- A.
- Angle, to bisect, 16
- ——, to construct, equal to a given angle, 17
- ——, to draw a line making a given, 15
- —— of light in mechanical drawings, 48
- —— —— in topographical drawings, 54
- Arch, Gothic, equilateral, to draw, 23
- ——, —— lancet, to draw, 24
- ——, —— obtuse, to draw, 24
- ——, —— ogee, to draw, 25
- ——, —— Tudor, to draw, 24
- ——, Moorish horse-shoe, to draw, 24
- ——, semi-elliptical, to construct, 23
- Architectural drawings, 121
- Arcs, centres of, to be marked, 10
- Areas to triangles, to compute, 142
- B.
- Bisecting an angle, 16
- Blacklead paper, 8
- Book of reference, 97, 101
- Books for field sketching, 115
- Borders and corners, 69
- Borings, 104
- Bottle indiarubber, 9
- Boundary maps, 104
- Bows, 2
- ——, spring, 2
- Broken lines, 30
- Brushes for tinting, 41
- Buildings—plans, sections, and elevations, position of, on drawing, 125
- C.
- Carbonic paper, 8
- Cartridge paper, 6
- Centre lines, 10
- —— ——, care to be taken in placing correctly, 10
- Centre of circle, to find the, 18
- Centres of arcs to be marked, 10
- Cinquefoil, Gothic, to draw, 26
- Circle, to describe, through three given points, 17
- ——, to draw a tangent to, 17
- ——, to draw radii of, the centre being inaccessible, 18
- ——, to find the centre of, 18
- Circles, concentric drawing, 10
- Cities, to represent size of, 112
- Civil engineers’ plans, 96
- Cleaning drawing pen, 3
- Cleaning off drawings, 9
- Cleanliness, importance of, 9
- ——, precautions to be taken to ensure, 9
- Cloth, tracing, 7
- ——, ——, Sager’s vellum, 7
- ——, ——, sizes of, 7
- Colour for buildings, 47
- —— for cultivated land, 47
- —— for fences, 47
- —— for grass-land, 45
- —— for gravel, 46
- —— for marsh, 45
- —— for mud, 46
- —— for roads, 9
- Indiarubber, native or bottle, 9
- ——, vulcanized, 9
- Ink for drawings, 8
- ——, Indian, 8
- ——, preparation of, 9
- ——, quality of, 9
- —— lines, erasure of, 11
- —— ——, to avoid smearing, 10
- —— slab or saucer, position of, when in use, 10
- Inking in to commence at top of the drawing, 10
- Instruments, 2
- ——, quality of, 2
- Islands, 110
- J.
- Joining sheets of paper, 12, 13
- Jungle, 112
- L.
- Lakes, outline of, 30
- Lancet arch, to draw, 24
- Land, cultivated, to represent, 32
- ——, uncultivated, to represent, 37
- Lead-pencil marks, erasure of, 9
- Lettering, 66, 122
- ——, position of, on plans and maps, 69
- Letters, arrangement of, in titles, &c., 68
- ——, kinds to employ, 67
- ——, mechanical construction of, 66
- ——, size of, 67
- Level-book, example of, 94
- Line, dividing into equal parts, 10
- ——, regular pentagon on a given, 20
- ——, to bisect a given straight, 15
- ——, to construct a square on a given, 19
- ——, to divide a, into equal parts, 15
- ——, to draw a, making a given angle, 15
- ——, to erect a perpendicular to, 15
- Lines, drawing, 10
- ——, broken, 30
- ——, centre, 10, 122
- ——, combinations of, 31
- ——, curved, to draw, 29
- ——, curved and straight, 27
- ——, contour, 37
- ——, dotted, 31
- ——, ink, to avoid smearing, 10
- ——, parallel and equidistant, to draw, 28
- ——, reference, 78
- ——, section, 29
- ——, ——, to draw, 28
- ——, shade, application of, 48
- ——, shading, 50
- ——, ——, in topographical drawings, 52
- ——, straight, difficulties in ruling, 27
- ——, ——, to draw, 27
- ——, wavy, 33
- —— of greatest descent, 57
- —— of uneven thickness, 57
- —— ——, standard, 53
- —— ——, United States’, 59
- Sectional drawing paper, 8
- Section lines, 29
- —— of water, to represent, 30
- Sections, colours for, 44
- ——, cross, 98, 102
- ——, parliamentary, 101
- ——, railway, 102
- ——, to plot, from contour map, 96
- ——, working, 94, 103
- —— of wood, 32
- ——, vertical, to plot, 92
- Semi-elliptical arch, to construct, 23
- Setting drawing pen, 3
- Shade lines, application of, 48
- —— ——, cylindrical surfaces, 50
- Shading, 48
- —— cylinders, various methods, 64
- —— hills, horizontal system, 53
- —— ——, vertical system, 57
- —— ——, rounding curves, 55
- —— lines, 50
- —— ——, cylindrical surfaces, 51
- —— —— in topographical drawings, 52
- —— in colours, 63
- —— ——, cylindrical surfaces, 64
- —— ——, hill slopes, 63
- Sides of triangles, to compute, 142
- Sizes of drawing papers, 5
- —— of tracing cloth, 7
- —— of tracing paper, 7
- Sketches, rough, of machinery, 121
- Sketching, field, 114
- Skylights unsuitable for drawing office, 1
- Sounded points, to plot, 90
- Specifications for letters patent, drawings for, 8
- Spring bows, 2
- Springs, 112
- Square, to construct, equal to 1?2, 1?4, &c., of a given square, 19
- ——, to construct, in any proportion to a given square, 20
- ——, to construct, on a given line, 19
- ——, to construct, which shall be a multiple of a given square, 19
- Standing orders of Parliament, 98
- —— water, to represent, 29
- Stations, railway, 112
- ——, telegraph, 112
- Straight-edge, thickness of, 5
- Straight line, to bisect a, 15
- —— lines, difficulties in ruling, 27
- —— ——, to draw, 27
- —— and curved lines, 27
- Stretchers, mounting paper on, 13
- ——, preparation of, 13
- Stretching paper for drawing, THE END.