slip next 2 sts to cable holder and hold at back of work, k next 2 sts, then bring the 2 sts on cable holder to front of work, k next 2 sts, k the 2 sts from cable holder. (Double Cable twist) p 1, slip marker as before, inc 1 st in next st *; repeat between *’s 3 times, k to within 2 sts of end, inc 1 st in next st, k 1; 81 (81-89).

Row 5: Same as row 3: 83 (83-91).

Row 6: Inc 1 st in first st, *k to within 2 sts of marker, inc 1 st in next st, k 1, slip marker, p 1, k 6, p 1, slip marker, inc 1 st in next st *; repeat between *’s 3 times, k to within 2 sts of end, inc 1 st in next st, k 1: 93 (93-101).

Row 7: Same as row 3; 95 (95-103).

Row 8: Same as row 6; 105 (105-113).

Row 9: Same as row 3; 107 (107-115).

Row 10: Cable twist—same as row 4; 117 (117-125).

Row 11: Same as row 3; 119 (119-127).

Row 12: Same as row 6; 129 (129-137).

Row 13: Same as row 3; 131 (131-139).

Row 14: Same as row 6; 141 (141-149).

Row 15: Same as row 3; 143 (143-151).

Row 16: Cable twist—same as row 4; 153 (153-161) sts; cast on 15 sts at end of row; 168 (168-176).

Row 17: P the 15 cast-on sts for right front border and facing, k 1, p 6, k 1 for cable stripe, continue as for row 3 to within 8 sts of end, k 1, p 6, k 1 for cable stripe on left front; cast on 15 sts at end of row for left front border; 183 (183-191).

Row 18: k 7, with yarn at back, slip next st as if to p for turning st, k 7, p 1, k 6, p 1; repeat between *’s of row 6, 4 times, k to within 23 sts of end, p 1, k 6, p 1, k 7, slip next st as before for turning st, k 7; 191 (191-199).

Row 19: P 15, k 1, p 6, k 1; repeat between *’s of row 3, 4 times, p to within 23 sts of end, k 1, p 6, k 1, p last 15 sts. 191 (191-199).

Row 20: Same as row 18; 199 (199-207).

Row 21: Same as row 19; 199 (199-207).

Row 22: K 7, slip 1, k 7, p 1, work double cable twist on next 6 sts; p 1, repeat between *’s of row 4, 4 times, k to within 23 sts of end, p 1, work double cable twist on next 6 sts, p l, k 7, slip 1, k 7; 207 (207-215) carry up markers.

Continue to work with care to keep pat., increasing 1 st each side of each 4 raglan cable stripes every 2nd row, twisting cables every 6th row on all 6 cable stripes until 20 rows above last cast-on row of front borders, end on wrong side; 263 (263-271).

Row 38: First buttonhole row, right side—work pat. and inc as before to within 13 sts of end, bind off next 2 sts for buttonhole, k 2 sts, slip 1, k 2, bind off next 2 sts for buttonhole, finish row; 271 (271-279).

Row 39: Work pat., casting on 2 sts over bound off sts. Continue as before, repeating buttonholes every 21st and 22nd row until there are 375 (391-415) sts on needle, end on wrong side.

This row completes raglan shaping and raglan cable stripes. Continuing to work 15 border and facing sts on each front edge as before and cable pat. on 8 sts of each front cable stripe only, divide as follows, removing markers and discontinuing cable pat. on remaining 4 cable stripes.

Dividing Row: Work 15 border sts and 8 sts of front cable stripe; then k next 39 (41-43) st; remove marker, k 4 raglan seam sts, omitting pat., slip these 66 (68-70) sts on holder for left front; k next 77 (81-85) sts and place them on separate holder for left sleeve; k 89 (93-105) sts and place them on holder for back; k next 77 (81-85) sts, keep these sts on needle for right sleeve, place remaining 66 (68-70) sts on holder for right front. Continue as follows on right sleeve.

Right Sleeve: Work in stockinette st, p 1 row, k 1 row—decreasing 1 st each side every 6 rows, 8 (9-9) times; 61 (63-67) sts until 10 inches below dividing row, end on wrong side.

Cuff: Decrease row, right side. K decreasing 12 (13-15) sts evenly spaced across row; 49 (50-52). Work firmly in k 2, p 2 ribbing for 2 inches. Bind off in ribbing. Pick up sts for left sleeve from holder and work same as right sleeve.

Body: Beg at front edge of left front, from right side, take up 66 (68-70) sts of left front; 89 (93-105) sts of back, slip last 66 (68-70) sts of right front on left-hand side of circular needle. Join yarn, finish right front working as before on front border facing and cable twist.

Work for 9 (9½-10) inches in this manner.

Dec. Row, right side: Work 15 sts of facing and border, k 2, *k 2, k 2 tog; repeat from * across row to within 20 sts of end, k 5, work 15 sts of border.

Ribbing: Work facing as before and k 2, p 2 in ribbing for 2 inches. Bind off in ribbing.

Neck ribbing: Working from right side, pick up and k 15 sts on 15 sts of facing and border; 18 (18-19) along shaped edge of neck to end of 2nd cable stripe, 3 sts across top of sleeve; 24 (26-28) across back of neck to end of 4th cable stripe; 3 sts across top of sleeve; 18 (18-19) sts along shaped edge to end of 6th cable stripe; 15 sts on sts of border and facing; 96 (98-102) sts.

Rows 1, 2 and 3: K 2, P 2.

Row 4: (Buttonhole row) K 2, bind off 2 sts, k until 13 sts from last bind off, bind off 2, k 2. P 2 across row.

Row 5: Work in ribbing, casting on 2 sts over each set of bound off sts.

Repeat ribbing for 1½ inches.

Finishing: Turn back front facings along turning st and hem to wrong side. Sew open ends of front borders and facings tog, neatly at neck and lower edge. Finish buttonholes in blanket st working through both thicknesses.


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