Born 1720.—Died 1788.—George I.—George II.—George III. This Second Pretender to the British crown was the grandson of James II. of England. He embarked in the Dentelle from the Loire month, and landed in Invernesshire, near Moidart, and soon raised 1,600 men. He entered Perth, Linlithgo, and took up his abode in Holyrood Palace. The Highlanders’ charge at Prestonpans chiefly won the engagement there, and a second at Falkirk; but at Culloden the unfortunate Pretender was obliged to see that any attempt to disturb the English throne was a vain bubble. The Duke of Cumberland, known as the Butcher, committed atrocious cruelties after the battle. Charles Edward was once saved by Flora Macdonald, and again by hiding in a cave on Mount Benalder. At length a French privateer came off the Scottish coast, and after many hairbreadth escapes, he reached France in safety. Lords Kilmarnock, Balmerino, and Lovat were executed for their share in this rebellion of ’45. He died at Rome in 1788.