b1">the army of England, 490, 498; the Georges conspiracy, 496-7; kidnaps Duke d'Enghien, 498; coronation, 499; invades Germany, 504; Austrians capitulate at Ulm, 505; cedes Hanover to Prussia, 507; alleged plan to assassinate, 516; provides thrones for brothers, sisters, and generals, 524; Auerstadt and Jena, 526; the Berlin decrees, 527; attempts to dupe Kosciusko, 529; in collision with the Russians, 530; intrigues with Turkey, 536; designs on Danish fleet, 539; continental campaign, 542-545; repulse at Eylau, 543; treaty of Tilsit, spoliation of Prussia, 544, 545; designs on Spain and Portugal, excludes British trade from the Continent, 546, 547; subjugates Portugal, 547, 548; Italy, Papal territories, 549; Spain, 550; prepares for a new campaign in Spain, 565; plottings against, in Germany, 565, 566; proposes to divorce Josephine, 566; captures Madrid, 567; projects with regard to Spain, 573; war with Austria, 587; captures Vienna, 588; defeated at Aspern, 589; defeats Austria at Wagram, 590, 591; treaty of SchÖnbrunn, 590; crushes Tyrolese rebellion, 591, 593; betrays the Poles, 593; and the Italians, deposes Pope Pius VII., 594; anxiety concerning Spain, 600. Burdett, Sir Francis, Motion for Parliamentary reform, 572; on reporting parliamentary proceedings, 595; riots in Piccadilly, 596, 597; is committed to the Tower, 597; release of, 599. Burgoyne at Ticonderoga, 240; Bemus's Heights, 242; surrenders, 244. Burke, Edmund, 188; defends East India Company, 207; on the American colonies, 375; massacre of French Royalists in, 431. Dominica, Capture of, by British, 170; retaken by the French, 258. Dramatists of 18th century, 151, 152. Duckworth, Sir John, naval engagement off St. Domingo, 522; at Constantinople, 537, 538. Duncan, Admiral, at Camperdown, 458. East India Company's affairs in Parliament, 207, 302-304; charter renewed, 416. Economic reforms, Agitation for, 262-264, 290, 291. Egypt, Departure of French fleet for, 465; capture of Alexandria, 466; capitulation of French in, 483; fruitless British expedition to, 538. Elliot, General, defends Gibraltar, 294. Emmett, Robert, rebellion, execution, 490. Enghien, Duke d', murder of, 498. Erskine on Catholic emancipation, 534. Eugene, Prince, 2, 6, 13. Excise duties, 62, 63, 315. Falkland Islands, 202, 203. Family compact, The, 171. Finisterre, Cape, naval battle off, 509. Fitzgerald, Lord, and the Irish Rebellion, 460, 462; arrest and death of, 463. Fitzherbert, Mrs., 338, 346, 441. Flanders, Campaign in, 90, 111, 112; treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 114. Fleet marriages, 115. Flood's agitation, 290, 371. Fontainebleau, Peace of, 175; treaty of, 547. Fontenoy, Battle of, 90, 91. Fortification of Plymouth and Portsmouth, Bill for, 314. 'Forty-five, The Rebellion of, 92; end of rebellion, 107; trials of the rebels, 109. Fox, Charles James, censures on American war, 222; attacks Lord North's ministry, 261, 178; destruction of French power in, 178; abuses in, Parliamentary inquiry, 207; narrative of affairs in, 316; Bengal, Orissa, and Bahar granted to East India Company, 318; Clive's reforms, 319; rise of Hyder Ali, 320; inquiry into Company's affairs, 322; famine in Bengal, 322, 323; Lord North's Regulating Acts, administration of Warren Hastings, 323; Rohilla war, 325; Mahratta war, 328, 329; Sir Eyre Coote defeats Hyder Ali, capture of Dutch possessions, Tippoo Sahib, 331, 332; death of Hyder Ali, 332; Hastings recalled to England, 335; war with Tippoo Sahib, 375; Lord Cornwallis ends the war, 394, 395; the Company's charter renewed, 416; Pondicherry taken from the French, 422; Mahratta war, 491-494; Sir Arthur Wellesley, battle of Assaye, 491; successes of General Lake, 491, 513; Battle of Laswaree, chase of Argaum, 493; fresh acquisitions of territory, 494; Lord Lake ends Mahratta war, 513, 515. See Hastings, Warren. India Bill, Fox's, 302, 303; Pitt's, 304. Indies; East, British empire in, 166. Ionian Islands, 583. Ireland, Burke's measures for relief of, 252; commercial