"pginternal">92; battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras, 94; battle of Waterloo, 98-102; banished to St. Helena, death, 104. Burdett, Sir Francis, presents a Catholic petition, 251; his motion on Catholic emancipation, 270; attack on Wellington, 308. Burghs, Scottish, Reforms of, 146. Burns, Robert, 185. Butt, Mr., opposes O'Connell's Repeal motion, 525. Cabul, Retreat from, 495; sack of, 503. Calculating machines, Babbage's, 431. Canada, Invasion of, by United States, 35, 105-110; disaffection in, 396-400; rebellion in Lower, 445-448. Canals, Construction of, temp. George III., 190, 191. Canning, Mr., on Catholic Emancipation, 223; becomes Foreign Secretary, 230; and the Spanish colonies, 236; Prime Minister, 257; death, 260. Capital Punishment, Parliamentary inquiry, 145; abolition of for various offences, 426. Captives, English, Rescue of, by Sale, 502. Carlowitz bombarded, 578. Caroline, Capture of the, 446. Caroline, Queen, 205; arrival in England, 206; charges against, 207; inquiry ordered, 208; Brougham's defence, 211; claims to be crowned, 214, 215; illness and death, 216; funeral procession, 217, 218. Cash payments, Resumption of, 143; and currency troubles, 237. Castlereagh's Coercion Bill, 25. Catholic Association, 248-251; effect on the elections, 252; as a military organisation, 283. Catholic Emancipation, 12, 248, 251; Grattan's motions, 146, 166; efforts for, temp. George III., 165; Canning on, 223, 252; Anglesey on, 307, 308, 310. Doyle, Dr., and Catholic Emancipation, 303. Dramatists, temp. George III., 179-182; temp. William IV., 439. Dresden, Buonaparte meets his vassal monarchs at, 40. Dress and fashion, temp. George III., 203; temp. William IV., 442. Drought, The, of 1826, 244. Drummond, Mr., Assassination of, 506. Dublin Custom House, Burning of, 376. Dublin, Queen's visit to, 572. Duffy, Gavan, Trial of, 570. Dukes, Royal, Marriages of, 136. Durham, Lord, mission to Canada, 447. Earthquake at Jelalabad, The, 499. Eastern question, 476. Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Establishment of, 408. Education, Charitable bequests on behalf of, 158; Brougham's speech on, 205; national (Ireland), 356, 359; temp. William IV., statistics, 424; effect on crime, 427; Government scheme for, 463. Egypt, Affairs in, 475. Elba, Buonaparte at, 83, 84; escapes from, 87. Eldon, Lord, on Marriage Act, 226; on O'Connell, 270; on Clare election, 275; interview with George IV. on Catholic question, 299. Ellenborough, Lord, Governor-General of India, the Somnauth proclamation, 504; annexes Scinde, 591; and Gwalior, 594; recalled, 595. Elliott, Ebenezer, and Corn Laws, 483. Emancipation Bill, Catholic, Peel introduces, 295. (See Catholic Emancipation.) Emaum-Ghur, Destruction of the fortress of, 591. Emigration to America, 245. Encumbered Estates Act (Ireland), 570. Engineering, temp. George III., 188-195. England, Municipal relief in, 387-389. Engraving, temp. George III., 202. Episcopalians, Scottish, Relief of, 168. Etruria, Queen of, Buonaparte's treatment of, 21. Exmouth, Lord, bombards Algiers, 122. Expenditure, royal, Debate on, 142. Exports, temp. William IV., 418. Factories, Employment of children in, 202; temp. William IV., 439, 440. Manufactures, temp. George III., 196-198; prosperous state of, 237; temp. William IV., 418. Manufacturing districts, Depression in, 147. Maria Louisa, of Austria, marries Buonaparte, 3; appointed regent, 64, 76; flies from Paris, 81. Marmont in the Peninsular campaign, 26. Marriage laws, Reforms in, 225; and Dissenters, 382; Act, 409. Marriage of Queen Victoria, 471. Massacre, The Peterloo, 151, 152. Massena in the Peninsular Campaign, 12-16. Mathematical Science, temp. William IV., 430. Mathew, Father, and temperance reform in Ireland, 526; and the Irish famine, 537, 546. Maynooth Grant, The, for educating Roman Catholic priests, 524. Mazzini and Italian revolution, 582; one of the triumvirate, 583. Meeanee, Battle of, 592. Meerpoor, Capture of, 592. Melbourne, Lord, Prime Minister, 373, 386, 