
Born 1650.—Died 1722.—Charles II.—James II.—William III.—Anne.—George I.

Duke of Marlborough. This celebrated general, born in Devonshire, went to court as a page under Charles II. He married the beautiful Sarah Jennings, became attached to the Duke of York (James II.), and rose rapidly, through his great military genius. James II. created him Lord Churchill, and by basely forsaking him for William III., he was created Earl of Marlborough. In the war of the Spanish Succession (1702) Marlborough dashed from the Low Countries (Belgium) to Bavaria, and defeated the French and their allies at Donauwert, Blenheim (on the Danube, thirty-three miles from Ulm), Ramilies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, and Arleux, and in numberless smaller engagements. After the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Marlborough was created a Duke, and received from the nation a property and splendid palace near Woodstock, built by Sir John Vanbrugh, and called Blenheim. Marlborough was unhappy in his private life.


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