distress in, 259; Lord North's scheme for relief of, 262; Grattan's motions for legislative independence of, 288, 290; Flood's agitation, 290, 371; Flood's Reform Bill, 310; Pitt's proposals for relief of commercial distress, 311, 312; Grattan's motions for Reform, 372; insurrection in, 463, 464; union with Great Britain, 468, 474-476; first United Parliament, 478; rebellion in, execution of Emmett, 490. Ireland, Woollen manufactures in, 167. Irish House of Commons, 311; 418. Nelson, Lord, in Corsica, Sinking fund, Germ of, 38; Dr. Price's scheme adopted by Pitt, 314. Slavery, Abolition of, Bill for proposed, 532. Slave Trade, Agitation for abolition of, 339; petitions, and discussions in Parliament, 340; an ameliorating Bill passed, 340; further motions for abolition, 380, 381, 496, 500; further steps toward suppression of, 519; Bill to abolish, passed, 532. Smith, Sir Sidney, at Toulon, 422; at St. Jean d'Acre, 471. Society of Friends of the People, 426, 427. Sophia, Electress of Hanover, death, 18. Soult, Marshal, in Portugal, 574. South Sea Bubble, 46. See South Sea Company. South Sea Company incorporated, 46; the bubble bursts, 47; inquiry by Parliament,48; receives compensation from Spain, 114. Spain, Peace ratified with, 13; Gibraltar and Minorca confirmed to England, 14; at war with Austria, 39; England and France declare war against, 42; attempted invasion of England in favour of Pretender, 42, 43; England's contraband trade with her American colonies, 70; her alliance with France, 75; dispute about Falkland Islands, 202; attempts to capture Gibraltar, 259; peace with, 299; proclaims war against Britain, 450, 496; Buonaparte's designs on, 546, 547; Godoy, 549; capture of Spanish fortresses, 550; Buonaparte kidnaps the royal family, rioting in Madrid, 553; Joseph Buonaparte made king, 553, 554; insurrection throughout the country, 554-556; peace declared between and Britain, 554; Siege of Saragossa, 556; receives aid from Britain, 558; Buonaparte captures Madrid, 567; treaty between Great Britain and, 571. Spanish colonies, Expedition against, 522. Spanish succession, War of the, 3; Philip renounces crown of France, 8; end of war, 13. See Utrecht, treaty of. Spies, Buonaparte's, in England and Ireland, 603; retires to Busaco, defeats Massena, 604; the retreat from Coimbra, 604, 605; entrenched at Torres Vedras, 606; his policy of waiting, 607. West Indies, Acquisitions from the French in, 422; British conquests in, 451; defeats of French fleets in, 523. Westminster election, Fox and, 308, 309. "Whigs, The Public Spirit of the," 15. Wilberforce and the slave trade, 339, 372, 380, 390, 496, 500, 519, 531, 532. Wilkes, John, and the North Briton, 179, 180, 182; expelled the House, 182; returned for Middlesex, 192; fined and imprisoned, 193; expelled from Parliament, re-elected, 195, 196; sheriff of London, 205; defends Warren Hastings, 338. Wolfe, General, 128; storming of Quebec, 134, 135; death of, 136. Wolfe Tone and the Irish rebellion, 460, 462; capture and suicide of, 464. Wood's coinage, 51. Woollen manufactures in 18th century, 166. Worms, Treaty of, 86. York, Duke of, 419; invests Valenciennes and Dunkirk, 420; and Mrs. Clarke, parliamentary inquiry, 571; resigns, 572. York Town, surrender of Cornwallis at, 283. Printed by Cassell & Company, Limited, La Belle Sauvage, London, E.C. Transcriber Notes: P. xii. 'Governmen' changed to 'Government'. P. 81. 'diclosures' changed to 'disclosures'. P. 163. 'oxamples' changed to 'examples'. P. 217. 'English' added, missing word—checked another volume. P. 321. 'treat' changed to 'treaty'. P. 328. 'Coompany' changed to 'Company'. P. 368. 'massacreing' changed to 'massacring'. P. 439. 'trail' changed to 'trial'. P. 469. 'manoevures' changed to 'manoeuvres'. P. 507. 'Philipsthal' changed. to 'Philippsthal'. P. 511. 'Trinidada' changed to 'Trinidad'. P. 550. 'Pampeluna' changed to 'Pamplona'. P. 598. 'a_bitrary' 'changed to 'arbitrary'. Various: Added accent to MÉlas. Fixed various punctuation. |