| | | | | | | Grady Allen U.S.S. Susquehanna | | Pvt. William F. Bailey Battery E 117th Field Artillery | | Pvt. Charles Bailey Battery D 117th Field Artillery | | Pvt. James Arthur Bates 38th Co. 10th Tr. Btn. 157th Depot Brigade | | | | | | | | | Pvt. William A. Blanks Hdqtrs. Military Police | | Pvt. Walter Blackwell 57th Company M.T.C. | | Lieut. J. Mem Bohannon Company I 167th Infantry | | Pvt. Walter T. Bohannon Cavalry Camp Remount | | | | | | | | | Bugler Henry J. Brannon Battery F 50th Artillery C.A.C. | | Douglas Brittingham U.S.S. Pennsylvania | | Pvt. Poet Canady Company C 321st Infantry | | Pvt. Alsberry Carlisle 9th Company 167th Infantry | | | | | | | | | Pvt. Johnnie E. Carriker Truck Company 2 106th Am. Train | | Cook Eddie L. Crawford Hdqtrs. Troop 4th Division | | Pvt. Robert R. Crawford Company A 29th Mach. Gun Btn. | | Pvt. J. Ben Crenshaw 57th Company M.T.D. | | | | | | | | | Pvt. Amos M. Crenshaw Cas. Company 465 | | Pvt. Roy Culberson Company H 328th Infantry | | Pvt. Ocie Lee Deloach F.R.S. 327 | | Pvt. Richmond Earles Company 5 H.Q.R.S. | | | | | | | | | Pvt. Joseph A. Fobus Battery E 117th Field Artillery | | Pvt. Rufus M. Foster 327th Field Hospital 307th San. Train | | Luther Frazier Sub Chaser 204 | | Pvt. W. A. Fuller Supply Co. 321st Infantry | | | | | | | | | Sgt. Jessee L. Glass A.P.O. 927 | | Pvt. Keener Gray 3d Prov. Company O.A.R.D. | | Pvt. Austin M. Hornsby Hdqtrs. Company 17th Infantry | | Pvt. Ronald E. James Battery D 114th Field Artillery | | | | | | | | | Pvt. Olin Johnson Company D 89th Infantry | | Pvt. James Lee Johnson 21st Company R.R.D. | | Cook Ellis Joseph Base Hospital | | Pvt. Oscar W. Kent 260th Company 130th Btn. M.P.C. | | | | | | | | | Hugh S. Bates Naval Training Station | | Pvt. Ocie Laney Supply Company 10th F.A., A.P.O. 740 | | Sgt. Thomas Landreth Company F 17th Infantry | | Pvt. S. H. Lauderdale 69th Company 6th Group | | | | | | | | | Sgt. Homer McClendon Company B U.S.A. Gen. Hosp. 36 | | Sgt. Sam McDonald Company F 167th Infantry | | Pvt. Benjamin F. McGarr Battery F 7th Field Artillery | | Pvt. William C. Manning Company B 47th Reg. T.C. | | | | | | | | | Eulos Moon U.S. Naval Air Station | | Clarence Morris U.S.S. Cincinnati | | James M. Newton U.S.S. Anniston | | Pvt. Will O’Neal Cas. Company 61 162d Depot Brigade | | | | | | | | | Pvt. Amos Orrick Troop A 14th Cavalry | | Pvt. Fred Perryman Company M 49th Infantry | | Pvt. Luther Shelnut Cas. Company 43 162d Depot Brigade | | Pvt. Walter Lee Smith 4th Company O.A.R.D. Automatic | | | | | | | | | Pvt. Douglas M. Smith Hdqtrs. Company 57th Infantry | | Pvt. G. F. Tankersley Battery E 117th Field Artillery | | Pvt. Zachery Thompson 71st Company 6th Group M.T.D. | | Pvt. J. O. Threadgill 17th Company 162d Depot Brigade | | | | | | | | | Ellis Waller Naval Training Station Reg. 4 Sec. 9 | | Sgt. Luke Wesson Supply Company 167th Infantry | | Pvt. Walter H. Whatley 3d Ordnance Guard Co. | | Pvt. Johnnie Williams Bakery Company 358 | | | Pvt. Tommy Young Company G 2d Training Regiment | Roll of Honor † Died of disease‡ Killed in action Allen, Grady Bailey, Charles Bailey, William F. Bassett, Bryant Bates, Hugh S. Bates, James Arthur Blackwell, Walter Blanks, William A. ‡Bohannon, J. Mem †Bohannon, Walter T. Boon, Grady Brannon, Henry J. Brittingham, Douglas Canady, Poet Carlisle, Alsberry Carriker, Johnnie E. Crawford, Eddie L. Crawford, Robert R. Crenshaw, Amos M. Crenshaw, J. Ben Crowder, Otis Culberson, Roy Daniel, Eugene R. Deloach, Ocie Lee Earles, Richmond Earles, Schusler Fobus, Joseph Adie Foster, Rufus M. Foster, Walter Lee Frazier, Luther Fuller, W. A. Glass, Jessee L. Gray, Keener Hornsby, Austin M. James, Ronald E. ‡Johnson, James Lee | | Johnson, Olin Joseph, Ellis Kent, Oscar W. Landreth, Thomas Laney, Ocie ‡Lauderdale, S. H. Manning, William C. Moon, Eulos Morris, Clarence McClendon, Homer McDonald, Sam McGarr, Benjamin F. Newton, James M. O’Neal, Will Orrick, Amos ‡Perryman, Fred Roberts, Andrew Shelnut, Luther Smith, Charles M. Smith, Douglas M. Smith, Walter Lee ‡Stanfield, Charlie D. Stephens, Albert E. Tankersley, George F. Thompson, Zachary Threadgill, J. O. Tyson, Fred Waller, Ellis Wesson, Luke Whatley, Walter H. Williams, Johnnie Young, Tommy | Colored Brooks, Jess Finley, Alton Ison, Guss | | Taylor, Guy Taylor, Manual Winston, Frank | Extracts of Appreciation “I appreciate all the letters which you have written to me and it certainly livens a fellow up and