444; and Queen Victoria, 478. Messina bombarded, 583. Metropolitan police, Establishment of, 323. Metternich, Prince, and Buonaparte, 67; and Austrian revolution, 578. Milan, Revolutionary fighting in, 582; Radetzky captures, 585. Ministry, The Reform, 323. (See Reform Bill.) Miscellaneous writers and literature, temp. George III., 178; temp. William IV., 435. Monster meetings, O'Connell's, 526, 530. Moodkee, Battle of, 597. Moolraj, Defeat of, 60. Mooltan, Capture of, 601. Mortality during Irish famine, 541. Moscow, Russians evacuate, 46; burning of, 47; French retreat from, 48-54. Mulgrave, Lord, Viceroy of Ireland, 395. Municipal reform, 387-389; corporations, inquiry commission, 388; in Ireland, Periodical literature, temp. George III., 179; temp. William IV., 435. Peterloo massacre, 151; debates, 152. Petition, The Chartist, 558. Picton, Sir Thomas, Death of, at Waterloo, 99. Pindarrees, The, and the Mahratta wars, 138-141. Pius IX., Pope, as reformer, 582; his reforms, flight, 583; restored by the Catholic powers, 587. Plays and dramatists, temp. George III., 180; temp. William IV., 439. Poets, temp. George III., 181-187; temp. William IV., 435. Poland, Buonaparte promises to restore the kingdom of, 40; enthusiasm of the Poles, 42. Police, Metropolitan, Establishment of, 323. Political parties, Changes in, 359. Political Register, Cobbett's, and the Reform Bill, 121. Political Union, The Birmingham, 327. Poniatowski, Fate of, 71. Poor, Irish, Relief of the, 403; inquiry into state of, 404; Bill for, 414. Poor Law abuses, 361-363; reform, 364-366; Irish, Bill, 448. Poor Law Act, Operation of the, 410. Population, Agricultural, State of, temp. George III., 158. Population, Increase of, in the United Kingdom, 416. Portugal, Revolution in, 306, 412, 549. Portuguese expedition, 255. Postage, Penny, Establishment of, 464. Potato crop, signs of failure, 516, 520; precarious nature of, 536; failure of, 536, 537. (See Famine, The Irish.) Pottery, temp. George III., 195, 196. Pottinger, Eldred, 494, 495, 590. Press, Growing power of, 121; liberty of the, 128; influence on Reform Bill, 334. Prevost, Sir George, an incompetent commander, 105, 107, 108. Printing and allied arts, Improvements in, 198. Privileges of the House of Commons, 451-452; Melbourne Ministry resign, 459; the Bedchamber question, 461; disloyalty of the Tories, loyalty of O'Connell, 466; approaching marriage announced, 467; Bill for naturalising Prince Albert, debate, 467, 468; Prince Albert's income, 468; the marriage, 471; attempts on the Queen's life, 471, 490, 491; letter to the French queen on the Spanish marriages, 548; visit to Ireland, 571-573. Vienna, Congress at, 87, 117; the bombardment of, 579. Villiers, Mr., motions on the Corn Laws, 479, 484, 511, 523. Vittoria, Battle of, 58. Wales, Princess of, regent, 9. Washington, U.S., captured by British, 110. Waterloo, Field of, 96; battle of, 98-102. Wealth of the nation temp. George III., 157; temp. William IV., 418. Wedgwood, Josiah, and improvements in pottery, 196. Wellesley, Marquis of, Viceroy of Ireland, 222, 246. Wellington, Duke of, Peninsular campaign, 12-75; prepares for Buonaparte, 98; battle of Waterloo, 98-102; plenipotentiary at Verona congress, 231-236; Prime Minister, 262; on the Catholic question, 281; duel with Earl of Winchilsea, 300; financial reforms, 309; declares against Parliamentary Reform, 320, 321; his Ministry defeated, 324; on the state of Ireland, 527; his testimony to Peel's character, 608. West Indies, Abolition of slavery in, 366-368; and sugar duties, 512. Wetherell, Sir Charles, and the Bristol rioters, 340, 341. William III., his statue blown up, 396. William IV., Accession, 312; popularity, 312, 314; question of regency, PRINTED BY CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, LA BELLE SAUVAGE, LONDON, E.C. Transcriber Notes: P.79. 'Lichstenstein' changed to 'Liechtenstein' P.107. 'Ooracoke' changed to 'Ocracoke'. P.610. 'Neaoplitans' in index of Garibaldi changed to 'Neapolitans'. Fixed various punctuation. |