tml@files@61502@61502-h@61502-h-38.htm.html#Page_475" class="pginternal">475. Brown, Sir George, Kertch expedition, 100. Bruat, Admiral, Kertch expedition, 100. Bruce, Mr., National Education Bill, 452. Bull Run, Battle of, 322. Burgoyne, Sir John, 84; death of, 608. Burmese war, 160. Busserutgunge, Battle of, 223, 224. Butt, Mr. Isaac, and Home Rule, 606. Cable, the Atlantic, Laying of, 406–408. Cairns, Sir Hugh, on Parliamentary Reform, 291, 448, 450; Lord Chancellor, 466. Calcutta, Opinions at, respecting the mutiny, 210; cyclone in, 352. Calpee, Battle of, 274. Cambridge, Duke of, at Inkermann, 68, 70. Cameron, Consul, in Abyssinia, 479, 481. Campbell, Sir Colin, in the Crimea, 58, 59; commands Indian army, 246; prepares to relieve Lucknow, 251; at Cawnpore, 256; Shumshabad, 262; Bareilly, 268. Canada and the American Civil War, 362, 383; defences of Quebec and Montreal, 383; Fenian invasion, 416, 417. Canning, Lord, Governor-General of India, 210; mutiny at Dinapore, 225; his proclamation, 267; viceroy, 279; reorganises the Government, 284; rewards loyal Rajahs, 286. Canrobert, General, in Crimea, 52, 90, 113. Canton, Bombardment of, 170. Cardigan, Lord, at Balaclava, 62. Cardwell, Mr., army estimates, 545, 596. Cashmere gate blown up, 235. Caste in the Indian army, 183; abolished, 276. Cathcart, Sir George, death, 70. Cattle Plague outbreak, 371, 372. Cawnpore, Outbreak of mutiny at, 211; Nana Sahib's treachery, 213; sufferings of the garrison, 214; heroic defence, 118; assault and capture of the Malakoff, 121–125; failure of attack on the Redan, 126; fall of Sebastopol, 127; expedition to Eupatoria, 128–130; naval operations, 131; allied fleets in the Baltic, 132–134; Russian atrocities, 132; allied fleets in the Pacific, 134; campaign in Asia Minor, 136; Russian successes, 137; defence of Kars, 138–143; army in winter quarters, destruction of defences of Sebastopol, 146; armistice, 147; peace negotiations, 147–151; congress at Paris, 151–157; results of the war, 155; cost of the war, 158; the Victoria Cross distribution, 159. Cronstadt, The fortress of, 72. Crown Prince of Germany betrothed to Princess Royal, 175; in the Franco-German war, 558, 559, 563. Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, 4–6; at Sydenham, 162. Cumming, Dr., and Vatican council, 572. Customs duties, reductions, 12. Cyclone at Calcutta, 352. Czar Nicholas, Death of, 86. Dalhousie's Indian policy abandoned, 286. Danube, Turkish campaign on, 36; freedom of the, 55. Danubian Principalities, Re-organisation of, 155, 158. Deceased Wife's Sister Bill, 546, 600. Declaration of Paris on Maritime law, 156. Delhi, Outbreak of mutiny at, 190–192; mutineers converge on, 199; British march on, 203; the siege, 205–209; sorties from, 226, 227; the assault, 235–239; capture of the king, execution of the princes, 239; effect on the natives, 240; the king banished, 276. Democracy, Mr. Lowe's philippic,
enberg@html@files@61502@61502-h@61502-h-44.htm.html#Page_544" class="pginternal">544. Gungaree, Battle at, 258. Gurrakoti, Capture of, 271. Gwalior Contingent, The, 246, 255, 256; Tantia Topee at Gwalior, 275. Habeas Corpus Act suspended in Ireland, 414–416, 451, 464. Hango, Massacre at, 132. Harcourt, Vernon, on Education Bill, 539. Hardy, Gathorne, on Irish Church Bill, 500. Havelock, General, 210; at Futtehpore, 219; Cawnpore, 220, 224; Busserutgunge, 223, 224; and Outram, 246; death, 254. Helena, Princess, marriage, 411. Herbert of Lea, Lord, death, 324. Hindon, Battle on the, 203, 204. Hodson and the Guide Corps, 205; captures King of Delhi, executes princes, 239; death, 266. Hohenzollern prince proposed for Spanish throne, 549, 551, 554. Home, Lieutenant, death, 241. Home Rule, Mr. Gladstone on, 606. Hudson, George, railway king, death, 608. Hudson's Bay Company, 287. Hungary, Francis Joseph king of, 463. Hyde Park riots, 402–404; Reform meeting, 452–454. Ice catastrophe in Regent's Park, 459. Imperial, Prince, 154; at SaarbrÜck, 551. India, state of native army, 182, 183; the mutiny, 182–284; Company's rule abolished, 278; government and finances reorganised, 284; changes in the army, 284–286, 314; Dalhousie's policy abandoned, 286; finances, James Wilson's scheme, 314; prosperity, 382, 383; over-speculation, 383; Lord Cranborne on finances of, 402; Russian advance towards, 62. Lucknow, outbreak of mutiny, 188; Henry Lawrence at, 192, 199, 200, 217; Residency besieged, 218; Havelock's first attempt to relieve, 