makes him feel good to receive all the news from home and know just what is being done.” “I am proud to be represented in the service flag.” “Am glad to hear from you and to know that you are doing such wonderful work for the boys.” “Thanking you all for the joy that comes with your ever welcome letters.” “I want you to tell your fellow members in the War Service Station that as a man in the service I can heartily appreciate the work you are doing for the benefit of the men in the service and I think it is a splendid thing.” “Please accept my sincere thanks for all the letters, magazines and other things you have sent.” “Thanking you for remembering me and wishing you much success with your work.” “Am sure this system will prove a success as the boys will all appreciate the work of the Service Station.” “I am grateful to you and proud of our War Service Station.” “I am sure the good work that the Langdale War Service Station is doing for the boys in the service is very much appreciated. No one has an idea what it means until they are in the Service and are remembered as we are by the Service Station.” “Can assure you that your letters and all good work is more than appreciated.” “My best wishes for a prosperous Station, but then how could it be otherwise when it is for the good of Democracy and especially for the Liberty of these dear old ‘United States’.” “I am not going to try to thank you for all the good news and letters I received when I reached port, this time. It was just grand.” “If you could visit this place once, my dear friends, you would know what a good place the U. S. A. is. Everything is out of date, even the women are all curious looking.” “It may be six or eight months before I get back to dear old Langdale. Of course it seems very hard to stay, but if my country needs me I am willing.” WAR SERVICE COMMITTEE, Langdale W. H. Enloe, chairman W. T. Draper A. C. Boyd C. M. Moore W. L. Clark Miss Ollie Gardner, secretary RED CROSS WORK ROOM, Langdale WAR SERVICE STATION, Langdale INTERIOR WAR SERVICE STATION, Langdale Committees Subscriptions to First Liberty Loan were through the bank and we have no record of them. SECOND LIBERTY LOAN Subscription, $5,000.00 THIRD LIBERTY LOAN L. Lanier, V.-Chairman of Chambers Co. W. H. Enloe, Chairman of Langdale Subscription, $40,600.00 FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN L. Lanier, V.-Chairman of Chambers Co. Carl. M. Moore, Chairman of Langdale Subscription, $14,900.00 UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN A. C. Boyd, Chairman of Langdale Subscription, $1,797.75 Y. M. C. A. Subscription, $625.00 VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN W. H. Enloe, Chairman Subscription, $10,100.00 | | FIRST RED CROSS WAR FUND W. H. Enloe, Chairman of Langdale Subscription, $2,353.02 SECOND RED CROSS WAR FUND L. Lanier, Chairman of Chambers Co. W. H. Enloe, Chairman of Langdale Subscription, $2,390.03 WAR SAVINGS STAMPS A. C. Boyd, Chairman of Chambers Co. Geo. T. Johnson, Chairman of Langdale Subscription, $32,000.00 LANGDALE CHAPTER RED CROSS Mrs. L. Lanier, Chairman FOUR-MINUTE-MEN Carl M. Moore, Chairman A. C. Boyd W. H. Enloe W. L. Clark W. T. Draper SALVATION ARMY DRIVE Carl Moore, Chairman Subscription, $160.00 | | | Total | Liberty and Victory Loans | | $70,600.00 | Membership and Subscription Red Cross | | 4,743.05 | Y. M. C. A. | | 625.00 | Salvation Army | | 160.00 | United War Fund | | 1,797.75 | War Saving Stamps | | 32,000.00 | Committee Report Letters written boys in Service | | 894 | Letters from boys in Service | | 263 | Miscellaneous letters written | | 564 | Number of parcels or packages forwarded | | 363 | Number of visitors at Station | | 1623 | Boys leaving during month for Service | Total number in Service | | 74 | Number of Bulletins mailed | | 1153 | Killed in action | | 4 | Died of wounds | | 1 | Died of disease | | 1 | Wounded | | 2 | From Langdale Red Cross Sweaters | | 56 | Sox, pairs | | 166 | Triangular bandages | | 326 | T bandages | | 292 | Abdominal bandages | | 255 | Bed shirts | | 92 | Hospital shirts | | 10 | Refugee aprons | | 45 | Refugee dresses | | 20 | Pajamas, pairs | | 24 | Operating robes | | 12 | Refugee garments | | 1202 | Bath towels | | 100 | Shoes, pairs | | 13 | Junior Red Cross Triangular bandages | | 50 | Refugee garments | | 167 | Cash | | $5.00 | Scrap books | | 30 | Barrels of nuts collected | | 4 | Pounds of tinfoil collected | | 15 | Property bags | | 20 |