fancy line PART I.—THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS. | Section I.—The Drawing Office and its Furnishings. | PAGE | | The Drawing Office | 1 | Instruments | 2 | Materials | 5 | Precautions and Remarks | 9 | Section II.—Geometrical Problems. | 15 | Section III.—Lines, Dots, and their Combinations. | | Straight and Curved Lines | 27 | Lines of uneven thickness | 30 | The Broken Line | 30 | The Dotted Line | 31 | Combinations of Straight, Broken, and Dotted Lines | 31 | The Wavy Line | 33 | Grass-land | 34 | Swamps and Marshy Ground | 35 | Sand and Gravel | 35 | Woodland | 36 | Uncultivated Land | 37 | Contour Lines | 37 | Section IV.—Colours. | | Flat-tints | 40 | Conventional Colours | 44 | Water | 45 | Grass-land | 45 | Marsh | 45 | Sand and Gravel | 46 | Mud | 46 | Woodland | 46 | Cultivated Land | 47 | Uncultivated Land | 47 | Buildings | 47 | Roads and Streets | 47 | Fences | 47 | Section V.—Shading. | | Application of Shade Lines | 48 | Cylindrical Surfaces | 50 | Shading Lines | 50 | Shading Lines on Cylindrical Surfaces | 51 | Shading Lines in Topographical Drawings | 52 | The Vertical System of Shading | 57 | Shading in Colours | 63 | Hill Slopes | 63 | Cylindrical Surfaces in Mechanical Drawings | 64 |
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