219–224; defending the Residency, 242–244; sufferings of the garrison, 245; the relieving forces, 246–250; Campbell's force, 251; fighting in the city, 252–254; Residency evacuated, 254; recapture, 265–267. Luxembourg question, 460–462. Lyons, Admiral, and Kertch expedition, 100. Lyons, Captain, Death of, 107. Lytton, Bulwer, on Chinese war, 171. Mackonochie ritual case, 475. MacMahon, Marshal, 556, 559, 563–566. Magee, Dr., opposes Irish Church Bill, 502. Magenta, Battle of, 300. Malakoff, Preparations to attack, 105–107; Todleben's defences, 106; the attack, 108; description of, 124; capture, 125. Malmesbury, Lord, 514. Malt tax debates, 363. Malwa, Campaign in, 259, 260. Mamelon, Capture of, 103. Manteuffel, General, 588, 589. Maori war, 351, 383. Maritime law, Paris Declaration on, 156. Maronite Christians, Massacre of, 315, 316. Marriage of Prince of Wales, 358. Married Women's Property Act, 543. Martial law legally defined, 390. Mary of Cambridge, Princess, marriage, 411. Match tax, 599. Maximilian in Mexico, 342, 361, 460. Maynooth Grant, Regium Donum, 470, 499. Mazzini and his plots, 604. Pius IX., establishes Roman Catholic sees in Britain, 2; summons General Council, 571; refuses Victor Emmanuel's terms, 578. (See Papal Aggression.) PlÉbiscites, Napoleon's two, 550, 551. Plowden, Consul, 476; death, 478. Plumridge, Admiral, in the Baltic, 72. Poland, Revolution in, 339; debate on, 378. Pollock, Sir Frederick, death, 547. Pope's encyclical, The, 379. Portsmouth, French fleet at, 380. Prague, Treaty of, 429, 430. Preston strike, 161, 162. Prim, Marshal, 492, 552; assassinated, 578. Princes of Delhi executed, 239. Princess Royal, betrothal, 175; dowry, 176. Probate, New Court of, 176. Property Qualification Bill, 287. Prussia summoned to Paris Congress, 154; Schleswig-Holstein dispute, 353–361; and Austria, 418; alliance with Italy, 419, 420; preparing for war, 420; Congress proposed, 423; war declared, 424; the campaign, 425–428; peace, 429; secret treaties, 431. (See Franco-German War.) Prussia, King of, and Hohenzollern candidature, 549; interview with Napoleon, 566; becomes German Emperor, 594. Punjab, Suppressing mutiny in, 196, 206. Purchase, Army, Bill to abolish, 595, 596; abolished by Royal warrant, 598. Puttiala, Battle at, 258. Raglan, Lord, in the Crimean war, 34; Alma, 46; Inkermann, 68, 7. Rajahs, Indian, loyalty during mutiny, 194–196, 198, 224; rewards, 278. Rassam, Mr., in Abyssinia, 480, 551; Isabella abdicates, Duke of Aosta accepts the crown, Prim assassinated, 578. Speke, Captain, Death of, 342. Spicheren, Battle of, 560. Stanley, Lord, 394, 396, 471. Stansfeld and Mazzini, 344, 345. St. Arnaud, Marshal, death, character, 52. Star of India, Order of the, 327. Staveley, Sir Charles, Abyssinian war, 485. Steinmetz, German General, 561, 562. Storm in Black Sea, Terrible, 74. Strasburg, Siege of, 560; fall, 582. Stratford de Redcliffe, 14, 16, 18, 20, 27. Strikes, Preston, 161, 162; tailors', etc., 459. Subzee Mundi, Capture of, 209. Succession duty, The, 12. Suez Canal, Palmerston opposes, 169. Sultan of Turkey visits England, 460. Summer palace at Pekin destroyed, 318. Sumner, Archbishop, death, 475. Sumter, Fort, Capture of, 321. Sveaborg, fortress, 72; bombarded, 133, 134. Syria, Massacres in, 315, 316. Taganrog, Destruction of stores at, 202. Tailors, Strike of, 459. Tait, Archbishop, Irish Church Bill, 505. Taku forts captured, 317. Tantia Topee, at Jhansi, 272; defeated, 273; captured, 282–284. Taxation, Remissions of, 507, 503. Tchernaya, 99, 115, 116; battle of, 116–118. Tea, Reduction of duty on, 338. Tea Room Cabal, 442. Telegraph Cable, Atlantic, 408. Telegraphs purchased by the State, 471. Ten Minutes Bill, The, 434. Thames Embankment, 600. Thanksgiving, The National, 602. Theodore, King of Abyssinia, 463, PRINTED BY CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, LA BELLE SAUVAGE, LONDON, E.C. Transcriber Notes: P. 70. 'the Okhutsk" changed to 'the Okhotsk'. P. 80. Fixed missing letters in word 'continuously'. P. 85. 'while yet dark, General Bosquet', placed comma instead of full-stop (period). P. 386. 'heat o the struggle', changed 'o' to 'of'. P. 574. 'Cardinel' changed to 'Cardinal'. Fixed various punctuation. Index: P. 612. Sicily, in, 305-309, added "Sicily". P. 612. 'Prussia, King of, added page #594. P. 612. Between "Short' and 'Sicily', taken out missing information in Index. P. 612. Ragland, Lord in the Crimean war, added page '34'. |